Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Blaðsíða 3
Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15. maí 2007 • 3 This column will return next issue. News from Iceland Nova Scotia AGM features speakers from Scotian Homes MIDDLE MUSQUODO- BOIT, NS — Representatives from the award-winning com- pany Scotian Homes, which has built homes in Iceland, were guest speakers at the annual general meeting of the Icelan- dic Memorial Society of Nova Scotia on April 15. The meet- ing was held at the Department of Natural Resources Education Centre, Middle Musquodoboit. At the business meeting the following members were re- elected to form the Executive: Chair, Dolly Belmore; Vice- Chair, Glenda Burrows; Secre- tary, J. Marshall Burgess; Trea- surer, Beverly Redden; Member at Large, Wayne Scott. Marshall Burgess intro- duced the guest speakers: Su- zanne Bona, President of Sco- tian Homes and Enfi eld Home Hardware; and Steven Bouman, Sales and International Market- ing Manager, Scotian Homes. On 25 June 2006, the Chronicle Herald had a cover story in its business section on Suzanne Bona (“A Bona fi de overachiever”). Her fam- ily (Bob Bona) took over the Enfi eld Hardware in 1983. Su- zanne, who graduated from St. Francis Xavier University, took over as President in 2005. Scotian Homes has won many awards for the homes it has built. In 2005 it was named the 2005 Nova Scotia Home Builders Association Builder of the Year. In November 2006, Suzanne was one of 18 women given a Women of Excellence Award in the Management and Professions category. For the past 10 years, Sco- tian Homes International has been involved in building homes in Iceland. To date over 30 homes have been built. Last September special celebrations were held on the completion of one of Scotian Homes’ proj- ects. Canada’s new Ambassa- dor in Iceland, Anne Blauveldt, attended. Their “Super E” certi- fi cation was issued. Traust Hús is their partner in Iceland. Suzanne and Steven showed a slide presentation of their lat- est project and described the experiences of the 12 employ- ees that were sent over to work on the project. Scotian Homes has had a positive experience in the home building business in Iceland. The Society thanked Suzanne and Steven for sharing their ex- perience. PHOTO COURTESY OF MARSHALL BURGESS From left: Glenda Burrows, Steven Bouman, Suzanne Bona, Dolly Belmore, Marshall Burgess. Correction In the April 1 issue of Lögberg-Heimskringla, do- nors to the Future Fund Capi- tal Campaign were listed. One donation was listed in- correctly. Under the Friend cat- egory (up to $499), the fol- lowing donation should have been listed as: Eleanor Nordal In honour of Jónína Bjarnason Vestmann We apologize for this er- ror. It has been corrected for the listing in the donor wall.



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