Reykjavík Grapevine - Feb 2021, Page 31

Reykjavík Grapevine - Feb 2021, Page 31
HORROR!SCOPES Makin! Love To My Chemical Romance Words: H#nn#h J#ne Cohen, Astrologer/Emo Kid The Grapevine’s team of amateur astrologists know all. How? Not only do we talk to the tarot, but we also start each morning with a cup of coffee (black) and a plethora of meme-related Facebook groups. Aries Aries, there is nothing wrong with making love to My Chemi- cal Romance. And if your partner dislikes it, well that's "not ok" and they can take their “cool old per- son rock music” and go shove it. Because what's the worst thing we can say? You’re just ~quirky~. Scare the shit out of those teenag- ers, you rawr-ing legend. Taurus Wow! 35 days and you haven’t stopped tracking your meals on MyFitnessPal! Congrats Taurus! Of all the signs, you are the only one who has kept up your body- building-macro-resolution. Now you just need to get that gym membership. Then it’s over for those other hos. Gemini Telling your new boss about the time you got a Q-Tip stuck in your ear may not have been the best avenue for a good first impres- sion, but it was definitely a good avenue for a… first impression. How to proceed? Just adopt this as your new “brand” and own it. You’re the Q-Tip guy. Cancer We didn’t want to say it, but you won’t be spending Valentine’s Day alone. The constellations assure us that there is someone in the mist in front of you. Whether it’s a serial killer or the love of your life, we don’t know for sure. Leo We didn’t want to say it, but you won’t be spending Valentine’s Day alone either, Leo. Whether that’s because you’re a serial killer or hopeless romantic, we can’t say. It all depends on whether you’d choose ‘American Pie’ or ‘Ameri- can Psycho’. Make your decision, and don't lie. Virgo Just chill. For all our sakes. And get out of my room, Mom! Libra Oh Libra, you’ve got the path laid out in front of you. That said, re- member that Frodo had a path in front of him, too, and it led him straight to Shelob. If you haven’t got a Sam to save you, consider staying in the Shire. Scorpio Almost two months into 2021 and you haven’t used your powers of manipulation on anyone but that waitress that tried to charge you for extra guacamole. But she de- served having all her childhood traumas brought up and thrown right back at her in public, right? The fact that she cried just showed her personal weakness, which you, Scorpio, obviously don’t have. Sagittarius Keep on thriving, Sagittarius. But maybe dust your room a ‘lil bit. Just saying. Capricorn Capricorn, you saucy dog. Un- link your smartwatch from your smartphone. You don’t want anybody to see those texts you’re sending… or maybe you do. Aquarius Using the first months of 2021 to rewatch ‘Lost’ is totally a good decision, Aquarius. There’s ab- solutely no way you’ll be disap- pointed again. No possible way. In fact, you’ll be HAPPY that Michael and Walt aren’t in the Church at the end. That’s a natural progres- sion of events. Pisces Stop shooting at the political par- ties headquarters with airguns, Pisces. You know who you are. It’s uncomfortable and spooky and not in a cool Unabomber way. CITY SHOT by Art Bicnick WELL, YOU ASKED Investment Idiocy Words: John Pearson You asked. We answered. You ignored. I’d love to move to Iceland! I hear that the position of US Ambassador has just become available. Any applica- tion tips, please? We at The Grapevine have zero experi- ence as career guidance counsellors. But since that doesn’t seem to matter, here goes: If you’ve never visited Ice- land in your life, that’s a good start. And if you have no previous experience of international diplomacy, so much the better. An ability to demonstrate long, inexplicable absences from work in a previous position would be help- ful, as would an aptitude for blithely mislabelling lethal pandemics using ethno-prejudiced misnomers. A de- sire to surround yourself with beefy local bodyguards and ride gangsta in a bullet-proof whip would certainly en- hance your application. Just be sure to detail your mafia boss fantasies clearly on your application form. You’ll be a shoo-in! I just got locked out of Robinhood to stop me trading Gamestop stock. What investment advice can you of- fer while I wait to get back in? Grapevine suggests going long on pork bellies. Or perhaps that should be long- ing for pork on short bellies. We’re not sure, but either way you should cover your position—and your pork belly, if you have one—against a short squeeze. Do feel free to give your own pork belly a short squeeze, though, if that causes your stock to rise. Don’t lose your shirt, don’t lose your shit and remember that Robin Hood, the first dealer in klepto- currency, robbed the poor to give to the rich. And we know all about that. Back in the mid-noughties, we put all our pocket money in Icesave. D’oh. That moment when you accidentally wear the same outfit...* Get Grapevine Merch! Don't Hesitate! Act Now! * You only need to type the URL in once 31The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 02— 2021


Reykjavík Grapevine

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