Atlantica - 01.06.2002, Blaðsíða 74

Atlantica - 01.06.2002, Blaðsíða 74
Scandinavian Spirit The Nordic House is located near the centre of Reykjavík and serves as a Nordic cul- tural centre. Each year the Nordic House organises an extensive programme of cul- tural events and exhibitions with the goal of connecting Iceland to the other Nordic countries. 'Food in Art - Delights of the Eye and the Table' is the name of this year's summer exhibition at the Nordic House. The topic of culinary culture has, throughout the ages, given artists inspiration and food for thought. This exhibition shows how food and mealtimes have been represented through painting, graphic art and other media from the 16th century onwards. 'Nordic Summer Tones' will also fill the Nordic House this summer. The chamber sex- tet Camerarctica will hold concerts three Sundays in June and later that month, the Danish musicians DuoDenum will be performing contemporary works for saxophone and percussion. The Nordic House, Sturlugata 5, 101 Reykjavík. Face It To make your own moisturising, face-care mixture, drop by the Blue Lagoon with a bottle in hand. There you will have to smuggle the bottle through the changing rooms, whilst pretending not to notice the strange looks you receive from fellow shower com- panions, dip yourself into the Lagoon and sprint back to your hotel room with the magical mixture gripped tightly in both hands. Then you will have to spend a few years in a research laboratory trying to develop a creamy, nutritious moisturising lotion. OR, you could just try the new Blue Lagoon face-care line, Balance Geothermal Care. The products are made from the Lagoon’s special healing ingredients and have been through a ten-year phase of development and testing. The line consists of a moisturising lotion, cleanser and nourishing cream, and is the first face-care line made by the Blue Lagoon. All that is Gold Glitters Jóhannes Langenbacher, one of the most respected goldsmiths in Switzerland, has always had one foot and one golden hammer in Iceland. His work will now have a per- manent home at a new jewellery store, on the art-lined street of Skólavördustígur. The store is called Mariella, and is run by Jóhanes´s wife, Maria Langenbacher, and Elín Guðbjartsdóttir, goldsmith. The jewellery ranges from the very elegant and expensive to the fashionable and affordable. In the shop window, you will find square rings with swirly whirls, genuine pearl necklaces, rings with grand stones, and many more both imaginatively designed and classic items of jewellery. Everything that is gold is no less than 18 karats and the pearls and stones are the genuine article. Each piece of jewellery is spe- cially designed and handcrafted, mostly by Jóhannes himself. Maria also contributes to the jewellery collection and is an expert on pearls and stones. At Mariella, guests are invited to take a seat while the assistant draws out secret doors and drawers containing the precious pieces of art. That way, everyone receives the attention they so rightly deserve, and customers get the full low-down on the jew- ellery on show. If you want to treat yourself to something a bit different and special, you might as well do it with style. i-site CARESPIRITGOLD❍ Peter Johansson, How to cook a souvenir, detail 1990-94 72 A T L A N T I C A 067-088 I-siteAtl402 21.6.2002 20:06 Page 72
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