Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2021, Blaðsíða 16

Reykjavík Grapevine - feb. 2021, Blaðsíða 16
! !! I H G F E D C B A Get the bigger, more detailed version of The Reykjavík Grapevine City Map at your nearest hotel or guesthouse, with selections from our Best-Of awards, vital info, downtown bus stops and a wider view of the city. " !# Downtown & Harbour District Dining 1. Plútó Pizza Hagamelur 67, 107 Reykjavík Love pizzas, but don’t think they’re quite big enough? Why not dive into an 18 inch pie from Plútó Pizza? Or, if that sounds a bit much, opt for their slice and drink deal; and when we say “slice”, we’re still talking about a quarter of a pizza here—you won’t go hungry. 2. Duck & Rose Austurstræti 14 Duck & Rose is the hip and happening place that opened across the street from Apótek last May. The new cafe serves light fare influenced by French and Italian cuisine. With neon signs and roses on the walls, the chíc cafe is certainly inspired by romance. Try the duck pizza. Their vegan rigatoni is also orgasmic. 3. Fjallkonan Hafnarstræti 1-3 N a m e d a f t e r t h e f e m a l e personification of Iceland, Fjallkonan is located smack-bang in the middle of downtown, and caters to locals and tourists alike. For the Icelandic- cuisine-curious, there is a platter of whale, lamb and puffin. For those who are just looking for a great selection of fresh meat, fish and vegetarian options, Fjallkonan does these well, also. The veggie burger, double- cooked fries, and beetroot and feta dish come highly recommended. 4. Valdís Grandagar!ur 21 & Frakkastígur 10 This beloved ice cream parlour— which has a Grandi and downtown location—makes everything in- house each morning, and you can tell. If you like liquorice, try Tyrkisk Peber. While it looks like liquid cement, it tastes heavenly. The spot doesn’t have a large seating area, so take your cone on a stroll along the harbourside or enjoy it in a parked car, Icelandic style. 5. Deig Vegamótastígur 4 It ’s hard to make any promises about availability at Deig due to the bakery’s love of innovation and surprising flavours. The good news is that you’ll rarely see a misstep there as all of their stuff is amazing. Stop by, and Deig’ll fix you up with a chocolate cake cruller, crème brûlée doughnut or some other fried delight. But if you get a chance to taste their glazed, almost cakey, lemon poppy seed doughnut—leap on it like a werewolf.. 6. Osushi Tryggvagata 13 Also called “The Train”, O Sushi's most intriguing feature is a conveyor belt that runs around the entire restaurant delivering a buffet of authentic Sushi straight to your table. It's the perfect place to try new dishes on appearance alone and see if they strike your fancy. 7. Grandi Mathöll Grandagar!ur 16 Grandi Mathöll has an immediately comfortable feel, with various stools, benches and couches scattered through the space. There are nine concessions and a bustling, social feel as people meander between the vendors, who shout out names as their orders are ready. Our tip: Vegan food from Spes and fried chicken from KORE. Everyone's happy! 8. Vitabar Berg#órugata 21 This old-school burger ‘n’ beer joint is right downtown—near Sundhöllin— but feels like a real neighbourhood bar. Its unassuming exterior hides a cosy, no-frills dining room, where you’ ll mostly be surrounded by locals. For once. 9. Yuzu Hverfisgata 44 Headed up by the owners of beloved clothing store Húrra Reykjavík, Yuzu is an artisanal burger shop with an Eastern twist. Stop by for their lunch deal, which features a choice of burgers, with fries and spiced mayonnaise for 1,990 ISK. They’ve also got a kimchi chicken burger—not part of the lunch deal—which sounds deliciously intriguing. Real-talk: Yuzu’s condiments converted two previously mayo-averse Grapevine staffers. 10. Hotdog House Ingólfstorg Situated in one of two huts on Ingólfstorg, Hotdog House provides one of Iceland’s culinary staples at an affordable price, and in many different forms. Whether you’re looking for bratwurst , bacon- wrapped, or just a hot dog with everything on it, Hotdog House is a safe bet. 11. The Coocoo's Nest Grandagar!ur 23 Nestled in a refurbished fishing hut in Grandi, The Coocoo’s Nest is a cosy and airy cafe, offering California- casual brunch, lunch, and dinner, with an Italian twist. With large windows and light wood throughout, this is perfect for a lazy Saturday get- together or an afternoon ‘aperitivo’ after work. If you are in that part of town, head over for a warm-up. Drinking 12. Vínstúkan Tíú Sopar Laugavegur 27 The charming basement bar focuses on natural wines as well as wines from smaller producers and lesser- known regions. They have twelve bottles open at any one time, and the selection changes daily, so you truly never know what you’re going to get. 13. Aldamót Bar Kirkjutorg 4 Taking over the famed Klaustur place, this cosy spot is the perfect mix of classy and relaxed. It's become a favourite of our Culture Editor in the past months with socially distance- safe tables and table service. This place has got a bright and boozy future. 14. Bravó Laugavegur 22 IT'S OPEN! Yup, Bravó is your regular run-of-the-mill bar that serves decent drinks and doesn't try to be anything that it's not. The bar plays good music at a comfortable volume that allows for conversation, and provides good seating options even during late nights, when most bars have removed their tables to make room for a dancefloor. No, people at Bravó don't dance. They compare Berghain club experiences. 15. Apótek Austurstræti 16 Apótek is a spacious , upscale r e s t a u r a n t w h o s e c o c k t a i l creations have picked up a bundle of local awards. The building’s pharmacological past lives on in its name—Apótek means pharmacy— and the cocktail list, which is divided up into categories like “painkillers” or “stimulants,” exemplifies this. We’d recommend the Black Death Negroni and the Stranger Tides. 16. Mengi Ó!insgata 2 Mengi’s concert room is more white cube than dive bar. The programme encourages new collaborations and experimental performances, so even if you know and love the work of the musicians you’re seeing, you might be treated to something brand new on any given night. 17. Luna Flórens Grandagar!ur 25 Part flower-child, part spiritual and with a whole lot of whimsy thrown into the mix, this cosy and hand- crafted bar is so intimate it makes you wanna spend the day musing about geodes, lunar cycles and tarot card readings. You can do all this and more while sipping on their excellent house cocktails and an excellent slice of vegan cake. Go for an after work drink. That's when this place thrives. 18. Kaldi Bar Laugavegur 20b IT'S OPEN! Yup, a small, stylish drinking hole popular with the after-work business crowd, Kaldi is a great place The Map Strætó The o!cial Icelandic public transport app WAY THE to plan your journey VÍNSTÚKAN Wine bar & food VESTURGATARÁNARGATA BÁRUGATA ÖLDUGATA TÚNGATA TÚNGATA MARARG. SÓLVALLAGATA SÓLVALLAGATA H O LTSG ATA HÁVALLAGATA HOLTSG. ÁSVALLAGATA REYNIM ELUR VÍ!IM ELUR AR AG AT A ODDAG AT A ARSTÍG UR BRÆ !RABORG FRAMNESVEGURSELJAVEGUR ÁNANAUST GRANDAGAR!URFISKISLÓ! SU ! UR GA TA LJ ÓSV AL LA GAT A HÓLA VA LL AG . SÆ M UNDAR GAT A BIR KIM EL UR FU RUM ELU R ESPIM ELUR Æ GI SG AT A ST "R IM AN N AS TÍ GU R SU !URG AT A HRINGBRAUT FÁLKAGATA STURLUAGATA GATA M"RARGATA N"LENDUGATA Nordic House Culture Center University of Iceland National museum National library Hólavalla- gar!ur Cemetary Maritime Museum Saga Museum Aurora Reykjavik 1 2Laugavegur 60A, 101 Reykjavík C E L E G A N T P R E M I S E S I N T H E H E A R T O F R E Y K J A V I K B R E A K F A S T a n d B R U N C H L U N C H a n d D I N N E R M E N U L O C A L a n d F O R E I G N D I S H E S H A P P Y H O U R D A I LY 1 5 - 1 8 : 0 0 B A N K A S T R Æ T I 7 A - 1 0 1 R E Y K J AV Í K - T E L . 5 6 2 3 2 3 2 A E B


Reykjavík Grapevine

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