Heimskringla - 27.08.1930, Page 5

Heimskringla - 27.08.1930, Page 5
V WINNIPEG, 27. ÁGírST, 1930 HEIMSKRINGLA 5. BLAÐSIÐA D. P. PerKUNon President and Manager C. 1í. Newton Accountancy Dept. A. J. Gray Accountancy Dept. Business Adminis- tration Dept. ^£0 . Evn Hood, P.C.T. Head of Shorthand Dept. Mnliel Jlllett, P.C.T. Shorthand Dept. . Jenn Lnw, P.C.T.. Shorthand Dept. Jenn Prn«er, P.C.T. Shorthand Dept. Innbel MncNnb, P.C.T Shorthand Dept. Mnrgnret Chnlmera Shorthand Dept. THOUSANDS OF ICELANDIC STUDENTS TRUE TO THEIR EDUCATIONALIDEALS, HAVE SHOWN PREFERENCE FOR THE “THOROUGHNESS” OF THE SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE ONE MONTH IN THIS THOROUGHLY ORGANIZED AND EFFICIENT COLLEGE IS WORTH TWO MONTHS ELSEWHERE. The higher type of instruction is avail- able in this great school. The result is that the majority of Business College students from everywhere in Manitoba train at the “Success.” Thorough train- ing and definite employment service are the only special inducements offered by the Success Business College. DAY AND EVENING CLASS- ES ARE NOW OPEN FOR ENROLLMENTS. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE FOR FREE PROSPECTUS. More Teachers Better Teachers Practical Courses Better Teachlng Methods Larger, Brighter Premlses Better Equipment Dependahle Employment Service Personal Instruction The Home of Sifccess Large or Small School---Which? i. Whioh school is likely to attract the best teachers— the large School or the small School? Would you rather receive instruction in a small Sehool, vvhere one or two teachers handle ali subjects, or in a large school, where proper system and classi- fication permit high-elass instruction by speeialists? WTiere is a teacher likely to be a specialist in his de- partment—in the large School or in the small Schooi ? Which School can afford to pay salaries rcquired to retain expert teachers—the large School or the small School ? W’he're is the most complete and modern equipment likely to be found—in the large School or the small Schooi ? W’hich Schoo! is the best known among business men who are seeking help—the large School or the small School ? Employers have more confidence in the graduate of the large School, for they realize that a School can become large—only through doing thorough work. THE “SUCCESS” IS THE LARGEST PRIVATE COMMERCIAL COL- LEGE IN CANADA, AND IS DOING BETTER WORK AND TEACHING MORE THOROUGHLY THAN IS POSSIBLE IN A SMALL SCHOOL. Phone 25 843 CALL FOR AN INTERVIEW Office Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EDMONTON BLOCK, 385 PORTAGE AVENUE. Cor. Edmonton St. and Portage Ave. (Opposite Boyd Block) FALL TERM NOW OPEN If you are not prepared to begin your Success Course now, you may com- mence at any time. Our system of personal instruction provides for new students en- rolling at their convenience and starting at the beginning of each subject. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES Phone 25 843 CALLFOR AN INTERVIEW Office Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Vera Smallrldgre, P.C.T. Shorthand Dept. Alma Young Shorthand Dept. Mary Rae Shorthand Dept. D. Erlenrtson Commerciai Dept. fSenevleve Scbumaeher B. A. Corresponding Secy. G. H. Laughton Employment Dept. Llllnn Aylawoiih Comptometer Dept. W. C. Anaus, C.A. Principal J. C. Way Penmanship Dept. T. L. Rrooka, M.A. Secretarial Dept. Marguerlle De Deoker Typewriting Dept. Iaiobel McGuirl Typewriting Dept. Kathleen MeGuirl Typewriting Dept. Thelma Coleman.B.A. English Dept. Mary Rarbour English Dept. Rlta Good, B.A. P.C.T. Stenotype Dept. L



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