The Quad - 01.03.1941, Síða 5
My time is up, my heart is broke
Two ruddy hours without a smoke!
So, new recruits, remember this
If you would live a life of bliss
If you needn’t, Guards don’t do
They’ll send you mad — and do
for you!
FLASH! Main Camp Special. Hi-
story repeats itself. „DUN-
KIRK“ evacuated for the se-
cond time.
FLASH! „Q“ dept report dearth
of 4 X 2.
Hallams bind boxing ring ro-
pes with it.
Thoughts Of Home
O’ paradox of black and white
Now dark, yet soon to be so full
of light
Whose fjords, hills and tumbliny
Surpass for beauty, though austere
and chill
My ivildest dreams.
With joyful heart this would I
For such reprieve
I’d give my credits, aye and o’er —
To stand, fogbound
On Holbeck Moor!
J. R, B.
It is denied that a certain Motor
Mechanic is studying medicine
with a view to curing cylinder
Neither is it true that a certain
N.C.O. now living at Hypocrates
House is experimenting on the di-
gestive values of parallelism in
relation to panorama.
M.T. Repairs Ltd., tell us that
it’s ’sno use worrying about the
recent whirlwind changes in pro-
prietorship. The firm has been in
and out of drifts recently but as
they say „You can’t skid us.“
The water cart has not taken
any new rumours to Pity Me
A Don troop corespondent re-
ports that although it was heard
in the batterv office that there IS
a War on the report has yet to be
confirmed by Don Troop Intelli-
gence Department.
The »Quad« invite you to send YOUR
contributions. We already have some in
for our next number. We want YOURS
The Editor is always willing to help.