Morgunblaðið - 17.02.1999, Side 9
YMSAR Stoðvar
Fimmtudagur 18. feb.
12.00 Skjáfréttir 18.15 Kortér
Fréttaþáttur. Endurs. kl. 18.45,
19.15, 19.45, 20.15, 20.45.
21.00 Spumingakeppni Bald-
ursbrár Símamenn keppa við
7.00 Pet Rescue. 7.30 Hany’s
Practice. 8.00 The New Ad-
ventures Of Black Beauty. 8.30
Lassie: Timmy Falls In A Hole.
9.00 Totally Australia: A Fresh Vi-
ew. 10.00 Pet Rescue. 10.30
Rediscoveiy Of The World:
Australia. 11.30 All Bird Tv.
12.00 Australia Wild: Sun/ival On
The Reef. 12.30 Animal Doctor.
13.00 Horse Tales: Cowboy Dr-
eams. 13.30 Going Wild: Past-
ures Of The Sea. 14.00 Nature
Watch With Julian Pettifen Green
Ken - Ken Livingstone. 14.30
Australia Wild: From Snow To The
Sea. 15.00 Wildlife Er. 15.30
Human/Nature. 16.30 Hany’s
Practice. 17.00 Jack Hanna’s Zoo
Life: South Africa. 17.30 Animal
Doctor. 18.00 Pet Rescue. 18.30
Australia Wild: Hello Possums.
19.00 The New Adventures Of
Black Beauty. 19.30 Lassie:
Lassie Saves Timmy. 20.00 Red-
iscovery Of The World: Bomeo.
21.00 Animal Doctor. 21.30 The
Blue Beyond: The Isle Of Hope.
22.30 Emergency Vets. 23.00
Deadly Australians: Coastal &
Ocean. 23.30 The Big Animal
Show: Reptiles. 24.00 Wild
Rescues. 0.30 Emergency Vets.
1.00 Zoo Story.
17.00 Buyer’s Guide. 17.15
Masterclass. 17.30 Game Over.
17.45 Chips With Everyting.
18.00 Blue Screen. 18.30 The
Lounge. 19.00 Dagskrárlok.
6.00 Power BreakfasL 8.00 Pop-
up Video. 9.00 VHl Upbeat.
12.00 Ten of the Best. 13.00 Gr-
eatest Hits Of.. 13.30 Pop-up
Videó. 14.00 Jukebox. 16.00 Gr-
eatest Hits Of.. 17.00 Pop-up
Video. 18.00 Happy Hour. 19.00
VHl Hits. 20.00 Greatest Hits Of..
21.00 Bob Mills’ Big 80’s. 22.00
Greatest Hits Of.. 23.00 Pop-up
Video. 24.00 The Nightfly. 1.00
VHl Spice. 2.00 VHl Late ShifL
12.00 Snow Safari. 12.30 On
the Horizon. 13.00 Travel Live.
13.30 Out to Lunch With Brian
Tumer. 14.00 The Flavours of
Italy. 14.30 Travelling Lite.
15.00 Dominika’s Planet. 16.00
Stepping the World. 16.30 Jour-
neys Around the World. 17.00
Reel World. 17.30 Around Brita-
in. 18.00 Out to Lunch With Bri-
an Tumer. 18.30 On Tour. 19.00
Snow Safari. 19.30 On the
Horizon. 20.00 Travel Live.
20.30 Stepping the World.
21.00 Dominika’s Planet. 22.00
Travelling Lite. 22.30 Joumeys
Around the World. 23.00 On To-
ur. 23.30 Around Britain. 24.00
Fréttir fluttar allan sólarhringinn.
7.30 Golf. 8.30 Innanhússknatt-
spyma. 10.00 Skíðastökk. 11.00
Akstursíþróttir. 12.00 ísakstur.
12.30 Skíðabrettakeppni. 13.00
Júdó. 14.00 Tennis. 16.00
Ólympíufréttir. 16.30 Knatt-
spyma. 17.30 Tennis. 19.00
Akstursíþróttir. 20.00 Hnefaleik-
ar. 21.00 Súmó-glíma. 22.00
Knattspyma. 23.00 Akstursíþrótt-
ir. 24.00 Ólympíufréttir. 0.30
6.55 Lonesome Dove. 7.45 Lo-
nesome Dove. 8.30 Flood: A Ri-
ver’s Rampage. 10.00 Bamum.
11.30 Getting Out. 13.00 Month
of Sundays. 14.45 Isabel’s
Choice. 16.25 Get to the Heart:
The Barbara Mandrell Story.
18.00 The Love Letter. 19.35
The Old Curiosity Shop. 21.05
The Old Curiosity Shop. 22.40
Eversmile, New Jersey. 0.10
Getting Out. 1.40 Month of
Sundays. 3.20 Isabel’s Choice.
5.00 Get to the Heart: The Bar-
bara Mandrell Story.
8.00 Dexter’s Laboratory. 9.00 I
am Weasel. 10.00 Animaniacs.
11.00 Beetlejuice. 12.00 Tom
and Jerry. 13.00 Scooby Doo.
14.00 Freakazoid! 15.00 The
Powerpufí Giris. 16.00 Dexteris
Laboratory. 17.00 Cow and Chic-
ken. 18.00 The Flintstones.
19.00 Tom and Jerry. 19.30
Looney Tunes. 20.00 Cartoon
Cartoons. 20.30 Cult Toons.
5.00 The Leaming Zone. 6.00
News. 6.25 Weather. 6.30 Pla-
ydays. 6.50 Smart. 7.15 Aliens
in the Family. 7.45 Ready, Stea-
dy, Cook. 8.15 Style Challenge.
8.40 Change That. 9.05 Kilroy.
9.45 EastEnders. 10.15 Ant-
iques Roadshow. 11.00 Madhur
Jaffrey’s Far Eastem Cookery.
11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook.
12.00 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook.
12.30 Change That. 12.55 We-
ather. 13.00 Nature Detectives.
13.30 EastEnders. 14.00 Kilroy.
14.40 Style Challenge. 15.05
Weather. 15.15 Playdays. 15.35
Smart. 16.00 The Wild House.
16.30 Nature Detectives. 17.00
News. 17.25 Weather. 17.30
Ready, Steady, Cook. 18.00
EastEnders. 18.30 The House
Detectives. 19.00 A Week in with
Patricia Routledge. 21.00 News.
21.25 Weather. 21.30 Royd on
Rsh. 22.00 Doctors To Be.
23.00 Common as Muck. 24.00
The Leaming Zone.
11.00 Primeval Islands. 11.30
Diving with Seals. 12.00 Among
the Baboons. 12.30 Bats. 13.00
Bali: Masterpiece of the Gods.
14.00 Wild Wheels. 15.00 On
the Edge: They Never Set Foot on
the Moon. 16.00 Extreme Earth:
Land of Rre and lce. 16.30
Extreme Earth: Liquid Earth.
17.00 Among the Baboons.
17.30 Bats. 18.00 Wild Wheels.
19.00 Jaspers Giants. 19.30
Deep Flight. 20.00 The Waiting
Game. 20.30 Lord of the Eagles.
21.00 Extreme Earth: Violent
Volcano. 22.00 On the Edge:
Arctic Joumey. 23.00 Ocean
Worlds: Diving with the Great
Whales. 24.00 Ocean Worids:
Killer Whales of the Fjord. 0.30
Ocean Worlds: Mystery of the
Whale Lagoon. 1.00 Extreme
Earth: Violent Volcano. 2.00 On
the Edge: Arctic Joumey. 3.00
Ocean Worids: Diving with the
Great Whales. 4.00 Ocean
Worlds: Killer Whales of the
Fjord. 4.30 Gcean Worlds: My-
stery of the Whale Lagoon. 5.00
8.00 Rex Hunt’s Rshing Ad-
ventures. 8.30 The Diceman.
9.00 Bush Tucker Man. 9.30
Walkeris World. 10.00 The Din-
osaurs! 11.00 Mille Miglia - Driv-
ing Passions Special. 12.00 Top
Guns. 12.30 On the Road Again.
13.00 Air Ambulance. 13.30
Disaster. 14.30 Beyond 2000.
15.00 Ghosthunters. 15.30 Just-
ice Files. 16.00 Rex Hunt’s Fis-
hing Adventures. 16.30 Walkeris
Worid. 17.00 Wheel Nuts. 17.30
Treasure Hunters. 18.00 Animal
Doctor. 18.30 Secrets of the
Deep. 19.30 The Elegant
Solutíon. 20.00 Discover Mag-
azine. 21.00 Fighting the G-
Force. 22.00 Super Structures.
23.00 Forensic Detectives.
24.00 Science Frontiers. 1.00
Treasure Hunters. 1.30 Wheel
Nuts. 2.00 Dagskrárlok.
5.00 Kickstart. 6.00 Top Select-
ion. 7.00 Kickstart. 8.00 Non
Stop Hits. 11.00 MTV Data.
12.00 Non Stop Hits. 15.00 Sel-
ect MTV. 17.00 US Top 20.
18.00 So 90’s. 19.00 Top Sel-
ection. 20.00 MTV Data. 21.00
Amour. 22.00 MTVID. 23.00 Alt-
emative Nation. 1.00 The Grind.
I. 30 Night Videos.
Fréttir fluttar allan sólarhringinn.
5.00 This Moming. 5.30 InsighL
6.00 This Moming. 6.30 Mo-
neyline. 7.00 This Moming. 7.30
Sport. 8.00 This Moming. 8.30
Showbiz. 9.00 Larry King. 10.00
News. 10.30 Sport. 11.00 News.
II. 15 American Edition. 11.30
Biz Asia. 12.00 News. 12.30 Sci-
ence & Technology. 13.00 News.
13.15 Asian Edition. 13.30 Worid
ReporL 14.00 News. 14.30
Showbiz. 15.00 News. 15.30
Sport. 16.00 News. 16.30 Travel
Now. 17.00 Larry King. 18.00
News. 18.45 American Edition.
19.00 News. 19.30 Worid
Business. 20.00 News. 20.30
Q&A. 21.00 News Europe. 21.30
Insight. 22.00 News Upda-
te/World Business. 22.30 SporL
23.00 World View. 23.30 Mo-
neyline Newshour. 0.30 Showbiz.
1.00 News. 1.15 Asian Edition.
1.30 Q&A. 2.00 Lany King Live.
3.00 News. 3.30 Newsroom.
4.00 News. 4.15 American
Edition. 4.30 World Report.
5.00 The Green Slime. 6.45
Betrayed. 8.45 Johnny Belinda.
10.30 Lovely to Look At. 12.15
Saratoga. 14.00 Arena. 15.15
Fury. 17.00 Betrayed. 19.00
Madame Bovary. 21.00 Raintree
County. 0.15 Bridge to the Sun.
2.30 The Fixer.
06.05 Morguntónar.
06.45 VeSurfregnir.
06.50 Bæn. Séra Lára G. Oddsdóttir flytur.
07.05 Morgunstundin. Umsjón: Lana Kol-
brún Eddudóttir.
. 09.03 Laufskálinn Umsjón: Bergljót Bald-
09.38 Segðu mér sögu, Glókollur, ævintýri
eftir Ludwig Bechstein. Gunnar Stefáns-
son les.
09.50 Morgunleikfimi með Halldóru
10.03 Veðurfregnir.
! 10.15 Frá Brússel. Fréttaskýringaþáttur um
Evrópumál. Umsjón: Ingimar Ingimarsson.
10.35 Árdegistónar. Zdena Kloubová og
Leo Vodicka syngja tékknesk þjóðlög [ út-
setningum eftir Leos Janácek; Radoslav
Kvapil leikur á píanó.
11.03 Samfélagið í nærmynd. Umsjón: Jón
Ásgeir Sigurðsson og Sigríöur Pétursdóttir.
12.45 Veðurfregnir.
12.50 Auðlind. Þáftur um sjávarútvegsmál.
12.57 Dánarfregnir og auglýsingar.
I 13.05 Minningin um Jónas. Annar þáttur.
Umsjón: Arnaldur Máni Rnnsson.
13.35 Lögin við vinnuna.
14.03 Útvarpssagan, Meðan nóttin líður
eftir Friðu Á. Sigurðardóttur. Margrét
Helga Jóhannsdóttir les sjöunda lestur.
; 14.30 Nýtt undir nálinni. Píanóverk eftir
Anton Bruckner. Wolfgang Brunner og
• Michael Schopper leika.
15.03 Grunnskólinn á tímamótum. Sjötti
og síðasti þáttur um skólamál. Umsjón:
Þröstur Haraldsson.
15.53 Dagbók.
16.08 Tónstiginn. Umsjón: Una Margrét
17.00 fþróttir.
17.05 Víðsjá. Listir, vísindi, hugmyndir,
18.05 Fimmtudagsfundur.
18.30 Úr Gamla testamentinu. Kristján
Árnason les valda kafla úr bókum testa-
18.48 Dánarfregnir og auglýsingar.
19.30 Auglýsingar og veðurfregnir.
19.45 Laufskálinn. Umsjón: Bergljót Bald-
ursdóttir. (e)
20.30 Sagnaslóð Umsjón: Kristján Sigur-
21.10 Tónstiginn. Umsjón: Una Margrét
Jónsdóttir. (e)
22.10 Veðurfregnir.
22.15 Lestur Passíusálma. Þorsteinn frá
Hamri les. (16)
22.25 Söguhraðlestin. Á ferð um samein-
að landslag þýskra bókmennta. Þriðji
þáttur. Leiðsögumaður: Arthúr Björgvin
Bollason. (e)
23.10 Fimmtíu mínútur. Umsjón: Bergljót
Baldursdóttir. (e)
00.10 Næturtónar. Píanóverk eftir Anton
01.00 Veðurspá.
01.10 Útvarpað á sarntengdum rásum.
2, 5, 6, 7, 7.30, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12.20, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 og 24.
RÁS 2 FM 90,1/99,9
0.10-6.05 Næturtónar. Glefsur.
Auðlind. (e) Fréttir, veður, færð og
flugsamgöngur. 6.05 Morgunút-
varpið. 6.45 Veður. Morgunútvarp-
ið. 8.35 Pistill llluga Jökulssonar.
9.03 Poppland. 11.30 íþróttir.
12.45 Hvítir máfar. 14.03 Brot úr
degi. 16.08 Dægurmálaútvarp.
17.00 Iþróttir. Dægurmálaútvarp-
ið. 18.03 Þjóðarsálin. 18.40
Umslag. 19.30 Barnahomið.
20.30 Sunnudagskaffi. Umsjón:
Kristján Þorvaldsson. (e). 21.30
Kvöldtónar. 22.10 Skjaldbakan.
8.20-9.00 Útvarp Norðurlands.
18.35-19.00 Útvarp Norðurlands,
Útvarp Austurlands og Svæðisút-
varp Vestfjaröa.
6.00 Morgunútvarp. 9.05 King
Kong. 12.15 Hádegisbarinn.
13.00 íþróttir. 13.05 Albert
Ágústsson. 16.00 Þjóðbrautin.
17.50 Viðskiptavaktin. Þjóðbraut-
in. 18.30 Tónlist. 20.00 DHL-
deildin í körfuknattleik. Bein út-
sending. 21.30 Bara það besta.
1.00 Næturdagskrá.
Fróttlr á hella timanum kl. 7-19.
FM 957 FM 95,7
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn. Fréttln
7, 8, 9,12,14,15,16. íþróttlr:
10, 17. MTV-fréttir: 9.30, 13.30.
Sviðsljóslð: 11.30, 15.30.
GULL FM 90,9
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn.
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn.
Fréttlr kl. 7, 8, 9,10, 11 og 12.
Klassísk tónlist allan sólarhringinn.
Fréttlr frá BBC kl. 9,12,16.
Tónlist og þættir allan sólarhring-
inn. Bænastundlr 10.30, 16.30
og 22.30.
Talað mál allan sólarhringinn.
MONO FM 87,7
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn. Fréttlr
8.30, 11, 12.30, 16,30 og 18.
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn.
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn. Fróttlr:
9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 og 16.
LÉTT FM 96,7
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn.
X-K) FM 97,7
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn.
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn.
Tónlist allan sólarhringinn. Fréttlr:
5.58, 6.58, 7.58, 11.58, 14.58
og 16.58. íþróttlr: 10.58.