The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Side 85

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Side 85
FUNGI OF ICELAND 533 pierced, with a frayed ring like a Telamonia, above the ring yellow (1 4) and mealy, below ring of the colour k 2, towards the base sulcate and dilated. — Gills broad, emarginate, cinnamon, with yellow frayed edge. — Spores brown, smooth, ellipsoidal, the greater part 8—9X5 /u, a few 10—11X5.5 [u and very few 7X4.5 /u. No coronate cystidia, but edge of gills densely beset with vesiculously inílated cells, some of which con- tain a yellow juice. Allied to I. dulcamara, but distinguished by form and colour. 519. I. fastigiata (Schaetfer) Fries, Epicr., p. 174. Schaeffer Fung. Icon., t. 26. Egilsstaðir [P. L.]. Pileus 4-6 cm broad, at íirst conical, then expanded with a con- spicuous umbo, cuticle radiately íibrillose and rimose except in the centre where it is entire and even, colour of margin 12 to k 2, colour of the umbo k 3 to f 8. Flesh nearly white. Stipe cylindrical or somewhat attenuated at apex, stuffed, pale, fibrillose-lacerate. Gills rounded towards stipe, narrowly adnate or nearly free, greyish yellow, then olivaceous, edge of gills dentate-fimbriate at length nearly even. — Spores brown. smootli, broadly ellipsoidal or ovate, a few reniform, as a rule 2-guttu- late, 11—12 X 6.5—8 fi (a very few up to 15 X 7.8 /u.) No coronate cystidia, but numerous thick-walled, clavate or fusiform cells at the edge of the gills. 520. I. calamistrata Fries, Syst. Myc. I, p. 256. Seyðisfjörður, Lagarfljótsdalur, Laxárdalur, Akureyri [P. L.]. — In littoral fields, sandy meadows, and outfields. Pileus 2—4 cm broad, campanulate, somewhat hygrophanous, densely covered with squarrose scales, when moist the coiour of the pileus is f 6, when dry f 8. A similar change takes place in the colour of the flesh, which is a pale greenish bluc wlien moist (a 8), when dry l) 8. When crushed the flesh colours red (n 7). — Stipe cylindrical, 2—4 cm high, 3—4mm thick, occasionally flexuose, mealy above, otherwise densely squamulose and brown, at base strongly blue-green. — Gills broad, deeply emarginate, decurrent by a tooth, edge of gills flmbriate and thick, colour at first pale brown, then rusty. — Spores broadly ellipsoidal or ovoid, sligthly curved, smooth, brown, 1- to 3-guttulate, 10—16.5X6—8 fi. No coronate cystidia, but tlie edge of gills closely beset with clavate, swollen cells. 521. I. dulcamara, f. autumnalis (Albertini et Schweinitz) F'ries, Hym. Eur., p. 228. Hallormstaðir, Mwatn, Reykjadalur, Ljósavatn and Akureyri [P. L.]. — Common in as well as outside birch copses among mosses and grass.
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The Botany of Iceland

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