The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 78

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 78
526 POUL LARSEN Leplonia Fries. 493. L. lampropus Fries. Agaricus lampropus Fries, Syst. Myc. I, p. 203. Vallanes near Lagarfljót [P. L.]. — On sandy grass-covered spots. Cap 2—3 cm broad, convex or plano-convex, not hygrophanous, margin involute, brown with a bluish tinge (f 3). Stipe cartilaginous, hollow, glabrous, bluish violet (a 2, but more blue). Gills at flrst greyish white, then greyish red, broad, but loosely attached to the stipe. Spores angular, incarnate, 10—12X8—9 /i. 494. L. serrulata (Persoon) Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 203. Agaricus serrulatus Persoon, Synops. meth. fung. I, p. 463. Egilsstaðir [P. L.]. — In grass-covered, knolly outíields. Cap from barely 1 to 4 cm broad, plano-convex, with incurved and involute margin, later expanded, throughout the development with umbili- cate centre, surface shortly adpressed-pubescent, shining, from a deep black-violet (somewhat darker than a 1) to brown-violet (o 2); the flesh below the cuticle is a pale bluish red. Stipe cylindrical, as much as 4 cm high, 2—3 mm thick, blackish blue at top, paler below, base covered with white hairs. Gills emarginate, pale violet at first (o 4), later incar- nate, edge of gills coarsely dentate and black. Spores oblong, obtusely pentagonal, elongated to an oblique apiculus, incarnate, 10—11X7—8 //. No cystidia, the blackish blue colour of the edge of the gills being due to the coloured contents of the hyphæ. 495. L. sericella (Fries) Quélet. Agaricus sericellus Fries, Syst. Myc. I, p. 196. Vallanes, Flgilsstaöir [P. L.]. — On knolls in outfields and at roadsides. Cap 1—4 cm broad, at first convex, with incurved margin, white with a yellowish centre, with a silky, mealy-fibrous coating, then some- what orange-coloured (1 6), linely squamulose and depressed at centre. Stipe cylindrical, up to 3 nun thick, pellucid, hollow, white at iirst, then ycllowish. Gills distant, adnate and sliglitly decitrrcnt, white, then pink to incarnate. Spores incarnate, angular, almost isodiametrical, 8 — 10 X7-8 /i. Nolanea Fries. 496. N. juncea Fries. Agaricus junccus Fries, Syst. Myc. I, l> 208. Hrckka near Lagarfljót and at Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — In wet bogs among rnosses. Cap 1.5—2.5 cm broad, flatly conical, with obtuse or depressed disc, hygrophanous, pcllucidly striate, surface rough, minutely pitted and sliglitly squamulose, dark brown when moist (f 3), grey whcn dry (i 3).
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