The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Side 79
Stipe cylindrical, 6—7 cm long, 2 mm thick, cartilaginous, brown, but
covered with greyish white fibres; gills broad, distant, rather thick and
rigid, strongly rounded towards the stem, almost free, grey, then incar-
nate. Spores very variable in sliape, sometimes polygonal, sometimes
oblong and irregularly angular, drawn out below into an oblique apiculus,
9-11X8 fi.
Mijcena Fries.
497. M. avenacea Fries, sensu Schroeter, Die Pilze Schlesiens I, p. 638.
Agaricus avenaceus Fries, Systema mycologicum I, p. 150.
Seyðisfjörður [P. L.]. — On and among grassy knolls in outfields.
Cap 1—1,5 cm broad, conic-campanulate, margin pellucido-striate,
greyish brown (g 6), darker at centre. Stipe 4—5 cm long, 1—2 mm thick,
hollow, tough, shiuing, pale, finally gr-eyish yellow (k 2). Gills distant,
white, brown-rimmed. Spores ellipsoidal, smooth, white, 12X5—6 /i. Edge
of gills closely beset vvith flaskshaped cystidia with brown contents.
Marasmius Fries.
498. M. Vaillantii (Persoon) Fries, Epicr. p. 380.
Dvrafjörður, Þingeyri [C. H. O.] dct. E. Rostrup.
499. M. insititius Fries, Epicr. p. 386.
Hof in Hörgárdalur [0. D.] det. E. Rostrup.
Tricholoma Fries.
. 500. T. gambosum Fries.
Agaricus gambosus Fries, Syst. Myc. I, p. 50.
Fnjóskadalskógur [C. H. ().].
501. T. pubifolium Romell, Hymenomycetes of Lappland, pp. 2 and 3.
Hallormstaðir, Möðrudalur, Reykjahlíð and Skútustaðir [P. L.].
Cap 4—7 cm broad, campanulate, obtusely gibbous margin involute,
centre pnlely ochraceous (k 2), the rest white, the whole surface (under
the lens) minutely and densely pubescent, which gives the cap a dull
appearance. Flesh thick and white, witli no sjiecial scent or flavour.
Stijie 6—7 cm long, 1—2 cm thick, cylindrical with somewhat swollen base,
stuficd, white, assumes a brownish tinge when touched, densely mealy
at ajiex, the rest smooth. Gills narrow, crowded, emarginate, white with
transverse stripes. Spores ellijisoidal, white or a faint brown, 1-guttulate
9-11x5-6 /1.
T. jmbifolium deviates from T. tjambosum, which it resembles most,
liy the absence of the mealy odour and fiavour and by the niuch larger
502. T. panaeolum Fries, Epicr., j). 49.
Hjarðarholt and Laugarnes [P. L.]. —
and bogs.
On grassy sj)ots in heaths