Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1965, Síða 55

Íslenzk tunga - 01.01.1965, Síða 55
HJARTA DREPR STALL 53 variant bera hjartað í hosunum from the 19th century.54 They are without douht borrowed from the Danish hjertet sidder (synker nedj i bukserne. In Swedish we find similar phrases: ha hjartat i byxorna, hjartat sjunker i byxorna (found 1681), hjartat ar i byx- orna pá ngn and hiertat lág i brook, which is found in a book from about 1685.55 These Scandinavian phrases may have been borrowed from German; at least German has a rich supply of this type of phrase: das Herz ist ihm in die Hosen gefallen, einem sinkt das Herz, das Ilerz fallt e-m tiefer gegen die Schuhe hinab, das Herz sinkt e-m in die Kniekehlen, das Herz liegt e-m in Knien, das Herz fdllt e-m in die Stiefel, das Herz ist ihm in die fíruch gefallen.5 0 In English we also find similar phrases: one’s heart is in (at) one’s heels or hose, one’s heart is at the bottom of one’s hose, one’s lieart turns into one’s hose, one’s heart sinks in one’s shoes, to have (wishj one’s heart in one’s boots. The oldest instance of this type of phrase in English is from about 1430: Myn herte fil doun vnto my tooS'1 The same belief is found in the Icelandic phrase variants lijartað er orðið neðarlega í e-m (1795) and lijartað er komið neðarlega í e-m (20th century): mundi ecki ordid nedarlega í þér hiartad, þegar stóri hundur- inn kom.58 corae afraid’ — the latter found in the 19th century: “hann fékk buxur — timor ei injectus est” (Lbs. 220, 8™, 61) — probably do not belong here. It is more likely that they have connection with Danish buksefeber and Swedish byxángest or at least trace their origin to a similar idea. 54 Safn af íslenzkum orðskviðum, 410. 55 SAOB, under lijarta, byxor, and brok. 50Deutsches ÍFörterbuch IV 2, 1209; V, 1423, 1429; Wilhelm Borchardt, Die sprichwörtlichen Redensarten im deutschen Volksmunde nach Sinn und Vrsprung erláutert. In giinzlicher Neuarbeitung herausgegeben von Gustav Wustmann (Fiinfte Auflage; Leipzig 1895),223; Borcbardt-Wustmann-Sclioppe, Die spríchhuiörtlichen Redensarten ... (Siebente Auflage neu bearbeitet von Dr. Alfred Schirmer ...; Leipzig 1955), 221. 57 OED, under heart and boot. 58 Sumar-Gipf handa R0rnum frá Sra. Gudmundi Jónssyni (Leirárg0rdum 1795), 83.
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Íslenzk tunga

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