
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.05.1978, Qupperneq 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 12.05.1978, Qupperneq 5
5 Lögberg-Heimskringla, föstudagur 12 maí 1978 STUDENT TOUR Plans are being made for a student tour to Iceland in the summer of 1979. Viking Travel Ltd., has announced that the company is currently investigating the possibilities of such a tour. There will be reduced fares for students taking the tour. Arrangements will be made this summer for in- expensive lodging accom- modations in Iceland.___ Eddi er kominn Ed Gíslason er fluttur aftur til Árborgar. Hann er kom- inn aftur á gamlar heima- slóðir, en síðustu 14 árin hef ur hann verið búsettur í Vancouver. í>ar fyrir vestan hefur þeim ekki tekist að kæfa í honum kimnina, þvi hann sagði okkur, er við hittum hann fyrir nokkrum dögum, að sér þætti eðlilegast að flytja aftur í heimahagana, „því þegar maður er kominn á sveitina, þá er eins gott að vera í síniim eigin hreppi”, sagði hann og hló við. já Séra Bragri FriSriksson Kostnaðarhlutdeild nefnd arinnar vegna komu dr. Valdimars Eylands til Is- lands sumarið 1977 til að taka við heiðursdoktors- nafnbót við Háskóla Is- lands, og jafnframt að af henda Héraðsskólanum að Reykjum bókasaf n sitt. Styrkur vegna kostnaðar við komu söngkórs Mani- toba-háskóla í Winnipeg síðla sumars 1977, — greiddur Þjóðræknisfélag inu í Reykjavík. 6) Styrkur vegna 'kostnaðar við komu 6 vestur-ís- lenskra ungmenna til Is- lands á vegum Þjóðrækn- isfélaganna á Akureyri og í Reykjavík. Ýmislegt fleira kemur fram í skýrslu nefndarinnar, og verður sagt frá því helsta í blaðinu síðar. já Arni Bjarnarsoit Personal names in the telephone directory of Ice- land are hsted alphabetic- ally under the first or Christian name. Alowfareand a stopover in Iceland? PufHns think fliat Is amightygooddeal. Now you can take advantage of our $12 a day stopover tours of Iceland while you’re taking advantage of our low APEX fare from Chicago or New York to Great Britain or Scandi- navia. And $12 is a small price to pay to visit one of the most interesting countries in the world. Iceland is a land of volcanoes, Viking museums, glaciers, geysers, concerts, art shows, duty-free shopping and hot-spring pools. And it’s all yours for 1 to 3 days for just $12 a day. That pnce includes room with bath/shower at the first class Hotel Loftleidir, transfers between hotel and airport, sightseeing trips and two meals daily. So on your next trip to Norway, Sweden, Denmark or Great Britain, why not stop over in Iceland for a few days? Puffins highly recommend that you do so. And Puffins are never wrong. « For further information see your travel agent or contact Icelandic Airlines, P.O. Box 105, West Hempstead, NY11552. Phone 212-757-8585 (New York City only) or call 800-555-1212 for the toll-free Icelandic Low jet fares to Scandinavia and the United Kingdom. Latesf News^P biefLy« . .. A federal election will be held in Iceland on Sun- day, June 25, as reported in this paper last week. Ac- cording to recent reports from Iceland, the main issue so far during the election campaign has been the nati- onal economy. Mathias A. Mathiason, minister of fin- ance, has recently announced a new taxation bill. ... Last week it was reported in this paper that new political party had been formed in Iceland. Now it looks as if yet another new party is in the offing. The new party would be a representative of the Labour move- ment in the country. ... According to reports received from Iceland, more people took part in the May 1 celebrations in Reykja- vik this year than ever before. ... Gudmundur J. Gudmundsson, president of the Ice- landic General and Transport Federation, wamed in a speech given on May 1 that a general strike in Iceland is possible in the near future. Mr. Gudmundsson at the same time said that his union would inform the govemment within two days of the feasibility of an import embargo on oil, following a study of the prob- able effectiveness of such a move. ... Olafur Johannesson, minister of justice and com- merce, said recently in a radio program that new eco- nomic policies were drastically needed to save the Ice- landic economy. ... Sunna Travel has announced that two chartei flights to Canada will leave Iceland this summer. De- parture dates are June 30 and July 21. According to the announcements, passengers will land in Winnipeg. ... It is now legal for Icelanders to have foreign cur- rencies in their bank accounts in Iceland. However, no one is allowed to cash more than $200 at a time. Any- thing over $200 must be in the form of travellers cheques or some other kind of cheque.. The service charge for such a transaction is $2.50 for each $200 cashed. Icelanders are not allowed to cash more than $5,000 in one year. Exceptions may be given in cases where statements are completed by the customer and approval given by a special bank committee. • PvhktAb •



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