Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Blaðsíða 6

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 15.05.2007, Blaðsíða 6
Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca 6 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • 15 May 2007 KELOWNA DIANNE SIGVALDASON 1-800-663-5770 diannes@remax.net A COMMUNITY-FOCUSED CREDIT UNION COMMITTED TO CREATING VALUE FOR OUR MEMBERSHIP 34 Centre Street, Gimli 642-6450 23 Stitt Street, Winnipeg Beach 389-2550 Flo Holigroski The most important wom-en in my mother’s life were the “Ladies Aid Eining” members of the Feder- ated Church. They worked to- gether for the good of the com- munity at large and held special events for elderly Icelanders in the area. On Ladies Aid meeting days, my brothers, sisters and I would run home as fast as we could from the school just across the street to taste Icelan- dic delicacies. I suspect that the ladies brought extras when the meetings were at the Sigurdson house because Mom had five young children. These were ro- settes with whipped cream and real strawberry jam as well as pönnukökur rolled up with a sprinkling of brown sugar. The group was not par- ticularly large. Members at the time I remember were Bogga Sigurdson, Helga Johannson, Rannveig Gudmundson, Bjorg Bjornson, Asta Sigurdson, her sister Ranka Magnusson, Ranka Erickson, her mother Gudbjorg Sigurdson, Bjorg Caldwell and my mom, Magga Sigurdson. Some earlier members included Mekkin Gudmundson, Helga Stinson and Gudrun Eyolfson, whose granddaughter travelled with me to Iceland in 2005. Many came from Vopnafjörður in Iceland, an area that was heavily covered with volcanic ash from the Mount Esja erup- tion in 1875. I had no idea how impor- tant the granddaughters of these women would become to me in recent years. For years I lived as a pseudo-Icelander, my life largely dominated by the Ukrainian culture of my hus- band’s family. When I retired, my husband and I started doing research at the archives and that quest led me to old newspapers, articles, books about Icelanders and Icelandic subjects. After Mom died, I contin- ued to subscribe to Lögberg- Heimskringla, the Icelandic newspaper published here in Manitoba since the time of the first settlers. My cousin said, “You should write an article about our family reunion and Century Farm celebrations for the paper.” In the year 2000, I attended a performance of the Icelandic Symphony with my son. To my great surprise, sitting in the same row at the Concert Hall was my childhood friend, Lillian Bjarnason... by then MacPherson. She was the granddaughter of John and Helga Johannson, second cous- ins and dear friends of Amma and Afi Sigurdson. It was the first time I had seen her since the 1950s. Shortly after that chance meet- ing, she was conscripted to fill in for a six-month term as editor of the Icelandic paper. That term stretched to more than three years, during which time she made significant con- tributions to the newspaper. We became friends again. I attended Icelandic functions, such as Bondadagurinn (Farm- ers’ Day) in Lundar, with her, and the luncheon announcing the selection of the Fjallkona, Maid of the Mountain, for Íslendingadagurinn. I needed to take pictures at these events for the newspaper and was helped by a grand- daughter of yet another Ladies Aid Eining member, Linda Sigurdson Collette. Some time after that day I was invited to join a group of ladies for lun- cheons. We have continued to meet regularly. My friend Lillian published a short piece about the asso- ciation of her only grandson, Solmund, with little Icelandic boys at his school in central Winnipeg. Most of them are “pseudo-Icelanders” disguised by names like Slobodian, An- tenbring and MacPherson. While referring to them as “Kinder-Vikings,” she went on to explain the chance meetings of Icelandic connections. My own grandsons, (surname Wit- herden), have since discovered several Icelandic children in their classrooms. We ladies call ourselves Vi- king Ammas. In 2005 we lost our dear friend Lillian to the great beyond. She inspired us to celebrate our heritage, spend time with our “Kinder Vi- kings” (grandchildren) and live our lives with authenticity and kindness. Until we meet again, we will miss her. WINNIPEG, MB — Sand- wiched in between the Icelan- dic National League Conven- tion’s afternoon program and official opening ceremonies, and following hard on the heels of its morning presentation at the convention, Landsbanki officially opened its Winnipeg office on April 27. A packed reception followed at the Fair- mont Hotel. The actual branch will be located on the 15th floor of the Richardson Building, at Winni- peg’s famous Portage and Main intersection, and will handle investments, not personal bank accounts. At the Fairmont reception, Landsbanki CEO Björgólfur Guðmundsson spoke on the close ties between Iceland and Manitoba, but emphasized that that relationship could be based on more than history. “This is a new beginning, where people in Manitoba and Iceland can engage in exciting business re- lationships,” he said. It was an opportunity to look to the future, he said, and added that he hoped in Manitoba that Landsbanki, like the Icelandic population, though not large, “would be re- spected and highly influential.” He also announced an agreement in which Landsbanki would give support to the Snorri Program. Consul General for Iceland Atli Ásmundsson applauded Landsbanki’s initiative. “What we have been missing is more commerce and business be- tween Iceland and Manitoba,” he said. “So we are excited by the opening of the Landsbanki branch in Winnipeg. This is a great day for the Icelanders in Manitoba and it is a good day for Manitoba.” Grant Stefanson of Winnipeg law firm D’Arcy & Deacon LLP presented a gift from the firm to Landsbanki — a Manitoban work of art for the new Landsbanki office. From left: Grant Ste- fanson, Landsbanki Chairman Björgólfur Guðmundsson and Landsbanki Managing Director Ingólfur Guðmundsson. Landsbanki opens branch in Winnipeg Gimli Fish We Pack For Travel 596 Dufferin Ave • 204-589-3474 625 Pembina Hwy • 204-477-6831 Winnipeg Manitoba gimlifish@mts.net Smoked Goldeye Frozen Pickerel Golden Caviar Harðfiskur ARGYLE Transfer Ltd. Specializing in livestock transportation Wally & Linda Finnbogason Stonewall, MB Wally 467-8822 Mobile 981-1666 Daryl 322-5743 Mobile 981-5460 PHOTOS: DAVID JÓN FULLER Landsbanki Chairman Björgólfur Guðmundsson. In honour of Mother’s Day on May 13, in this is- sue we present some reflections on motherhood from the Icelandic community. Flo Holigroski writes on the multigenerational influence of a community’s women. See also W. L. Guðnason’s “My Mother’s Kitchen” on page 12. The Viking Ammas



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