Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Blaðsíða 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Blaðsíða 15
 Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15. maí 2007 • 15 CROSSWORD ANSWERS Solution: J O R D A S T E R F L A P O B I E S T A V E J A V A I O T A T E P I D O V E N N E E D F U L T E L L E R S P I T A A E O N T I S A N E M A I M E D I D U N N F R I T O L A P S H E T H E R E F R E Y R H O R A C E P E A R L S T H A I M E A D C A P T O R S A C T I O N S H E A L T A U N T A R E A E R I E H A N O I N E B N W O R D S C O R N T O E D Subscribe now to L-H — the perfect investment in your Icelandic heritage 24 issues a year! Mail Cheque or Money Order to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. 100-283 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B5 Canada Tel: (204) 284-5686 Fax: (204) 284-7099 Toll-free: 1-866-564-2374 (1-866-LOGBERG) Name Address City/Town Prov/State E-mail Post/ZIP Code Phone Fax Cheque Money Order MC VISA AMEX Card Number Expiration Date Phone Cardholder (payable to Lögberg-Heimskringla, Inc.) Donation in addition to subscription $ (Canada Charitable Reg. 10337 3635 RR) Canada $47.70 price includes GST Online subscription $45 CAD / $35 US Manitoba $50.85 price includes GST & PST USA $61 US An online subscription is available FREE to all print subscribers. Call or e-mail for details. International $71 US Skyr — a healthy, delicious treat The late Ron Eyolfson was a professional skyr maker, for- merly with the Arborg Creamery. Makes between 40 - 50 oz. of skyr At 8 a.m., pour out about 1 litre of water from pail into a clean container to make room for powder and starter. Stir in powder until all is dissolved, then add starter and water to 1/2 inch from the top of pail. Stir well and cover. Place in oven, leave undisturbed. At bedtime, turn oven light on. This will bring the temperature up to about 90°F and help to separate the whey from the curd. In the morning, test the curd for firm- ness and flavour. If okay, it is ready to be drained. This re- quires three ice cream pails or similar containers with cheese cloth held with clothes pegs. Before scooping curd into the cloth, cut the curd into one- inch squares with a long knife for better drainage and then scoop curd very gently to avoid breaking up curd too much for faster drainage. It takes about one day to drain before you remove from cloth to bowl and beat until smooth. I use my electric Mixmaster for that. Good luck! 1 4-litre ice cream pail of boiled water, cooled down to room tempera- ture, 72°F to 75°F is okay (thermometer can be bought at beer or wine supply store) 1 – 5 litre bag of instant skim milk powder 1 cup of fresh buttermilk, for use as a culture (starter) Ron Eyolfson’s Skyr This recipe comes from the Cook Book published by the La- dies Aid of the First Lutheran Church, circa 1930. Rennet is used for cheese making. You can check health or natural food stores for availability. 1. Take 4 quarts of milk and bring to the boiling point. Cool until lukewarm. 2. Stir 2 tbsp. skyr into 1/2 cup milk. If skyr is unavailable use the recipe for þétti (starter). Stir this into the lukewarm milk. 3. Add 12 drops of liquid rennet, stir well. Set aside in a warm place for about 24 hours. 4. Drain off liquid through cheesecloth. Remove cloth, put in a bowl; beat well. Chill. Serve with cream and sugar if desired. Mrs. J. K. Johnson’s Skyr Þétti Beat together 2 eggs (well beaten), 1/2 cup sour cream and 1 tbsp. sugar. PHOTO: KRISTIN OLAFSON-JENKYNS Skyr is delicious when served plain, with cream, with sugar, or — best of all — strewn with fresh berries. This recipe is definitely easy to prepare. About buttermilk — from one of my favourite reference books, The Joy of Cook- ing — “Today it is usually made from pasteurized skim milk. A culture is added to develop flavour and to produce a heavier consistency....” 1. Make the night before at bedtime. Pour buttermilk into the baking dish. Cover and place in a preheated 325°F oven. Bake for 30 minutes. Shut oven off. 2. Leave dish in oven overnight, for at least 12 hours, after which the whey should be visibly separated from the curd. 3. Line a colander with cheese cloth or a new J-cloth and place the colander into another container. 4. Try to separate as much of the liquid from the curds before pouring the curd into the lined colander. Let it drain for about four hours or until the curd is fairly firm. 5. Put the curd into a bowl and beat until smooth. (Add a little cream if necessary) Add sugar to taste and serve with cream and or fruit. Note: I use a large CorningWare casserole. You may of course multiply the amount of buttermilk according to your bak- ing dish. Lyla Thorarinson’s Skyr 1 quart buttermilk 1 glass baking dish with cover Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca With berry season just around the corner, now is a great time to learn to make skyr. Traditionally it is served with cream or milk and a little sugar, but it is also deli- cious even plain with fresh fruit or berries. As an added bonus, skyr is good for you! It is made from skim milk and therefore is very low in butterfat content. Protein- and calcium-rich, skyr was for centuries one of Iceland’s most important staple foods. Skyr’s creamy texture may lead you to make comparisons to yogurt or sour cream, but it is a smooth curd that is classified as a cheese. It has a unique flavour and I would encourage experiment- ing with skyr as it can lend itself wonderfully to many recipes. For example, I have made fruit dips, cheesecakes and even tzatziki with great results. Verði ykkur að góðu. Contact Kristin at postmaster@coastline-publish- ing.com. To get information on her Culinary Saga of New Ice- land visit www.coastline-pub- lishing.com. Kristin’s Kitchen Kristin Olafson-Jenkyns Dundas, ON Calendar of Events



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