The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Blaðsíða 93
yellowish white, fllled with a loose pith, then hollow. — Gills fairly
crowded, emarginate, at first purple-violet, then cinnamon-coloured. —
Both cap, stipe, and gills assume a purple-violet (n 3) tint when bruised.
— Spores brown, roughly punctate, ellipsoidal, 10—12X6 p.
546. C. (Phlegmacium) latus (Persoon) Quélet.
Agaricus latus Persoon, Synops. meth. fung., p. 176.
Eyjolfsstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses.
Cap 5—8 cm broad, campanulate, fleshy, firm, viscid, pale ochrace-
ous or alutaceous, in the young, fresh state almost white. — Stipe
short, c. 5 cm high, thick, especially below (c. 3 cm), stuffed, firm,
white, veil well developed, white. — Gills crowded, adnate, white or
greyish-white with a white margin. — Spores obliquely ellipsoidal, one
end acuminate, brown, punctate, 13X6—6.5 /i.
547. C. (Myxacium) collinitus (Persoon) Fries, Epicr., p. 274.
Agaricus collinitus Persoon, Synops. metli. fung., p. 281.
Hallormstaðir and Egilsstaðir [P. L.].
Pilcus 6—8 cm broad, campanulate, very slimy, shining when dry,
yellow-orange (b 5), in the centre brown-orange (k 5). — Stipe cylindri-
cal, stuífed, covered by a slimy violet velum, subsequenlly splitting up
into ring-shaped areas, between which the cuticle is brown and floccose-
squamulose, height 10—12 cm, thickness 12—16 mm. — Gills broad, emar-
ginale, with a decurrent tooth, at íirst a brownish orange (k 5), then
cinnamon-brown witli a white margin. — Spores brown, verrucose,
obliquely ellipsoidal, 13X6—7 fi.
Amanitopsis Roze.
548. A. vaginata (Bulliard) lloze, var. fulva (SchaefTer).
Agaricus fulvus Schaeffer, Fung. Ic., t. 95.
Eyjolfsstaðir (c. 4 km east of Vallanes near Lagarfljót) [P. L.]. — In
birch cojises.
Pileus 6—8 cm broad, campanulate, cuticle viscid and naked, orange-
yellow (b 5 to g 3), margin sulcate. — Stipe elongate-conical, 8—lOcm
high, 1—1.5 cm thick, somewhat bulbous, hollow, white, floccose-squamu-
lose, no ring, the lower third of the stipe covered by a loose sheath.
— Gills white witli a yellow tinge, free, edge covered bv a mealy-lloc-
cose layer, consisting as well as the scales on the stipe of spherical
cells. 20—40 fi iti diameter, as a rule prolonged into a short stalk-like apex.
Tlie collected specimens were sterile.
Note. This species is also given in E. ltostrups »lslands Svatnpe«,
collected by Ilelgi Jónsson at Stykkishólmur, but as there is no descrip-
tion, it is not possible to see whether it is the same form of tliis poly-
morphous species as the present.