Atlantica - 01.02.2002, Blaðsíða 56

Atlantica - 01.02.2002, Blaðsíða 56
ICELANDAIR CUSTOMER CLUB 54 ÖRYGGI UM BORÐ ÖRYGGISLEIÐBEININGAR. Farþegum er bent á að fylgjast vel með öryggisleiðbein- ingum áhafnarinnar, og einnig kynna sér öryggisleiðbeiningar á spjaldi í sætisvasanum fyrir framan þá. SÆTISBELTI. Við flugtak og lendingu er skylt að hafa sætisbeltin vel spennt, og sætis- bök og borð í uppréttri stöðu. Einnig er skylt að hafa sætisbeltin spennt, þegar kveikt er á upplýsingaskiltum um sætisbelti. Flugleiðir mæla eindregið með því að farþegar hafi ætíð sætisbeltin spennt, þegar þeir sitja í sætunum. HANDFARANGUR. Handfarangur skal geyma í lokuðum hillum fyrir ofan sæti eða undir sætum fyrir framan farþegann. Vegna takmarkaðs rýmis í farþegarými getur reynst nauðsynlegt að setja hluta handfarangurs í farangurshólf vélarinnar. Sýnið varúð, þegar hillurnar eru opnaðar að loknu flugi, þar sem farangurinn gæti hafa fluttst til. Handfarangri á gólfi skal komið fyrir undir sætinu fyrir framan farþegann. RAFEINDATÆKI. Öll rafeindatæki senda frá sér mismunandi sterkar útvarpsbylgjur sem gætu haft áhrif á hin næmu flugleiðsögu- tæki og stafrænan tölvubúnað nýjustu gerða flugvéla. Notkun farsíma, „walkie-talkie”- tækja, fjarstýrðra leikfanga og annarra tækja, sem sérstaklega eru gerð til að senda frá sér útvarpsbylgjur, er ætíð stranglega bönnuð um borð í flugvélum Flugleiða. Notkun ferða- segulbandstækja, geislaspilara, fartölva, sjón- varpsmyndavéla og rafeindaleiktækja er aðeins leyfð í láréttu farflugi, og er því bönnuð í flugtaki og klifurflugi, svo og í lækku- narflugi, aðflugi og lendingu. Vinsamlegast takið tillit til annarra farþega og notið slík tæki aðeins með heyrnartólum. Ætíð skal vera slökkt á hljóðgjafa leiktækja. Notkun hjartagangráða, heyrnartækja og annarra tækja sem farþegi þarf að notast við vegna heilsufars er án takmarkana. Reykingar eru bannaðar um borð á öllum leiðum Flugleiða. Company Notes w w w. i c e l a n d a i r . n e t and access to Icelandair’s luxurious departure lounges. Apply now! Visit our web site, and earn 500 Award Points. Applications are also available on board our aircraft and at all Icelandair offices. The following companies are Icelandair’s Customer Club travel partners. Members of the Icelandair Customer Club earn points that entitle them to various awards and exclusive offers for themselves and their families. With enough Card Points, Saga Bonus members are upgraded to Saga Silver or Saga Gold. These members enjoy extra privileges such as priority on waiting lists, increased baggage allowances Björk on Familiar Ground Icelandic singer Björk finished her acclaimed world tour in her home country, Iceland.The superstar had been touring since August across Europe, Japan and the USA, to promote her new album,Vespertine. Accompanying her on stage were Zeena Parkins on harp, Matmos on electronics and an Inuit choir from Greenland. Early on, Björk was only scheduled to perform at one concert at Laugardalshöll sports stadium in Reykjavík on 19 December, which holds 2,400 people. Demand for tickets, however, went far beyond the capacity of the venue, so an extra concert was scheduled at the University Cinema on 21 December. Icelandair had the inside scoop, as the company was one of the sponsors of Björk’s concerts in Iceland and made it possible, for the first time ever, to get a travel package from almost anywhere in the world to see Björk playing in the city where she grew up. Many of Björk’s fans flew to Iceland especially for her concerts, and packages with Icelandair sold out quickly. New Nordic Deli With the turn of a new year, Icelandair will offer Nordic Deli – a snack service on all routes from Europe to Iceland. Nordic Deli is a new meal service in Economy Class which has been in develop- ment for the last few months. Icelandair conducted a survey among the passengers on board and through their comments learned that there was a clear demand for lighter meals on flights from Europe to Keflavík. The Nordic Deli was thus created with the passenger’s need in mind with the key elements being fresh- ness, quality and variety with each serving tailored to the length of each flight. On October 1, the Nordic Deli snack service started on routes from Oslo and Glasgow to Keflavík and a month later from Stockholm to Keflavík and the passenger response has been very positive. From January 1 2002 all other routes from Europe will be added.As with all ser- vices, Icelandair are constantly looking to improve, and hopefully our passengers will appreciate our Nordic Deli in the sky. The Thaw is Almost Complete! Coming soon to cinemas worldwide is Ice Age, a major new animated feature from 20th Century Fox. Icelandair is proud to be the official airline for this exciting new movie, a hilarious and engaging new adventure that takes place in the Ice Age. The story revolves around three unforgettable characters: a witty woolly mammoth, an irreverent giant sloth and a scheming sabre-toothed tiger.Together they take an unexpected passen- ger, a human baby, on the biggest trek of all time. There is nat- ural synergy between Iceland and the landscapes of Ice Age . While Iceland is now recognised as a land of green fields and volcanic landscapes, many of the scenes in Ice Age, although dig- itally-animated, could have come straight from Vatnajökull, Europe’s largest glacier.This hilarious road movie, featuring the voices of John Leguizamo and Denis Leary, is sure to please the whole family and will be coming to cinemas in March. 051-064 ATL 601 FLUGL 4.1.1904 0:23 Page 54
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