The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 153

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1932, Page 153
INDEX 601 Lachnum patens 505. — virgineum 505. Lactarius glyciosmus 551. — lilacinus 551. — tabidus 551. — torminosus 552. — uvidus 551. — uvidus v. farinipes 552. ÍMestadia graminicola 484. — lunulata 484. — Oxyriae 484. Potentillae 484. — rhytismoides 492 — Veronicae 484. Lamproderma physaroides 403. — violaceum 463. Lasiobolus equinus 507. Lasiosphaeria sorbina v. radiata 482. Lecidea Parmeliaram 501. — scabrosa 501. — Stereocaulorum 500. Lepidoderma carestianum 463. Leptoglossum glaucum 519. — muscigenum 519. Leptonia lampropus 526. sericella 526. — serrulata 526. Leptosphaeria agnita 477. — apogon 475. arundinacea 474. culmicola 474. — culmifraga 474. culmorum 474. Doliolum 476. Dryadis 476' Elymi 474. Equiseti 473. Fuckelii 474. juncina 476. — I.uzulae 476. Marcyensis 474. microscopica 474. nigrans 474. ogilviensis 477. — oreophila 476. Papaveris 476. Ribis 476. Silenes-acaulis 476. Leptospora ovina 481. Leptostroma caricinum 568. herbarum 568. Leptostroma Potentillae 568. punctiforme 568. Leptothyrium vulgare 568. Leptotus lobatus 519. Lichen atratus 501. varians 500. Linospora Capreae 492. caudata 492. insularis 492. Lizonia abscondita 482. — Thalictri 491. Lophiostoma Juniperi 484. Lophium dolabriforme 497. Lophodermium arundinaceum 496. — v. alpinum 496. — caricinum 496. — juniperinum 496. — maculare 497. — petiolicolum 497. pinastri 496. versicolor 496. Lijcogala contorta 463. Lycoperdon bovista 558. — caelatum 558. — cinereum 463. — nigrescens 557. — plumbeum 557. pusillum 558. Macropodia Corium 510. Macrosporium commune 576. Marasmius insititius 527. Vaillantii 527. Marssonina Potentillae 570. Massaria Dryadis 491. Thalictri 491. Mastigosporium album 572. Mazzantia Galii 495. Melampsora arctica 511. betulina 511. — Lini 511. pustulata 511. Pvrolae 511. - Saxifragarum 512. Vacciniorum 511. Melampsorella Cerastii 511. Melanconis stilbostoma 494. Melanconium belulinum 570. — bicolor 570. elevatum 570. Mclanoleuca cognata v. elatior 528. Melanomma Aspegrenii 483.
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The Botany of Iceland

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