Atlantica - 01.10.2006, Síða 47

Atlantica - 01.10.2006, Síða 47
 AT L A N T I CA 45 sense Varenna propagates a less flashy image of the typical Lake Como village than Bellagio. It’s more your style. In the morning, 7am church bells wake you before your alarm goes off. You open the wood shutters to a pink dawn over the lake, look out over the red rooftops of the village, and decide to: A) Get back into bed and sleep in. This is your vacation, and Varenna, while stunning, can wait. B) Decide to roll with the holy wake up call and go for a walk before the real tourists show up and spoil everything. B) Come on. Get up. The candles and heavy incense inside the Chiesa di San Giorgio have been lit, but the build- ing, consecrated in 1313 and restored in 1957, is empty. You walk through the quiet Piazza San Giorgio to Villa di Cipressi, a restored villa at the edge of town that, once private, is now run by the Varenna municipality as a hotel. (This reminds of another grim prophecy spun by the woman at the tourist office, that “the des- tiny of the villa is the destiny we see in George Clooney.” In other words, the Italian aristocracy is losing their hand-me-down villas of yesteryear to international types who can afford their upkeep. She also left you with a handy pocket guide to From left: Breakfast in Varenna; A watering hole in Nesso; An evening stroll in Varenna; Ships coming and going in Bellagio; Dusk at Varenna’s waterfront. Driving 583 is like an Xbox game, dodging small, fierce cars that whisk with psychotic confidence through the villages. 042 Ítalía Atl506.indd 45 25.8.2006 10:04:07
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