
Lögberg - 19.05.1938, Qupperneq 3

Lögberg - 19.05.1938, Qupperneq 3
4 LÖGBBEG, FIMTUDAGINN 19. MAl, 1938 An Appreciation It was nearing the hour of mid- night; the ringing of the telephone aroused me from a sound sleep. "Winnipeg calling,” said the opera-- tor. “Séra Björn died this morn- ing," ,oame over the wire. "I sit tonight as audience to my thoughts, W'hich to a panorama treat my vision Of days long past . . .” As in a dream, bygone days pass in review. The imind spans the years, and the days of our youth present familiar although half-for- gotten scenes and places, forms and faces. "Eg get ei sofið. Sækir mér Að sjónum það sem liðið er, Og heitra þanka bjartan brand Eg ber í svefnsins fölva land.” Two-score and five years ago, I was seated one Sunday in a hall in Minneota, facing an open, unadorn- ed platförm on which stood a young man in his early twenties, alert, fine- appearing, intellectual. He was a theological student preaching his first sermon in Minneota to a con- gregation of his countrymen. In the forty-five years that have elapsed since that Sunday, the writer has listened to many sermons and frankly admits that he has forgotten nearly all of them, but of the sermon referred to here there lingers a vivid Lmpression. Of course, I have forgotten what the sermon was about and only recall one ilhrstration used, or statement inade by the youthful exhorter. He was talking about the Saviour’s love for humanity and said that it seemed to him as if Christ held with one hand thé hand of God and with the other reached down to earth and grasped the hand of man. It was a well phrased, forceful, impressive illustration. I mentioh it because [ think that it contains the essence ot all of Rev. Jonsson’s religious plhilosophy. • For twenty years it was my privilege to listen to him praach, to enjoy his companionship, to know him intimately. I watched his religi- ous development; I saw him broaden intellectually and spiritually. He was not the kind of man ever to rest on his oars. Constantly he was forging ahead. Tó him, education was not a thing that ever could be completed. It goes without saying that his views underwent changes, that he developed spiritually as well as intellectually. There was nothing narrow about him. I feel that he never assumed the attitude that anv creed, any sect, any particular school of thought, had a monopoly on truth. I referred ábove to the state- ment he made in his first sermon in Minneota as containing the essence of his religious philosophy. I have had many talks with him on religious matters and constantly found hiim more and more inclined to minimize differences of opinion on what he considered non-essentials and more and more insistent upon the truth of tíhe statement he so often made to me, namely: “Jesus Christ is the one iaiid only essential.” It seems to me that his creed and his attitude toward life in general could almost be summarized in- the hytmn-couplet: "More about Jesus would I know, more of his love to others show.” It must not be understood that I aim not fully aware of the fact that Reverend Jonsson engaged in some religious controversies. He had con- victions both in politics and religion and was never afraid to defend his opinions. But in all controversial matters his viewpoint was ever broadening and he became less and less inclined to war over unessentia! differences. His was a keen mind, and he gen- erally was abreast of''the times and not infrequently ahead of his day and generation. Sometimes his ability to see ahead led to contro- HIÐ SANNA HLUTFALL milli $355,931.20 skattgreiðslu Winnipeg Electric félagsins til Winnipeg borgar og þeirra $66,751.74 sem City Hydro borgar til bæjarins Hefir Mr. Glassco rétt fyrir sér nú, eða liafði hann rangt fyrir sér 1934? i ársskýrslu hans yfir raforkufrarr.leiSslu bæjarins (City Hydro) fyrir áritS 1934, 4 2. bls. stendur—“Annar stór úUr.ialdaliður, sem aðeins að nafninu telst ekki til skatt- sroiðslu, sem er lan'frun fyrir vatnsorku og vatns skipulagningu.” 1 auglýsingu, sem City Hydro birtir 11. maí 1938, þar sem vitnað er til sömu út- gjalda, segir—“Enginn skyldi láta sér detta í liug að telja þessa borgun sem skatt, heldur aðeins sem borgun fyrir sérstök réttindi fyrir orkustöðina og kostnað viS tempr- un vatnsins á öllu vatnstemprunar svæðinu.” Þessar tilvitnanir eni tilfærðar vegna þess að Mr. Glassco dregur inn í auglýsingu sxna vatnsrentiina, sem borguð er til fylkisstjórnarinnar, til þess að draga athygll ínaiuia frá spursmálinu um hversu mikil að sé skattgreiðsla Winnipeg Electric félagsins til bæjarins. Mr. Glassco gerir að umræðuefni í undirrltaðri skýrslu sinni, vissar upplýsingar, scm gefnar voru hluthöfum vorum á ársfundi vorum fyrir tíu döguin, viðvíkjandi starfra kslu vorri á árinu 1937. Skýrsla Mr. Glassco neyðlr oss til að eyða nimi til þess að taka upp og birta AI/T það í skýrslunni, er þetta átriði áhrærir. Eftir mér er haft: “Þér veitlð þvl athygli að skattbyrðin fyrir áriö 1937 var $585,764.60 að meðtöldum fimm prósene skatt á heildarinntektina af járnbrautinni, gasolíu skatt, skatt á aðstoðarfélög og vatnsrentu. “1 þessari upphæð er innifaldir $355,764.00 borgaðir til Winnipeg bæjar á árinu 1937, eða 7.5 présent af heildarinntektum félagsins I Winnipeg, sem var $4,722,800.00. “City Hydro hefir auglýst og gefið út, að heildarinntektir sínar hafi verið á árinu 1937, $3,661,914.77 og skatturinn hafi numið $86,677.37 og af þessari upphæð var borgað til Winnipeg bæjar $66,7 51.84, eða 1.82 prósent af heildarinntektunum.” Skýringar minar innihalda þetta til viðbótar: "Þi'ss Ikt að gæta að City Hydro er iuuhuiþcgið frá vlssiim Doiuinlon <><- Provincial sköttum, scin Winnlpog Elcx-.tric félagið verður að borga, og a-tti því að liafa betrl aðstöðu til moii-i Irainlaga til bæjarins. " ' " ' “VV’innipeg Elcctric félagið hefir þessvegna af heildarinntektum, sem eru aðeins 29 prósent meii'j en City Hydro, lagt meira en fimm sinnuin eins mlkið eins og Oity Hydro, til bæjarins. Það skal tekið lrani að þetta tillegg frá Winnipeg Electric var af heildarinntektuin þriggja fé- lagsdcilda, livar af tvö, gas og strætabrautin, eru miklii melra liáð hrörnun og niikhim viðlialds-' kostnaði, en raforkndoildin. og liærri kaiiplHirgun sérstakh'ga á strætlsvögnuiium. Hinn ósann- gjarni llnmi prosent skattur á heildariiintektum af starfriekslu strietisvagnanna er flestum ljós.” Skýrslan var algjörlega rétt og í alla staði réttmætar staðreyndir, sem áttu að vera ttarlega skýrðar fyrir hluthöfunum á ársfundi félagsins. SVAR! Ijátið yður eigi glepjast sýn á því. City Hydro borgar engan SDÍKAN skatt. VVinnipegborg, er ieggiir skattinn á, og sem eigandi City Hydro, leggur ekki skatt á sjálfa sig. City Hydro borgar lieldur ekki skatt af inn- tektum til Sambandsstjórnarinnar, eins og Win- nipeg Electric gerir. Inntcktaskattur Winnipeg Electric 1937 var $26,365.49, sem borgaðist ein- gtiiigu af electric deildinni. City Hydro hefir lagt jioninga til biojarins af og til, en borgaði þó engan skatt sem slíkan, sem viðurkennlngu fyrir hlna ákvcðnu eignavirðlngu, en liyrjaðl árlð 1931 að leggja til bæjarins upp- lia*ð sem samsvaraði lögboðnum virðingarskattl þeim er Winnipeg Electric liorgar, samkvæmt fastelgnavirðingii og einnig lagt til bæjarins upp- liæð sem mun jafnast á við eigna og starfsleyfis skatt þess. The City Hydro lætur og f ljós að það liafi f hyggju að leggja íram $150,000.0$ á árinu 1938 til að jafna tckjiiliatln bæjarins (síns eigandn) sem er samt sem áður algjörlega frjálst tillag. og er ekki í nokkun-i nierkingu sem skattur. Eins er með hina lögákveðnu virðingu, sem á einungis við Winnipeg Electric og sem er til þess að þurka ekki að virða eignir á strætunum og önnur orkuver sem félagið á. ..Clty Hydro borgaði til bæjarins sömu upphæð á þessa sérstöku liði árið 1937, eins og Winnipeg Electric, en verðmæti eigna þelrra er TVéiI-’AI/r VIÐ VEKÐMÆTI EIGNA WINNIPEG EIÆCTRIC I/IGHT AND POVVER UTIDITY, og samanburður á heildar- inntektiim £ bænuin er sem fylgir: City Hydro $2,876,656.13 Winnliieg Electric (Electric Utility only) $1,798,099.00 Samkvæmt þessu ætti City Hydro að borga héruinbil tvisvnr sinntim eins niikið í stnðinn fyr- ir þá skatta er Wlnnlpeg Electric félagið borgar. HYORT HELDUR BORGAÐ SEM SKATTUR EÐA TIIÆEGG, ÞA ER STAÐREYNDIN SÚ SAMA, AÐ VVINNIPEG EIÆCTRIC SEM FíÆAG STARFR.EK.JANDI ÞRJAR DEIUDIR BORGAR 7.5 PRÓSENT AF HEIIiDARINNTEKTUM STARFRÆKSUU SINNAR f WINNIPEG f SKATTA, ÞAR SEM CITY HYDRO BORGAR EINUNGIS 1.82 PRÓSENT AF HEIDDARINN- TEKTCM SfNUM SEM TILIiEGG TIU VIÐHAUDS BORGINNI. President, VVINNIPEG EIÆCTRIC COMPANY versy, but almost invariably time ancl theVend of events justified his position. He was a born leader and it was easy for him to rally men around his standard. He was a brilliant spelaker, equally eloquent in his native tongue and the English language. He combined a poetic and dramatic nature, and his ser- mons and speeches were frequently charmingly beautiful prose poems. He had an unusually keen sense of humor and enjoyed to the fullest the society of kindred spirits. But to revert again to his years in Minneota, let me say that it was there that I knew him best and as- sociated with him most intimately. Although he was pastor of an Ice- landic Lutheran Church, he asso- ciated freely with the people of the community regardless of nationality and creed. ~iHis personality won for him fa’vor with all, and people generally looked upon hiim as one of their own. He and the priest of the looal Catholic Church were bosom friends, and their attitude toward each otiher had much to do with the spirit of friendliness and tolerance that has ever characterized the community. Reverend Jonsson’s charge in Minneota was not an easy berth. When he ' took up his work and residence there in the early nineties of the past century there were no automobiles, nor were there any but mud roads. He served four churches, and three of them necessitated many miles of travel to reach. Many were the days he faced blizzards on the open prairie behind a team of horses or drove for hours through rain and mud in tiis effort to serve his parishioners. Hardships never hindered him, and he was at the service of his people regardless of his own comfort. For twenty years he entered into the joys and sorows of the coim- munity. For twenty years he baptized, confirmed, married and buried members of his flock. He latighed with the gay and he wept with the sorrowing. He was in and of the life about him. He made friends easily. He was not onlv liked but loved, and his cheering. presence dispelled the gloom in many a home. The sick felt en- couraged by his visits and the dy- ing felt their faith susbained and re- vived by his prayers and benedic- tion. No profession touches life at so many points as does that of the pastor. He is expected to enter into all tihe activities of the people about him. He is their spiritual guide, their advisor in matters of the soul, and he is expected to have an interest in all their affairs and evince sympathy in the troubles and tri- uimps of young and old. A man must be many-sided, wise, patient and long-suffering even to approach success in a calling so exacting, so difficult, so responsible. Iti all the trýing turns of this soul shepherding, Reverend Jons- son reached a high level of effi- ciency. By unselfish devotion to duty and a remarkable capacity for understanding people and meeting situations well and wisely, he en- deared himself both within and without his congregations. Although it is now a quarter of a century since he left Minneota and so many of those who were near and dear to him have passed away* during that time, the memory of his years of service is fresh in the minds of all who lived and labored with him during the first twenty years of his first pastorage. He is re- membered, bonored, loved, by a people who today bow in grief at realization of the fact that he who was so imuch to them, did so much for them, entered so fully into their lives for a long period of years, is no more. Yes, Minneota will long remember the pastor who came as an untried youth and left as an able, experienced, middle-aged man. It is probably evident that this appreciation is written by a friend, written by one who sees with eyes of admiration. It is cheerfully ad- mitted tihat such is the case. But likewise it is insisted that the writer knows his subject and speaks trulv even though the words come from a heart filled with gratitude to one who meant so much to and did so much for him. Yes, “B. B.”—as he was often familiarly called — was a friend of mine. Altihough we were both past the first score of years when our paths joined, I feel that I may truly say that we grew up together. He was slightly my senior in age and greatly so in experience, educa- tion and abilitý. He encouraged, in- spired and directed me in many ways. He influenced me deeply in a religious way and he helped me to an understanding of many problems that puzzled and baffled. He was a true, loyal friend, and I owe him much. I venture this personal allu- sion because I know tihat in doing so I voice thoughts, sentiments and experiences that hundreds who have come under the influence of this man will underscore as their own. President James A. Garfield said on one occasion: “There is nothing in all the earth tihat you and I can do for the dead. They are past our help and past our praise. We can add to them no glory — we can give them no immortality. They do not (Framh. á bls. 7) Erlent trúboð Allir söfnuðir kirkjufélags vors eru beðnir að minnast þess að styrkja eftir megni hið erlenda trúboðsstarf þess á þessu vori og að senda tillög ,sín til féhirðis kirkjufélagsins, hr. S. O. Bj^rring, 550 Banning St., Wjinnipeg, fyrir 10. júní næstk. Einnig er athygli sérstakra félaga innan safnaðanna vakið á þessu málefni og þau beðin um liðsinni á hvern þann hátt, sem þeim er unt. Þá eru einnig margir einstaklingar, sem á liðnum árum hafa sýnt þessu málefni trvgð og styrkt það af efnum sínum. Það er vonandi að þeir og margir fleiri nú aftur leggi þessari kristilegu hugsjón lið. Trúboðarnir, séra S. O. Thorlaksson og kona hans eru nú nýkomin til Ameríku til ársdvalar og væntunr- vér þess að njóta þeirra á kirkjuþinginu er sett verður í Argylebygð 17. júni. Það þarf ætíð að vera ógleymanlegur þáttur Guðs ríkis hugsjónarinnar að gera allar þjóðir að lærisveinum. Minnist þesS, kristindómisvinir, og látið starfið njóta þess. K. K. Ólafsson, forseti kirkjufél. Business and Professional Cards PHYSICIANS and SURGEONsT DR. B. J. BRANDSON 216-220 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham og Kennedy Sts. Phone 21 834—Office tímar 3;4.3C Heimili: 214 WAVERLET ST. Phone 403 288 Winnipeg, Manitoba DR. B. H.OLSON Phones: 35 076 * 906 047 Consultation by Appointment Only Heimili: 5 ST. JAMES PUACE Winnipeg, Manitoba DR. ROBERT BLACK Sérfrœðingur 1 eyrna, augna, nef og hálssjúkdómum. 216-220 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham & Kennedy Viðtalstlmi — 11 til 1 og 2 til 5 Skrifstofuslmi — 22 251 Helmili — 401 991 Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson 205 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham og Kennedy Sts. Phone 22 856 Res. 114 GRENFELL BUVD. Phone 62 200 Dr. S. J. Johannesson Viðtalstlmi 3-5 e. h. 21« SHERBURN ST. Slmi 30 877 DR. A. V. JOHNSON Tannlæknir 212 Curry Bldg., Wiimipeg (Gegnt pósthúsinu) Sími: 96 210 - Heimils: 28 086 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. DRS. H. R. & H. W. TWEED Tannlasknar 4 06 TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS BUIUDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 26 545 WINNIPEG H. A. BERGMAN, K.C. Islenzkur lögfrœOincrur Skrifstofa: Room 811 McArthur Bulldlng, Portage Ave. P.O. Box 1656 PHONES 95 052 og 39 043 J. T. THORSON, K.C. íslenzkur lögfrœOincrur 800 GREAT WEST PERM. BLD. Phone 94 668 LINDAL, BUHR & STEFÁNSSON Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. W. J. Uindal, K.C., A. Buhr Bjöm Stefánsson Telephone 97 621 Offices: 325 MAIN STREET BUSINESS CARDS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CAREFULLY GOODMAN DRUGS Cor. ELLICE & SHERBROOK Phone 34 403 We Deliver J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 601 PARIS BLDG., WINNIPEG Fasteignasalar. Leigja hús. Ot- vega peningalán og eldsábyrgð af öllu tægi. PHONE 94 221 A.S. BARDAL 848 SHERBROOKE ST. Selur llkkistur og annast um út- farir Ailur útbúnaður sá bezti. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar minnisvarða og legsteina. Skrifstofu talsiml: 86 607 Heimllis talslmi: 501 562 ST. REGIS HOTEL 285 SMITH ST., WINNIPBG pœgilegur og rólegur bústaOur < mdObiki borgarinnar. Herbergi $2.00 og þar yfir; me8 baðklefa $3.00 og þar yfir. Agætar máltlðir 40c—60c Free Parking for Chuests



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