The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Síða 109
609. B. bovinus Linné, Flora Suecica, No. 1246 (?).
Stated by E. Rostrup in Isl. Svampe 1903 p. 295 to liave been found
in Iceland by König.
Note. It must he regarded as doubtful whether this pronounced
inhabitant of coniferous woods occurred in Iceland at a time when
there were no coniferous trees at all in the island.
610. B. piperatus Bulliard, 1. c., t. 451, f. 2.
Egilsstaðir [P. L.]. — Among moss in birch copses.
Pileus 4—5 cm broad, flatly vaulted, viscid, tawny (g 2), flesh thin,
yellowish, taste burning. — Tubes tawnjr (g 2), adnate to the stipe, some-
what decurrent; mouths large, edged with the colour 1 7. — Stipe cylin-
drical, stuffed, 5—6 cm long, 6—8 mm thick, coloured like the cap, but
the base citron-yellow (b 4). — Spores smooth, tawny, narrowly ellip-
soidal, 8-9 X 3.5-4 p.
Boletopsis P. Hennings.
611. B. luteus (Linné) P. Hennings.
Boletus luteus Linné, Flora suecica, No. 1247.
Hallormstaðir [P. L.]. — Under several Pinus montana, c. 15-year-
old, grown from seed imported from Norway in a plantation, in a
birch copse.
The íinding of B. luteus by Björn Halldórsson, recorded by E. Ro-
strup in Botanisk Tidsskrift, Isl. Svampe 1903, p. 295, must undoubtedly
be due to an error on the part of Björn Halldórsson, since Iceland was
then without coniferous trees.
Bovista Persoon.
612. B. nigrescens Persoon.
Lycoperdon nigrescens Vittadini, Monographia Lycoperdineoruin,
p. 176.
Grímsey, Spónsgerði, Hof, Hlöð in Hörgardalur, Arnarnes, Hraun in
Fljót [O. D.]; Möðruvellir [St. St.]; Silfrastaðir, Skagafjörður [Thoroddsen];
Dýrafjörður [C. O. H.]; Vestmannaeyjar [St. St.].
613. B. plumbea Persoon.
Lycoperdon plumbeum Vittadini, Monographia Lycoperdineorum,
p. 174.
Stórá Brekka [O. D.]; Dýrafjörður [C. 0. H.]; in farm yards in Skútu-
staðir near Mývatn [P. L.].
614. B. clavata Fries, Syst, Myc. III, p. 23.
The species was establislied on the basis of some specimens brought