Lögberg - 23.12.1937, Qupperneq 11

Lögberg - 23.12.1937, Qupperneq 11
Fimmtíu Ára Minningarblað Lögbergs Tuittugasta og Annan Desember Nítján Hundruð Þrjátíu og Sjö 51 WE’RE ALL NUTTY HERE AND THERE Ry P. N. Britt,____ MUCH Christmas joy, My wish for you; Good luck on high, For New Year, too. * » * HERE we are again into the “Peace on earth, good will to men” season. And away we go, milling around. Same as last year and the year before and every year since the years began to come and go. Up to now, it does not seem to have got us very far, and most of the milling around doesn’t seem to have made much sense. Many of us hang onto our chisels (and carry them around with us, without stop- ping to think that peace and good will and chiselling are not good mixers. * * « PERHAPS it’s because we have not got into our heads a pro- per line on the good counsel, “Peace on earth, good will towards men” given us long, long ago. Most of us are pretty hard to get along with. Our general behaviour is such that we make it pretty hard going for other folks in our homes, shops, offices, factories, or wherever we happen to spend most of our time. When we come to think of it, it is in such places that we could do much to bring about peace and good will around Christmas or at any other time. « * * AS Christmas comes along, lots of folks get ashamed of themselves —if there is any shame in tham —and go out and get a case of eggs or something and send it along to someone, with a view to making up for a nasty manner or a year of lack of Christian charity or decent treat- ment. If we all practised peace and good will things would be a lot bet- ter than they are. Sometimes I won- der why someone doesn’t give post graduate courses in peace and good will. He might get a big class, and do well at it, and it might not be so hard to live with a lot of folks we have to be around with. * * * / A KINDLY act is a kernel sown. That will grow to a goodly tree, Shedding its fruit when time has flown, Down the gulf of eternity.” * * « A CERTAIN woman wanting to sing in grand opera, asked a Ger- man music professor to hear her. He played her accompaniment and listened to her for a few minutes, but she sang so far off the key that he finally slammed down the piano cov- er and refused to continue. “What’s the matter?” asked the woman in amazement. “Don’t you like my singing?” “Der trouble mit your singing, madam,” asserted the professor, “is dot vedder I play on der vite keys or der plack ones, you sing in der cracks.” * * * ONTARIO’S a cute old place, Her conduct’s always right, She says so, with a serious face And then gets awful tight. She must, for last year’s liquor bill Convinces us of that: She bought and guzzled booze until ’Twas fifty million flat. i The liquor board down there in Ont. Has just got out the bill, To show us what that gargling want Has brought into it’s till. Ont. must be going to the bad, There is no doubt of that, And many mornings must be sad Just after such a bat. * * * AT Wilson, N.C., last week, a truck owned by J. Oliver White and driven by Carson White col- lided with a car owned by John White and driven by his son, William White. The accident accurred in front of the home of Mrs. J. E. White. The officer who investigated was Robert A. White. To make the record complete: The truck was painted white and it was loaded with milk. * * * Happy New Year. Business and Professional Cards PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS DR. B. J. BRANDSON DR. B. H.OLSON 216-220 Medical ArU Bldg. Cor. Graham og Kennedy Sts. Phone 21 834—Office tímar 2-3 906 047 Consultation by Appointment Heimili: 214 WAVERLEY ST. Only Phone 403 288 Heimili: 5 ST. JAMES PLACE Winnipeff, Manltoba Winnlpeg, Manitoba DR. ROBERT BLACK Sérfrœðingur í eyrna, augna, nef og hálssjúkdómum. Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson 206 Medical Arts Bldg. 216-220 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham' og Kennedy Sts. Cor. Graham * Kennedy Phone 22 866 ViStalstlmi — 11 til 1 og 2 tll 5 Res. 114 GRENFELL BLVD. Skrifstofuslmi — 22 2 61 Heimili — 401 991 Phone 62 200 Dr. S. J. Johannesson Dr. D. C. M. Hallson ViBtalstími 3-6 e. h. Stundar skurBlækningar og almennar lœkningar 264 HARGRAVE ST. 218 SHERBURN ST. Slmi 30 877 —Gegnt Eaton’s— Wlnnipeg Slmi 22 775 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. H. A. BERGMAN, K.C. talenzkur löofrœöingur J. T. THORSON, K.C. Skrifstofa: Room 811 McArthur islenzkur löofrœöinour Building-, Portage Ave. pO. Box 16 66 800 GREAT WEST PERM. BLD. PHONES 96 052 og 39 043 Phone 94 668 BUSINESS CARDS Ákjósanleour oistlstaöur Fyrir tslendingat Vingjarnieg aBbúB. Sanngjarnt verB. DRS. H. R. & H. W. TWEED Tannlœknar Cornwall Hotel MAIN& RUPERT Slmi 94 742 406 TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 26 545 WINNIPEO A.S. BARDAL 848 SHERBROOKE ST. J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED Selur llkkistur og annast um út- íarir Allur útbúnaBur sá bezti. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar minnisvarBa og legsteina. Skrifstofu talsími: 86 607 Heimilis talslmi: 501 562 601 PARIS BLDG., WINNIPEG Fastéignasalar. Leigja hús. Ot • vega peningalán og eldsábyrgB af 51 lu tægi. PHONE 94 221 A. C. JOHNSON 907 CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING, WINNIPEG Annast um fasteignir manna. Tekur aB sér aB ávaxta sparifé fólks. Selur eldsábyrgB og bif- reiBa ábyrgBir. Skriflegum fyrir- ■purnum svaraB aamstundis. Skrifst.s. 96 767—Heimas. 33 328 ST. REGIS HOTEL 285 SMITH ST„ WINNIPEG pœgilegur og rólegur bústaöur 1 nUObiki borgarinnar, Herbergi $2.00 og þar yflr; meB baBklefa $3.00 og þar yfir. Agætar máltlBir 40c—60c Free Parking for Ouests CHRIST IN THE HÖME OF HIS PARENTS From the painting by Sir John E. Millais, Bart, P.R.A. In the National Gallery of British Art. Or borg og bygð Dr. Tweed verður í Árborg á fimtudaginn þann 30. þ. m. Jólamessur í Argyle 24. des.—Brú, 2.30 p.m. 24. des.—Baldur, 7.00 p.m. 25. des.—Grund, kl. 3.00 p.m. 25. des. Glenboro, 7.00 p.m. Jólatré á öllum stööunum. Vatnabygðir Jólamessa í Wynyard, á jóladag kl. 2 e. h. — Á annan jóladag verÖ- ur hvergi messað i prestakallinu. Jakob Jónsson. Messur í Gimli prestakalli: 24. des.—Gimli, Jólatréssamkoma, kl. 8.30 e. h. 25. des.—Betel, messa á venju- legum tíma; Gimli, íslenzk jóla- messa, kl. 3 e. h.; Víðines, messa og jólatréssamkoma, kl. 8.30 e. h. 26. des. — Betel, á venjulegum tíma; Árnes, messa og jólatréssam- koma, kl. 8.30 e. h. 1. jan.—Betel, á venjulegum tíma; Gimli, íslenzk messa, kl. 3 e. h. 2. jan.—Betel, á venjulegum tima; Gimli, ensk messa kl. 7 e. h.—Aðal þátturinn í þessari messu verður sýning á piblíu-myndum (lantern slides), jólasagan og nokkur atriði úr æfisögu Jesú Krists. 3. jan.—Séra G. P. Johnson sýnir í kirkju Gimli safnaðar, kl. 8.30 e. h., ágætar myndir (lantern slides) af fslandi. Inngangur ekki seldur, en samskota verður leitað. B. A. Bjarnason. Gefin saman í hjónaband þ. 19. desmber, voru Ólafur Steingrímur Thorsteinsson, kennari í hljómfræði, og Thuríður Helga Jónasson, að- stoðar forstöðukona á elliheimilinu Betel, á Gimli. Séra B. A. Bjarna- son, gifti, og fór athöfnin fram á heimili Mr. og Mrs. Helgi G. Helga- son, á Gimli. Heimili Mr. og Mrs. Thorsteinsson verður við Húsavick, Man. Á elliheimilinu Betel andaðist Margrét Anderson þ. 20. desember. Hún var fædd á Tjörnesi í Suður- Þingeyjarsýslu á fslandi, þ. 13. sept 1845; var þvi orðin 92 ára. For- eldrar hennar voru Halldór Jónsson og Guðrún Runólfsdóttir. Eigin- maður Margrétar hét Ólafur Árna- son; en börn þelrra eru Jón Ólafson og Hildur (Mrs. Smith), í Winni- peg, og Tryggvi Anderson, búsettur við Hensel, N. Dak. Húskveðja fór fram á Betel, þ. 20. des., er sókn- arprestur, séra B. A. Bjarnason stýrði; var svo lik hinnar látnu, mætu konu flutt til Hensel, N. Dak., til greftrunar. Ljyyyiny \^uiurriuiu i r ctö J tiuyNLriö, yur INNKÖLLUNAR-MENN LÖGBERGS Amaranth, Man..............B. G. Kjartanson Akra, N. Dakota..........B. S. Thorvardson Árborg, Man..............Tryggvi Ingjaldson Árnes, Man................Sumarliði Kárdal Baldur, Man...................O. Anderson Bantry, N. Dakota......Einar J. Breiðfjörð Bellingham, Wash...........Arni Símonarson Blaine, Wash. .............Arni Símonarson Bredenbury, Sask................S. Loptson Brown, Man. ....................J. S. Gillis Cavalier, N. Dakota ......B. S. Thorvardson Churchbridge, Sask..............S. Loptson Cypress River, Man............O. Anderson Dafoe, Sask................J. G. Stephanson Edinburg, N. Dakota.......Jónas S. Bergmann Elfros, Sask.......Mrs. J. H. Goodmundson Foam Lake, Sask.........J. J. Sveinbjörnsson Garðar, N. Dakota........Jónas S. Bergmann Gerald, Sask....................C. Paulson Geysir, Man.............Tryggvi Ingjaldsson Gimli, Man....................F. O. Lyngdal Glenboro, Man............................O. Anderson Hallson, N. Dakota.......S. J. Hallgrimsson Hayland, P.O., Man.....Magnús Jóhannesson Hecla, Man...............Gunnar Tómasson Hensel, N. Dakota......................John Norman Husavick, Man..............F. O. Lyngdal Ivanhoe, Minn......................B. Jones Kandahar, Sask.............J. G. Stephanson Langruth, Man..............John Valdimarson Leslie, Sask............................Jón Ólafsson Lundar, Man................Jón Halldórsson Markerville, Alta...............O. Sigurdson Minneota, M.inn....................B. Jones Mountain, N. Dak..........S. J. Hallgrímson Mozart, Sask.........i.. J. J. Sveinbjörnsson Oak Point, Man...............A. J. Skagfeld Oakview, Man............................Búi Thorlacius Otto, Man...................Jón Halldórsson Point Roberts, Wash............S. J. Mýrdal Red Deer, Alta................O. Sigurdson Reykjavík, Man................Árni Paulson Riverton, Man.........................Björn Hjörleifsson Seattle, Wash..................J. J. Middal Selkirk, Man............................Th. Thorsteinsson Siglunes P.O., Man........Magnús Jóhannesson Silver Bay, Man.........................Búi Thorlacius Svold, N. Dak............B. S. Thorvardson Tantallon, Sask..............J. Kr. Johnson Upham, N. Dakota........Einar J. Breiðfjörð Víðir. Man..............Tryggvi Ingjaldsson Vogai*, Man..............Magnús Jóhannesson Westbourne, Man.........................Jón Valdimarsson Winnipegosis, Man.....Finnbogi Hjálmarsson Winnipeg Beach................F. O. Lyngdal Wynyard, Sask.. ...........J. G. Stephanson Forest Trail.



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