The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Síða 94

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Síða 94
542 POUL LARSEN Pholiota Fries. 549. Ph. togularis (Bulliard) Fries, sensu Ricken. Agaricus togularis Bulliard, Hist. champ. t. 595, f. 2. Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — Among grass in open parts of birch copses. Pileus campanulate, 2 cm broad, 1.5 mm long, hygrophanous, flesh thin, pellucidly striate, ochraceous (k 3), brown in the centre (k 6), lighter when dry and slightly rugose. — Stipe cylindrical, 7 cm long, 1—2 mm thick, slightly bulbous, hollow, pale and mealy above, rusty and flbrous below. — Gills ascending, crowded, tawny, margin white and dentate. — The veil forms a membranaceous white ring, radiately striate-plicate on the upper side, movable, central. — Spores elongate-ovoid, brown, smooth, germ pore distinct, 12—13 X 6 ju. — Edge of gills beset with flask- shaped cystidia, acdminate above. 550. Ph. praecox (Persoon) Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 217. Agaricus praecox Persoon, Synops. meth. fung., p. 420. Hálsskógur in Fnjóskadalur [P. L.]. — In birch copses. Pileus convex, obtuse, 4—5 cm broad, at flrst white, t'nen yellowish- white or cream-coloured, even, at length minutely fringed along the margin. — Stipe cylindrical, 5 cm long, 5 mm thick, white with a raised skin-like ring. — Gills at flrst almost white, then rusty brown, emargi- nate-adnate, with a decurrent tooth. Flesh soft, white, smelling and tasting like flour. — Spores ovoid, brown, smooth, 8—9.5X5—6 fx. — Edge of gills beset with scattered, shortly and broadly flask-shaped cystidia, 40—45 X 18—20 /x. 551. Ph. mutabilis (Schaeffer) Fries, Syst. Myc. I, p. 245. Agaricus mutabilis Schaeffer, t. 9. Hallormstaðir. Rare [P. L.]. — Grows in clusters on stumps in birch copses. Pileus 5—6 cm broad, plano-convex, obtusely gibbous, hygrophanous, brown (h 3), paler when dry, especially at the margin, (b 7). — Stipe cylindrical somewhat flexuose, at length hollow, bearing a skin-like, per- sistent ring, below which it is rusty brown and squamulose, above the ring naked, pale brown and sulcate. — Gills crowded, thin, töugh, adnato- decurrent. Flesh thin, pale brown, taste mild, odour none. — Spores ovoid, brown, smooth, 6—7 X 4—4.5 (x. — At edge of gills hair-shaped, 4 fx broad cystidia. 552. Ph. marginata (Batsch) Fries(?), Hym. Eur., p. 225. Meadows near Vallanes (Lagarfljót), a bog at Ljósavatn, the shore at Akureyri and Laugarnes near Reykjavík [P. L.]. — On peaty, damp soil in bogs and river valleys, but not in birch copses. Pileus 2—5 cm broad, at flrst campanulate, with a thin incurved margin, then plano-convex, sometimes with a small umbo, hygrophanous,
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