Heimskringla - 07.09.1938, Blaðsíða 5

Heimskringla - 07.09.1938, Blaðsíða 5
WINNIPEG, SEPT. 7. 1938 HEIMSKRINGLA 5. SÍÐA A Select School for Select Students FOR A BETTER SCHOOL We are alert to put into our school courses, equipment and methods that will constantly improve its service to its students. We earnestly believe that the deep- seated excellence of the school has had much to do with the outstanding success of our graduates—for the perceqtage of success among the young folks who leave our classrooms is very high—so high that we take very great pride in mentioning it. Maintaining a good school is a con- tinuous job. FOR ALL THE YEARS “It is probably too much to expect young people to understand the im- plications of the flight of time—but what a wonderful thing if youth could look ahead and appreciate the fact that the career of tomorrow must rest upon the foundation laid today just as definitely as the house must stand through all the years upon the piers that support it. “Of course, there is occasionally a boy or girl who knows this fact — but only occasionally.” Dusin<2S5 Opportunities “JUST AROUND THE CORNER" In a few weeks many hundreds of young people will enter institutions above the secondary level — beyond high school. Hundreds will intend to enter, but will stop at merely intending. Those who push ahead in spite of difficult- ies are the ones; who will be tomor- row’s directors of the world’s activi- ties. • Time is so valuable today that no young person can afford to waste it. To say, “I can start to school next year” is equivalent to saying, “I am resigning myself to failure, or to whatever fate or fortune may bring to me.” We shall be glad to help you take the next step. RESULTS COUNT! A Better School There is a tendency amongst schools to over-capitalize on the achievements of graduates who have won recognition in various fields. N After all, the student supplies the ability. But... Perhaps we may be pardoned if we bask a little in the reflected light of the following records: 1. At the recent (July, 1938) Manitoba Civil Service Examinations, FIRST and SECOND Places of Merit were won by Dominion Students. 2. At a similar examination a year ago, a Dominion Student came FIRST out of 166 candidates. 3. At the recent Dominion Civil Service Examinations held throughout Canada, out of some 5,000 candidates “Dominion” students won FOUR places in the first 45. 4. At the last typewriting competition held at the Toronto Exhibition, two silver cups were offered for First and Second Year Business College or High School students and 17 Business Colleges entered the contest. BOTH CUPS WERE WON BY STUDENTS OF THE DOM- INION BUSINESS COLLEGE, WINNIPEG. Maintaining a GOOD SCHOOL is a continuous job. A Genuine TRc Future ttefms Today 5ecret©riai Cours<2 Opportunity For Graduates to Market their Education At the D OMINION you will find . . . • An environment conducive to study and accomplishment under ideal Business Conditions. • Educated young men and women from homes of refinement, who already possess High Ideals and many of the qualities which Business Leadership demands.. • Modern office machines to meet the needs of modern business, including: Calculating Machines Duplicating Machines Dictating Machines Bookkeeping Machines Latest Model Typewriters £)usm<?se> Adimstratiorv WRITE, PHONE OR CALL TODAY For Prospectus DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE THE MALL, Cor. Memorial Blvd. and St. Mary’s and at St. JAMES and ELMWOOD \



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