Atlantica - 01.05.2002, Blaðsíða 39

Atlantica - 01.05.2002, Blaðsíða 39
Iceland offers the traveller an adventure in a spectacular landscape of stunning natural beauty. However, it can also be a harsh and inhospitable environment. It is essential to be cautious and well pre- pared when travelling in the countryside, and not to take anything for granted. ICE- SAR (The Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue) welcomes you, wishing you a pleasant and safe journey. PREPARATION Nature can be wild or even dangerous in Iceland, especially for those who are unaware of the conditions or are not accustomed to travelling in uninhabited areas. You can help prevent accidents and ensure that you have a pleasant visit by being well prepared for each trip. Read about conditions in the area you will be visiting and talk to people with local knowledge. Choose your clothing and footwear with care. Note that equipment suitable for trips in other countries may not be suitable for Icelandic conditions. WEATHER Iceland’s weather is rather changeable. Fine weather can quickly turn into quite threatening weather — something to keep in mind at all times, especially if you are travelling in the Highlands. The tempera- ture can fall below the freezing point even during summer, especially at night, and drops on average by 0.6°C (1°F) for each 100 metres (330 ft) of elevation. DRIVING Road conditions vary considerably in Iceland. There are many narrow, steep gravel tracks with potholes and sharp bends, even though the main road around Iceland (known as “the Ring Road” or Route 1) is mostly paved. Some of these “roadways” are only suitable for four- wheel-drive vehicles and are marked as such on maps. Because it can be difficult to control vehicles on gravel roads, slow down when approaching other vehicles, as well as when the surface changes from paved to gravel. Blind summits are com- mon. Slow down and keep to the right- hand side of the road. Many bridges are only wide enough for one vehicle at a time, so approach carefully. The speed limit is generally 90 kilometres per hour (55 mph) on paved roads and 80 km/h (50 mph) on gravel roads. It is important to adjust your speed according to the cir- cumstances. Domestic animals are often on country roads and they can jump in front of vehicles with little or no warning. Always drive with your lights on, even in daylight. Use seat belts at all times; they save lives. Drinking and driving never mix — and penalties for it are severe in Iceland. GLACIAL RIVERS AND FORDS Away from the main roads there are many unbridged rivers. Ford rivers only in four- wheel-drive vehicles. When crossing glacial rivers, bear in mind that the situa- tion can change quickly. There is general- ly less water in glacial rivers early in the day. Many accidents occur because a river was misjudged. Seek advice from experienced drivers before crossing glacial rivers and watch how and where they cross over. CYCLING TRIPS It is not always easy to be a cyclist in Iceland. Make sure you are easily visible, use a helmet and watch out for stones thrown up by passing traffic. GEOTHERMAL AREAS You will find hot springs in many areas in Iceland. Follow all available instructions when visiting them. The temperature of the water or mud can be above the boiling point. Don’t try checking the water tem- perature with your fingers. And be sure to stay on designated paths because there is often a thin crust close to hot springs which can break through and cause burns if stepped upon. WALKING AND MOUNTAINEERING Choose your route carefully and let some- one know your plans. Marked footpaths are a safe option for walkers. Be especial- ly careful near rock faces, cliffs and river- banks because of loose rock and the dan- ger of rockfall and avalanches. GLACIER TRIPS You should not set off on a trip on to a glacier without both experience and knowledge of the special equipment required. Organised trips with experi- enced guides are the safest option. TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS The emergency telephone number in Iceland is 112. Remember that GSM mobile phone signals are usually not good outside residential areas. Visitors who will be travelling alone in wilderness areas can make use of the tourist notification service operated by ICE-SAR on telephone 570-5900. Tourist Safety in Iceland 032-036 ATL302 Wfalls-rm 22.4.2002 17:10 Page 37
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