The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Side 103

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Side 103
FUNGI OF ICELAND 551 Stipe 4 cm high, 1 mm thick, white, flexuose, hollow, mealy at apex, base often dilated. — Gills grey, then dark with light edges, ventricose, adnate. — Spores black, ellipsoidal, smooth, 13—16 X 7—8.5/c — Cystidia hairshaped with swollen hase. 582. P. arata Berkeley, Outlines of Br. Fungology, p. 176. Akureyri [C. O. H.], det. E. Rostrup. — On moist sandy soil near Glerá. Rostrup’s name P. atrata is incorrect, perhaps a misprint. Lactariaceae. Lactarius Fries. 583. L. tabidus Fries, Epicr., p. 346. Hallormstaðir [P. L.J. — Under birches and willows. Milk white, somewhat pungent. Pileus c. 2 cm broad, plano-convex, slightly umbonate, sometimes uneven, rugulose, margin thin, pellucidly striate, when moist reddish brown (j 2), paler when dry. — Stipe cylin- drical, slightly dilated at base, reddish-brown, often slightlj' mealy. — Gills rather distant, adnate, pale incarnate (e 7). — Spores white, echi- nate, almost spherical 8—9X7—8 ju. 584. L. glyciosmus Fries, Epicr., p. 348. Hallormstaðir, Eyjafjörður [P. L.]. — On the shore at Glerá and in birch copses. Milk white or watery, sparse. — Pileus c. 5 cm broad, plano-convex, more or less depressed in the centre, with an acute or rounded umbo. Margin incurved, violet-grey (a 5), surface f 8—-g 7. — Stipe cylindrical, pale reddish yellow (k 4), covered with a greyish-white mealy coating. — Gills at first white, then pale reddish yellow (k 1—k 3), broadly adnate or somewhat decurrent, not branched. — Spores faintly yellow, echinate- verrucose, somewhat angular, 8—8.5X7 /t. Flesh pale reddish yellow (k 2), smells like cinnamon. 585. L. lilacinus (Lasch) Fries, Hym. Eur., p. 435. Agaricus lilacinus Lasch, Linnaea III, No. 78. Egilsstaðir [P. L.].— In birch copses, meadows and bogs. Milk white, acrid. — Pileus 4—7 cm broad, plano-convex, then de- pressed in the centre about a small umbo, at first slightly tomentose, then rimose and almost squamose, lilac-incarnate (n 7), turning brown- violet (j 3). Flesh of cap tinged with red. — Stipe cylindrical, reddish yellow to ochre (k 3), apex mealy. — Gills coloured like the cap, some- what decurrent. — Spores with a yellowish tinge, subspherical, echinate, 7.5—8.5 /(. 586. L. uvidus Fries, Epicr., p. 338. Eyjólfsstaðir [P. L.]. — In birch copses. Milk acrid, turns violet like the flesli. — Pileus 3—7 cm broad
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The Botany of Iceland

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