The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Qupperneq 81
Hebeloma Fries.
506. H. crustuliniforme (Bulliard) Fries, Epicr., p. 180.
Hallormstaðir, Hálsskógur and at Borg [P. L.]. — Common in the
birch copses.
Cap 5—7 cm broad, plano-convex, with incurved margin, destitute
of veil, pale brown to alutaceous; flesh thick, pale, smelling like radishes.
Slipe cylindrical, but often with a somewhat bulbous base, white, íloc-
culose-squamulose, mealy at the apex. Gills rounded towards the stem, at
lirst pale, then clay-coloured, edge of gills irregularly toothed, in damp
weather exuding small drops. Spores elliptic, rougli, brown, 10—12 X
6—7 fi. Tlie cystidia at the edge of tlie gills hairshaped, or somewhat
swollen at apex, sinuate.
507. H. fastibile Fries, Epicr., p. 178.
Egilsstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses.
Cap 5—8 cm broad, convex, with rounded obtuse umbo, glutinous,
margin inrolled, flocculose, at íirst ahnost white, tlien palely alutaceous
at centre. — Stipe eyiindricai. bulbous al base, white, covered with a
fibrillose layer, at llie apex a ringshaped veil. Giils comparatively narrow,
tliin, emarginate, at first almost wliite, then pale chocolate, edge of giils
white and toothed. — Spores narrowly ellipsoidal, pale brown, with one
large drop in the middle, 11—13X5—6 fx. Cystidia at the edge of gilfs
hair-shaped sinuate with swollen apex.
508. H. sp. (H. liiemale Bresadola, Icon. Myc. XV, Milanol930,Tab. 715?).
Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses.
Cap 2—4 cm broad, plano-convex, slimy, centre brown (h 2), margin
at first grey — covered by the veil — then fuscous (h 3). Stipe cylindrical
or somewhat dilated at base, 7 cm long, 2—4 mm thick, rigid, brittle,
hollow, at first white, then brown, longitudinally adpresso-fibriilose, apex
mealy, as a rule a distinct ring. — Gills at first pale grey, then brown
with dark dots, deeply emarginate, edge of gills minutely frayed. Spores
ellipsoidal, smooth, pale, 10—12X5—6 /u. Edge of gills closely set with
cystidia which are hair-shaped, but often swollen at the base or in the
middle, 60X6—7 //.
509. H. mesophaeum Fries, lípicr., p. 179.
Common on heaths and in birch copses in the areas examined.
Cap 4—5 cm broad, at first convex, but soon plane or even de-
pressed, slimy, centre dark brown (h 2), margin clay-coloured (e 3), but
long covered by a greyish white veil. Stipe cylindrical, often somewhat
flexuose, hollow, rusty brown inside, covered on the outside with the
remains of the greyish yellow veil and often bearing a lacerated ring.
Gills at first fuscous, then clay-coloured (e 3), crowded, emarginate.
Spores ellipsoidal, straight or faintly curved, brown, rough, 10X5—6 fx.
Cystidia at edge of gills hairshaped, but more or less swollen at apex,
55-65X4-8 fx.
The Botany of Iceland. Vol. II. Part III