Atlantica - 01.06.2002, Blaðsíða 65

Atlantica - 01.06.2002, Blaðsíða 65
ANNUAL REPORT CARD Filled with vital information, the annual report is one of the most important documents a company produces. Annually, Atlantica magazine will provide space for companies so that passengers will have the opportunity to order annual reports or to list their own companies. DELTA GROUP The advancement of Delta is directed toward making the company a strong, international concern in the field of know-how. The firm possesses far- reaching experience in the develop- ment of generic medicines, has a very skilled team of personnel, and belongs to the group of the most powerful firms listed on the Iceland Stock Exchange. The cutting edge of the Icelandic pharmaceutical indus- try is broad, regarding both invest- ments and international co-opera- tion, and in coming years, Delta intends to further strengthen its posi- tion in the development and sale of pharmaceutical knowledge and generic medicines domestically, as well as abroad. Delta’s headquarters are situated in Iceland, where the company operates a tablet factory and research laboratories, in addition to a special development plant recently put into operation. Delta’s activities also take place in three other countries. Subsequent to Delta’s purchase of Pharmamed, the largest part of its pharmaceutical pro- duction will proceed in Malta. A sales office is operated in the British Isles, and a subsidiary, Medis-Danmark A/S, provides drug registration serv- ices in Denmark. Some 90% of the company’s income derives from sales abroad. Profits of the Delta Group in 2001 amounted to USD 8.12 million after tax, or 105% above the year’s business plan, in which profits of USD 3.95 were anticipated. For com- parison, profits for the year 2000 were in the order of USD 2.20 mil- lion, so that the increase totalled 266% from one year to the next. The profit per share was 3.7 US cents, as compared to 1.0 US cent in 2000. ÖSSUR Össur is a leading international man- ufacturer of prosthetic devices (artifi- cial limbs), employing about 400 staff around the globe. Össur’s head office is in Iceland. The company has North American, European and Nordic operations, with an extensive network across other international markets. Össur’s aim is to create prosthetics that imitate the function of the human body as closely as possible, allowing people the opportunity to live the kind of life they want, even if they have lost a limb. The company has developed and invested in a num- ber of brands, which represent the highest standards of quality and func- tionality all over the world. Bringing together the expertise and materials technology behind these names is securing future growth and taking product development to a new level. Össur invests a record percentage of revenues in research and develop- ment, which is reflected in the num- ber of new products launched each year. The company’s mission is to exceed the expectations of their cus- tomers and to continue to be a lead- ing company in the field of prosthet- ics and orthotics. Developing and util- ising the best available technology, Össur is committed to producing the best possible solutions. This year, Össur is launching at least ten new products. Some are revolutionary, others are improvements of existing products – all are aimed at improving the quality of life for amputees. Össur reported sales of USD 69 million in 2001, with net earnings of USD 8.6 million. Össur is listed on the Iceland Stock Exchange. In 2002, Össur began reporting in US dollars and shareholders have recently approved the conversion of Össur stocks from Icelandic króna to US dollars. ÍSLANDSBANKI Íslandsbanki is the leading financial group in Iceland and the largest com- pany on the Iceland Stock Exchange in terms of market capitalisation. The bank offers universal banking servic- es to households, businesses and institutional investors. The service range includes retail banking, corpo- rate and investment banking, broker- age, leasing, private banking and asset management. Íslandsbanki was formed with the merger of The Icelandic Investment Bank (FBA) and the commercial bank Íslandsbanki in 2000. Through its predecessors, the bank can trace its roots back to 1904, at the dawn of the modernisation of the Icelandic econ- omy. Its long-lasting relationship with major industries and its financial strength make Íslandsbanki the pri- mary choice for financial services among Icelandic corporations and institutional investors. The bank also enjoys a strong position among households and small to medium- sized enterprises, supported by an extensive domestic branch network and cutting-edge Internet services since 1995. On top of its leading domestic standing, the bank’s inter- national activities have grown rapidly in recent years. The focus has, in par- ticular, been on supporting the expansion of Icelandic companies abroad and generating new global businesses based on the bank’s expertise in fish industries. At the end of 2001, Íslandsbanki’s total assets amounted to ISK 348 bil- lion (USD 3.4 billion). Return on equity was 24.5% after tax in 2001. Atlantica 401 annual reports-rm 21.6.2002 14:38 Page 63
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