The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 152

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 152
600 INDEX Gnomonia setacea 491. — vagans 492. Gnomoniella vagans 492. Godronia pusiola 501. — Urceolus 501. Goniosporium puccinioides 574. Guignardia graminicola 484. — iunulata 484. Oxyriae 484. — Potentillae 484. — Veronicae 484. Gj'mnoascus myriosporus 467. Ggmnosporium album 571. — aterrinum 573. — fusidioides 574. variabile 574. Hadrotrichum virescens 575. Hebeloma crustuliniformc 529. — fastibile 529. mesophaeum 529. — sp. 529. Helotium citrinum 506. rhodoleucum 506. — scutula 506. virgultorum 506. Helvella acruginosa 504. atra 510. cargophgllea 519. Hendersonia arundinacea 565. Caricis 565. Jungermanniae 565. Itibis alpini 565. silvatica 565. Stefanssonii 565. Ilerpobasidium filicinum 569. Herpotrichia nigra 482. Heteropatella cercosperma 569. Heterosphaeria patella 498. Hormiscium altum 574. betulinum 574. stilbosporum 574. Humaria aquatica 509. granulata 509. — Jungermanniae 510. Hyalospora Polypodii 512. Hydnum argutum 519. Hygrophorus conicus 522. miniatus 522. niveus 523. pratensis 522. Hypochnus granulatus 520, | Hypocopra discospora 480. — fimicola 480. — f. microspora 480. — insignis 480. microspora 480. — minima 480. — stercoraria 480. Hypomyces chrysospermus 479. Hypospila groenlandica 492. - rhytismoides 492. H vpoxylon fuscum 495. Hgsterium arundinaceum 496. - caricinum 496. - degenerans 488. — fagineum 499. — juniperinum 496. — macularc 497. — pinastri 496. Illosporium corallinum 577. Inocybe abjecta 531. caesariata 534. calamistrata 533. conica 534. decipiens 535. — descissa 530. — dulcamara f. autumnalis 533. fastigiata 533, geophylla 530. grammata 536. hirtella 530. hjulca 534. — lacera 530. maculata 531. — praetervisa 535. — rimosa 532. — sp. 534. — sp. 532. trechispora 536. umbonata 532. Isariopsis pusilla 576. Karschia scabrosa 501. Kcntrosporium microcephalum 479. Lachnea hemispliaerica 509. scutellata 508. - stercoraria 509. I.achnclla corticalis 505. — flammea 505. Lachnum bicolor 505. - callimorpha 505. calycioides 505. niveum 505.
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The Botany of Iceland

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