Heimskringla - 06.03.1946, Side 7

Heimskringla - 06.03.1946, Side 7
WINNIPEG, 6. MARZ 1946 HEIMSKRINGLA 7. SÍÐA ANNUAL REPORT of the Jon Sigurdson Chapter, I.O.D.E. In reviewing efforts and achievements within our Chap- ter this past year, we find that, through kindly co-operation and generous support of our mem- bers and friends, we are able to give the following report of activities since February 1945, to February 1946. Financial Statement — Mrs. J. S. Gillies, Treas. General Account: Bal. on hand Jan. 15, ’45 $2*47.87 Receipts from Jan. 15,1945 to Jan. 15,1946______ 714.51 Disbursements for year 461.10 Bal. on hand Jan. 15, ’45s_ 501.28 War Service Fund: Bal. on hand jan. 15, ’45 $59.42 Receipts from Jan. 15, ’45 to Jan. 15, ’46_______306.52 Disbursments for year __133.78 Bal. on hand Jan. 15, ’46 232.16 Sources of revenue to bothi these accounts have come from membership fees, from teas, bridge, our annual tea at Eatons and from generous donations from members and friends. Disbursements have been for regular outlays, such as: conven- tion railway fares, delegates fees, officers tax, endowment fund, to the various bursaries and scholarships sponsored by our Order, our music scholar- ship, tuition fees for vocal train- ing, christmas cheer, welfare and hospital visits and donations to other worthy causes. Educational — Miss Jonasson, convener. Manitoba University has awarded our annual scholarship of $50 to Margaret MacKeen, 14 years old. Twenty-five dollars was don- ated towards tuition for vocal lesson to a young lady of promis- ing ability. Twenty-five dollars was con- tributed to the Agnes Sigurdson fund. Contributions to scholarship funds sponsored by the Order. A flag was presented to a group of Girl Guides and read- ing matter contributed to bed- ridden patients in hospitals. Empire Study Mrs. O. Stephensen, convener. Articles dealing with timely subjects and current events read at meetings. Guest speakers: Mrs. Hart, our representative at the annual na- tional convention at Regina last summer, gave an interesting and comprehensive report on their INNKÖLLUNARMENN HEIMSKRINGLU Reykjavík A ISLANDI ----------Björn Guðmundsson, Reynimel 52 lCANADA Antler, Sask------------K. J. Abrahamson, Sinclair, Man. Árnes, Man-------------Sumarliði J. Kardal, Hnausa, Man. Arborg, Man............................G. O. Einarsson Baldur, Man-------------- -----------------O. Anderson Beokville, Man----------Björn Þórðarson, Amaranth, Man. Belmont, Man...............................g. J. Oleson Bredenbury, Sask. Halldór B. Johnson, Churchbridge, Sask. Churchbridge, Sask------------------Halldór B. Johnson Cypress River, Man.....................Guðm. Sveinsson Dafoe, Sask-------------O. O. Magnússon, Wynyard, Sask. Ebor Man----------------K. J. Abrahamson, Sinclair, Man. Eifros, Sask.—..................Mrs. J. H. Goodmundson Eriksdale, Man................. ........Ólafur Hallsson Fishing Lake, Sask-----------Rósm. Árnason, Leslie, Sask. Foam Lake, Sask-------------Rósm. Árnason, Leslie, Sask. Gimli, Man.............................._K. Kjernested Geysir, Man.___------------------------G. B. Jóhannson Glenboro, Man..............................G. J. Oleson Hayland, Man........................... Sig. B. Helgason Hecla, Man..........................Jóhann K. Johnson Hnausa, Man..................*..........Gestur S. Vídal Innisfail, Alta--------Ófeigur Sigurðsson, Red Deer, Alta. Kandahar, Sask----------O. O. Magnússon, Wynyard, Sask. Keewatin, Ont.........................Bjarni Sveinssor. Langruth, Man.....—.....................Böðvar Jónsson Leslie, Sask..........................Th. Guðmundsson Lundar, Man................................D. J. Líndal Markerville, Alta-----Ófeigur Sigurðsson, Red Deer, Alta. Morden, Man-------------------------Thorst. J. Gíslason Mozart, Sask.__......................... Thor Ásgeirsson Narrows, Man-----------------S. Sigfússon, Oakview, Man. Oak Point, Man._„-....................Mrs. L. S. Taylor Oakview, Man...............................s. Sigfússon Otto, Man----------------Hjörtur Josephson, Lundar, Man. Piney, Man.............................. .S. V. Eyford Red Deer, Alta.......................Ófeigur Sigurðsson Riverton, Man............r_...........Einar A. Johnson Reykjavík, Man—......................__.Ingim. Ólafsson Selkirk, Man________________________Mrs. J. E. Erickson Silver Bay, Man....—.....................Hallur Hallson Sinclair, Man........................K. J. Abrahamson Steep Rock, Man...........................Fred Snædal Stony Hill, Man---------.Hjörtur Josephson, Lundar, Man. Tantallon, Sask........................Árni S. Árnason Thornhill, Man----------Thorst. J. Gíslason, Morden, Man. Víðir, Man------------------Aug. Einarsson, Árborg, Man. Vancouver, B. C_______Mrs. Anna Harvey, 4487 Quebec, St. Wapah, Man--------------„Ingim. Ólafsson, Reykjavík, Man. Winnipeg S. S. Anderson, 800 Lipton St. Winnipeg, Man. Winnipegosis, Man.............................S. Oliver Wynyard, Sask...........................O. O. Magnússon I BANDARÍKJUNUM Akra, N. D. ------------Björn Stevenson, Akra P.O., N. D. Bantry, N. Dak------------_E. J. Breiðfjörð, Upham, N. D. Bellingham, Wash.__Mrs. John W. Johnson, 2717 Kulshan St. Blaine, Wash.......................Magnús Thordarson Cavalier, N. D---------Björn Stevenson, Akra P.O., N. D. Crystal, N. D._------C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Edinburg, N. D----_:.C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Gardar, N. D--------C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Grafton, N. D--------C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Hallson, N. D-----------Björn Stevenson, Akra P.O., N. D. Hensel, N. D----------_C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. Ivanhoe, Minn--------Miss C. V. Dalmann, Minneota, Minn. Milton, N. Dak.............................S. Goodman Minneota, Minn......................Miss C. V. Dalmann Mountain, N. D--------C. Indriðason, Mountain P.O., N. D. National City, Calif......John S. Laxdal, 736 E. 24th St. Point Roberts, Wash.......................Ásta Norman Seattle, 7 Wash-------J. J. Middal, 6522 Dibb-le Ave., N.W. Upham, N. Dak..__........._.._...........E. J. Breiðfjörð The Viking Press Ltd. Winnipeg Manitoba post-war program of work for this year of reconstruction. — Mrs. Scott, Municipal convener for Empire Study, gave a talk on plans for Empire Study. Major Jon Hjalmarson’s topic was “Canada’s Contribution.” Echoes — Mrs. A. F. Wilson, convener. Fifteen subscriptions paid for. 30 calendars disposed of. Articles written and sent to the maga- zine. Hospital visiting — Twelve visits to the St. Boni- face Sanatorium, carrying com- forts and cheer to service men and women and nursing sisters. Sixty-seven patients have been visited and $44.75 contributed by our Chapter. Many homes where illness has been, have been visit- ed by our two hospital visitors, Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Kristj- anson. Unorganized Districts — Mrs. Sivertson, convener. Knitted garments — 9 sweat- ers, 5 prs. mittens, 1 cap and a dress — sent to needy people in these districts. Sewing Room — Mrs. Summers, convener. Ninety six hours, 20 min., have been given to making 180 gar- ments, 22 prs. hospital slippers cut and assembled, buttons and button holes made. Four mem- bers have given this time and service. Mrs. Summers conven- er. Welfare Work — Miss Vala Jonasson, convener. Three boxes of clothing sent to needy families of ex-service men. Approx. value $40. $5. and $9. donated to veterans. War Services — Mrs. E. A. Isfeld, convener. Twenty-five parcels were sent to boys overseas at christmas, 53 knitted articles to British cloth- ing headquarters and 25 knitted articles sent overseas. Money spent in various activities relat- ing to war works, amount to $133.78 for the year. Mrs. C. G. McKeag and Mrs. J. F. Kristjan- son convened the book drive in this district, with volunteers, and collected $560.00. • To these reports we may add contributions and services rend- ered to the Red Cross Drive, to the annual Tay Day, to clothes drives, to a day at salvage centre and five of our members gave an afternoon at the musical festival, to hut duty and to the annual Navy League tag day. Mrs. Skaptason, our Regent, and other members have repre- sented our Chapter at various provincial and municipal gather- ings. A hundred dollar bondNwas bought from our life member- ship fund. A memorial service sponsored by our Chapter, Nov. 11, in the First Lutheran church, was a decided success, of we may judge from the inspiring service and a house filled to capacity. A luncheon was tendered to a past Regent and a continuous supporter, Mrs. Soffia Brynjolf- son, a visitor from San Francisco last August. A party was given to a group of non-members who have knit- ted innumerable articles for our war service, throughout these six years. As a climax to this years ac- tivities, the Jon Sigurdson Chap- ter with the assistance of the Icelandic Canadian Club and generous patrons, gave a grand Welcome Home reception to our returned boys and girls in the Royal Alexandra hotel, Feb. 18. On that same day, flowers were sent to mothers of boys who will not return. SNEMMA SÁÐNAR TOMATOS Vordaga Chatham Þœr allra fyrstu Tomatos— hvar sem eru í Canada. Ómetanlegar fyrir norðrið og vestrið og aðra staði sem hafa stuttar árs- tíðir. Einnig mjög ákjósanlegar á öðrum stöðum fyrir fljóta sprettu og gæði, eru fullþroska tveim vikum eða meir á undan öðrum ávöxtum. Reyndust ágætlega í sléttufylkjun- um 1943 og 1944, þar með taldir staðir svo sem Lethbridge og Brooks í Alberta; Indian Head og Swift Cur- rent í Sask., Brandon og Morden í Man. I kringum Calgary, þar sem gengu fyrst undir nafninu “Alberta”, urðu garðyrkjumenn alveg undradi yfir þeim. f Lethbridge voru “Vor- daga Chatham” fullþroskaðar viku til tólf dögum á undan öðrum garðá- vöxtum. f Mordan, Man., var vöxtör þeirra frá 20% til 40% meiri en nokkur önnur snemma þroskuð garð tegund. “Vordaga Chatham” eru smáar, þurfa ekki að binda upp, og má planta tvö fet á hvern veg. Eplið samsvarar sér vel, fallegt í lögun og að lit, fyrirtaks bragðgott. Er um 2% þml. í þvermál, en oftast þó meira. Pantið eftir þessari auglýsing. En þar sem eigi er nægilegt útsæði að fá getum við ekki sent meira en fram er tekið. (Pk. \5<f) (oz. 75?) póstfrítt. FRÍ—Vor stóra újsœðisbók fyrir 194S Enn sú fullkomnasta 92 DOMINION SEED HOUSE Georgetown, Ontario ....................... v = S | INSURANCE AT . . . REDUCED RATFS Fire and Automobile = | STRONG INDEPENDENT | COMPANIES ! McFadyen | Company Limited |j | 362 Main St. Winnipeg | Dial 93 444 •ininiiniaiiiiiimmniiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiii IIIC> Election of Officers Officers elected for 1946 were as follows: Hon. Regents - Mrs. B. J. Brandson, Mrs.’ B. B. Jons- son, Mrs. R. Petursson, Mrs. V. J. Eylands, Mrs. Philip Peturs- son; Regent - Mrs. B. S. Benson; Vice-Regents - Mrs. E. A. Isfeld, Mrs. H. A. Bergman; Secretary - Mrs. H. G. Henrickson; Treas- j urer - Mrs. J. S. Gillies; Educa- tional Convener - Miss. Vala Jonasson; Empire Study - Mrs. O. Stephensen; Hospital Visit- ors - Mrs. H. G. Nicholson and Mrs. J. F. Kristjanson; Echoes - Mrs. A. F. Wilson; Standard Bearer - Mrs. E. W. Perry; Un- organized Districts - Mrs. P. J. Sivertson; Child and Family Welfare - Miss Jonasson; Coun- cillors: Mrs. L. E. Summers, Mrs. P. J. Sivertson, Mrs. L. J. Hall- grimson, Mrs. O. Cain, Mrs. G. F. Jonasson. ★ In conclusion, may we extend our sincere gratitude to all our members and friends who have supported our efforts so whole- heartedly and generously. To generous patrons of our recent Welcome Home reception, to in- dividuals, business firms and to the two Icelandic weekly papers, Logberg and Heimskringla, our thanks and good wishes. Also to the Icelandic Canadian Club, whose members have given us continued support and co-opera tion throughout the year. May prosperity and peace come to all in these serious yet hopeful times. Johanna G. Skaptason, Regent Thjóðbjörg Henrickson, Secretarv —Feb. 21, 1946. Professional and Business Directory ——— Othce Phonk Res. Phone 94 762 72 409 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 116 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Office hours by appointment Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson 215 RUBY ST. Beint suður af Banning Talsími 30 877 yiðtalstimi U. 3—5 e.h. J. J. Swanson & Co. Ltd. REALTORS Rental, Insurance and Financial Agentt Simi 97 538 308 AVENTJE BLDG—Wlnnlpeg DR. A. V. JOHNSON DENTIST 506 Somerset Bldg Office 97 932 Res. 202 398 ANDREWS, ANDREWS, THORVALDSON & EGGERTSON Lögfrœðingar Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. Portage og Garry St. Sími 98 291 DRS. H. R. and H. W. TWEED T annlœknar ★ 406 TORONTO GEN. TRUSTS fy _ BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 96 952 WINNIPEG THE WATCH SHOP CARL K. THORLAKSON Dlamond and Weddlng Rlngs Agent for Bulova WaÆchea Marrlage Licenses Issued 699 8ARGENT AVE H. HALDORSON BUILDER 23 Music and Arts Studios Broadway and Carlton Phone 93 055 Winnipeg, Canada 1 CANADIAN FISH PRODUCERS, LTD. J. H. Page, Managþng Director Wholesale Distributors of Fresh cmd Frozen Fish 311 CHAMBERS ST. Office Phone 26 328 Res. Phone 73 917 ÁSGEIRSON’S PAINTS, WALL PAPER AND HARDWARE 698 SARGENT AVENUE Winnipeg, Man. Telephone 34 322 WINDATT COAL Co. LIMITED Established 1898 307 SMITH STREET Office Phone 97 404 Yard Phone 28 745 THE BUSINESS CLINIC specialize in aiding the smaller business man to keep adequate records and prepare Income Tax Returns. ANNA LARUSSON 415 Mclntyre Blk. Ph. 92 316 Frá vini PRINCESS MESSENGER SERVICE Við flytjum kistur og töskur, húsgögn úr smœrri ibúðum og húsmuni af öllu tœi. 58 ALBERT ST. — WINNIPEG Simi 25 888 C. A. Johnson, Mgr. A. SAEDAL PAINTER & DECORATOR * Phone 93 990 ★ Suite 1 Monterey Apts. 45 Carlton St., Winnipeg H. J. PALMASON & Co. Cbartered Accountant* 1103 McARTHUR BLDG. PHONE 94 358 Rovatzos Floral Shop 253 Notre Dame Ave., Phone 27 989 Presh Cut Flowers Daily. Plants in Season We specialize ln Weddlng & Concert Bouquerts & Funeral Designs ícelandic spoken A. S. BARDAL Mlur líkkistur og annast um útíar- ir. Allur útbúnaður sá besti. Ennfremur aelur hann allskonar minnisvarða og legsteina. M3 8HEHBROOKE ST. Phons 27 324 Winnipeg Union Loan & Investment COMPANY Rental, Insurance and Financial Agents Simi 95 061 510 Toronto General Trusts Bldg. GUNDRY-PYMORE Ltd. British Quality - Fish Netting 60 Victoria St., Winnipeg, Man. Phone 98 211 Manager: T. R. THORVALDSON Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated Halldór Sigurðsson Contractor & Builder ★ 594 Alverstone St., Winnipeg Simi 33 038 FINKLEMAN OPTOMETRISTS and OPTICIANS KENSINGTON BLDG., 275 Portage Ave. Winnipeg PHONE 93 942 DR. CHARLES R. OKE TANNLÆKNIR 404 Toronto Gen. Trust Bldg. 283 Portage Ave., Winnipeg Phone 94 908 'JORNSONS lOOKSTOREI 1 702 Sargent Ave., Winnipeg,



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