The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Síða 80

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Síða 80
528 POUL LARSEN Cap 5—10 cm broad, at flrst plano-convex, with margin inrolled, predominating colour clay-brown with a reddish brown tinge (h 2), shot with grey stripes, then concave, paler brown (h 3), here and there with round, dark brown spots of moisture, sometimes arranged in a zone inside the margin of the cap. Stipe 4—6 cm long, 1—2 cm thick, spongy inside, firm outside, greyish brown (h4), here and there coveredwith greyish white adpressed hairs. Flesh pale with mealy odour and flavour. Gills fairly crowded, emarginate, often with transverse veins and anastomosing. The colour is b 8 to b 7, at length with edge of gills brown. Spores shortly ellipsoidal, 5—6X4 p, pale. The spore powder is pale brown. Grows in dense clusters arranged in circles. 503. T. aggregatum Quélet, Flore mycologique de la France et des pays limitrophes. Paris 1888. (?) Laugarnes [C. H. 0.], det. E. Rostrup. In the same place I have found T. panaeolnm, but not T. aggregatum. I think it is doubtful whether T. aggregatum grows in this locality. 504. T. conglobatum (Vittadini) Saccardo. Bresadola, Fungi Triden- tini, t. 32. Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — In the birch copses. Cap 5—9 cm broad, convex, then irregularly depressed and wavy, tough, cartilaginous, margin incurved and mealy-floccose, occasionally with watergrey spots forming zones, otherwise greyish brown and grey when dry. Stipe white, fibrous-floccose, cylindrical, stuffed, cartilaginous. Gills greyish white, emarginate adnate, tough, edge enlire, acute. — Spores spherical, 5 /t in diameter, colourless, verrucose-echinulate. Grows in dense clusters. Melanoleuca Conrad et Maublanc. 505. M. cognata (Fries) Conrad et Maublanc, Icon. sel. Fung., Paris 1924, Pl. 271, var. elatior n. v. Agaricus arcuatus* cognatus Fries, Epicr., p. 46. Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — On open grassy spots in birch copses. Cap c. 8 cm broad, convex with a low rounded umbo, later crateri- form with or without an umbo, yellow or pale brown along the margin (ranging from k 3 to g 7), darker at the centre, smooth and greasy. Stipe 12 cm high, 1—1.5 cm thick, increasing in thickness towards base, the upper part faintly sulcate and inealy, floccose, the lower part covered by white projecting hvphæ, the colour is greyish-brown (f8); flesh of stem fibrillose finally becoming so soft that the upper part of the stem cannot support the cap, but bends at an acute angle, the cap becoming pendent. Gills c. 12 mm broad, crowded, thin, yellow with a red tinge (b 6), deeply emarginate or almost free. Spores colourless, ellipsoidal or acuminate below, minutely verrucose-echinulate, 9X5 /t. Cystidia lanceo- late, up to 60X12 /x, bearing a lobate hood at apex. The yellow form of Rickens Tricholoma turritum (Fries) seems to be identical with this.
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The Botany of Iceland

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