The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 96

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 96
544 POUL LARSEN dilated, hollow, curved, 3—4 cm long, 2—2.5 mm thick, pale above and covered witli the floccose remains of Ihe veil, brown below. — Gills crowded, broadly adnate, edge of gills crenulate and íimbrillate, clay-coloured (k 2). — Spores brown, smooth, ellipsoidal, with an oblique apiculus below, 9—10X5 ft. — Edge of gills beset with sterile cylindrical cells, 6—8 [x broad. 556. N. sp. Laxárdalur near Mývatn [P. L.]. — Among moss in sandy meadows. Pileus 10—16 mm broad, at íirst convex, margin incurved with a white fibrous veil, hygrophanous, pellucidly striate at margin, then plane or somewhat depressed, sometimes umbonate, chestnut-coloured when moist (between h 1 and h 2), tawny when dry (e 3), the margin of the cap sometimes crenulale and showing remains of the white veil. — The stipe terete, hollow, concolorous, cylindrical or slightly dilated at base and clothed with white hyphæ, densely pubescent abovc with projecting short hyphæ. — Gills slightly ventricose, rounded adnate, edge denticu- late, darker brown than the face which has the colour g 2. — Spores ovoid, pale yellowish brown, punctate, 8—11X5.5—6.4 [1. — Edge of gills and upper part of stipe beset with 50 p, long, conical cystidia, 3—4 f.i broad above, and c. 10 [i broad below, at length with tawny contents. Galera Fries. 557. G. tenera (Schaeffer) Fries. Agaricus tener Schaefl'er, Fung. Ic., t. 70, f. 6—8. Seyðisfjörður, Akureyri [P. L.]. Pileus 1— 3 cm broad, conico-campanulate, hygrophanous, margin pellucidly striate, tawny in the fresh and moist state (k 6), paler when dry. Flesh concolorous, thin skin-like, brittle. — Stipe cylindrical, base bulbous, minutely striate-sulcate, hollow, rigid, brittle, pale above, rusty below. — Gills tawny (g 3), ascending, narrow, crowded, adnate. — Spores brown, smooth, ellipsoidal, germ pore distinct, 12—X6—6.5 /u. — Cystidia at edge of gills flask-shaped with a spherical head, 5 fi in diameter, with a 2 fi long pedicel. 558. G. sp. Hallormstaðir, Akureyri [P. LJ. — Littoral flelds and farm-yards. Grows directly on cow-dung. Pileus 1—1.5 cm broad, hemispherical, with thin flesh, hygrophanous, margin pellucidly striate, viscid and brown when moist (e 3), somewhat shining and almost white when dry (e 5). — Stipe short (2—2.5 cm long, 1—2 mm thick), slightly swollen at base and as a rule curved, striate above, everywhere mealy and floccose. — Gills at first pale, almost white, then tawny with a red tinge (1 6), broad at the margin of cap, rounded towards the stipe, narrowly adnate, edge white and íimbrillate. — Spores ellipsoidal, smooth, with a distinct germ pore, yellow, 12—13 > 6—6.5 [á,.
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