The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Síða 151

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Síða 151
INDEX 599 Cortinarius incisus 537. — latus 541. — porphyropus 540. — rigidus 538. — sp. 540. — tortuosus 537. Coryne sarcoides 507. Crepidotus citrinus 545. Crouania modesta 509. Crucibulum vulgare 558. Cryptodiscus pallidus 499. Cryptomyces maximus 498. Cryptospora Betulae 494. Cyphella villosa 520. Cystopus candidus 465. Cytospora betulina 563. — leucostoma 563. — Massariana 563. — microspora 563. — Salicis 563. Cytosporium betulinum 566. — Davidssonii 566. Dacryomjxes deliquescens 518. — stillatus 518. Darluca Filum 564. Dasyscypha diminuta 504. — variecolor 505. Delitschia moravica 505. Dendrophoma marchica 562. Diaporthe aristata 493. — muralis 493. — salicella 493. Diatrype hullata 494. Diatrypella favacea 494. — verrucaeformis 494. Didymella inconspicua 478. — proximella 478. Didymosporium elevalum 570. Dilophia Graminis 489. Diplodia Hubi 564. Diplodina Eurhododendri 564. Discosia Artocreas 568. Dothichiza Sorbi 569. Dothidea Angelicae 495. — Geranii 490. — Ranunculi 503. Dothidella Angelicae 495. — betulina 495. Laminariae 495. — thoracella 495. Dothiora Sorbi 468. Durella melanochlora 500. Empusa Muscae 466. Enteridium olivaceuin 462. Entoloma rhodopolium 525. — sericeum 525. Entyloma Calenduiae 517. — Catabrosae 517. — crastophilum 517. irregulare 517. — Kanunculi 517. Epiclinium atrum 577. Epicoccum Davidssonii 577. Erinella callimorpha 505. Erysiphe Cichoriacearum 468. — communis 467. — Graminis 468. Eurotium repens 467. Exidia albida 518. — repanda 517. Excipula Empetri 569. — Rubi 503. — sphaeroides 569. Exobasidium Vaccinii 518. — Warmingii 518. Fabraea Cerastiorum 503. — confertissima 503. — Ranunculi 503. Fenestella princeps 493. — tumida 493. Flammula alnicola 543. Fusarium Kuhnii 577. — larvarum 577. — Solani 577. Fusicladium Angelicae 575. — depressum 575. Fusidium punctiforme 571. — Vaccinii 518. Galera hvpnornm 545. mycenopsis 545. — siliginea 545. — sp. 544. — tenera 544. Geoglossum glabrum 507. — ophioglossoides 507. Geopyxis Ciborium 510. — cupularis 510. Gloeosporium alpinum 569. — fllicinum 569. Gnomonia borealis 492. — campylostyla 491. — pleurostyla 492.
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The Botany of Iceland

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