Atlantica - 01.11.2000, Blaðsíða 88
bent á að fylgjast vel með öryggisleiðbeining-
um áhafnarinnar, og einnig kynna sér öryggis-
leiðbeiningar á spjaldi í sætisvasanum fyrir fra-
man þá.
SÆTISBELTI. Við flugtak og lendingu er
skylt að hafa sætisbeltin vel spennt, og sætis-
bök og borð í uppréttri stöðu. Einnig er skylt
að hafa sætisbeltin spennt, þegar kveikt er á
upplýsingaskiltum um sætisbelti. Flugleiðir
mæla eindregið með því að farþegar hafi ætíð
sætisbeltin spennt, þegar þeir sitja í sætunum.
HANDFARANGUR. Handfarangur skal
geyma í lokuðum hillum fyrir ofan sæti eða
undir sætum fyrir framan farþegann. Vegna
takmarkaðs rýmis í farþegarými getur reynst
nauðsynlegt að setja hluta handfarangurs í
farangurshólf vélarinnar. Sýnið varúð, þegar
hillurnar eru opnaðar að loknu flugi, þar sem
farangurinn gæti hafa fluttst til. Handfarangri
á gólfi skal komið fyrir undir sætinu fyrir
framan farþegann.
RAFEINDATÆKI. Öll rafeindatæki senda
frá sér mismunandi sterkar útvarpsbylgjur sem
gætu haft áhrif á hin næmu flugleiðsögutæki
og stafrænan tölvubúnað nýjustu gerða flug-
véla. Notkun farsíma, „walkie-talkie”-tækja,
fjarstýrðra leikfanga og annarra tækja, sem
sérstaklega eru gerð til að senda frá sér
útvarpsbylgjur, er ætíð stranglega bönnuð um
borð í flugvélum Flugleiða. Notkun ferða-
segulbandstækja, geislaspilara, fartölva, sjón-
varpsmyndavéla og rafeindaleiktækja er aðeins
leyfð í láréttu farflugi, og er því bönnuð í flug-
taki og klifurflugi, svo og í lækkunarflugi,
aðflugi og lendingu. Vinsamlegast takið tillit
til annarra farþega og notið slík tæki aðeins
með heyrnartólum. Ætíð skal vera slökkt á
hljóðgjafa leiktækja. Notkun hjartagangráða,
heyrnartækja og annarra tækja sem farþegi
þarf að notast við vegna heilsufars er án tak-
Reykingar eru bannaðar um borð á öllum
leiðum Flugleiða.
Members of the Saga Bonus Club earn points each
time they fly Icelandair or use the service of their
partners. With enough Card Points, Saga Bonus
members are upgraded to Saga Business Club or
Saga Business Gold, where they enjoy extra privi-
leges such as priority on waiting lists and access to
Icelandair’s luxurious departure lounges. Apply
now. Just fill in an application form, found on
board all our aircraft, or visit our website.The fol-
lowing companies are Saga Bonus travel partners.
Company Notes
w w w . i c e l a n d a i r . n e t
Icelandair Opens a New Office
in Copenhagen
Icelandair is re-organising its Scandinavian marketing and sales operation in order to serve its
customers even better in Norway, Denmark and Sweden.The biggest change will be the opening
of a main Scandinavian office in Copenhagen which will serve all three countries. The new
Icelandair office is set to open in Copenhagen 4 December 2000. The address will be
Frederiksberg Gade 23, 3rd floor, DK 1459 Copenhagen K. Icelandair will switch over call-centre
activities from the current Oslo and Stockholm offices a week later on 11 December 2000. Main
phone numbers in each country will remain the same.All marketing and administration functions
for Scandinavia will be managed from the new Copenhagen office from 4 December 2000
Service for our Younger Passengers
This October, Icelandair increased their passenger service yet
again, now with the younger generation in mind. Five Game
Boy’s, all in colour, will be aboard every Icelandair plane on all
scheduled flights.
This is a joint project by Icelandair and company Brædurnir
Ormsson, which represents Nintendo in Iceland.They have pro-
vided the Game Boys and the different games for them.
The Game Boys are handed out after take-off, at the time when
colouring books and other children’s playthings are distributed.
The Game Boys come with earphones so that children can
enjoy the game without disturbing other passengers.
We hope that our young passengers enjoy this service and that it will shorten their
SAND at Saga Boutique,
Keflavík Airport.
The Icelandair’s branch of the tax- and duty-free Saga Boutique at Leifur Eiríksson Terminal has
added SAND women, the Danish quality clothing and accessories, to its collection. SAND, the
Danish fashion company, is selling its products in around 1,500 countries.The company is now
focusing on airports and in-flight sales, and is already operating at Heathrow, Genf and Charles
de Gaulle airports. Saga Boutique also carries fashionable clothing from labels such as Hugo Boss,
Lloyds and Donna Karan, and has recently added shoes from JB Martin. Changes have been
carried out at the Saga Boutique store to make the layout more convenient for the customers.
The in-flight Saga Boutique specialises in cosmetics, jewellery and accessories. The winter
catalogue has now been published and is full of details of attractive merchandise.
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