Lögberg - 16.02.1939, Page 9

Lögberg - 16.02.1939, Page 9
LÖGrBERO, FIMTUDAGINN 16. FEBBÚAB 1938 9 Verðlaunavinnendur úr félögum sveitapilta og sveitaátúlkna heimsoekja Internationai Harveáter verksmiðjuna Mynd þessi er af hinum yngri flokkum sveitapilta or sveitastúlkna, er tóku þátt í hinni konungrlegu sýningu í nóvembermánuði 1938, er þeir heimsóttu verksmiðju Inter- national Harvester félagsíns í Hamilton, Ont.'— t miðri annari röð getur að líta F. M. Morton, varaforseta félagsins og heiðursforseta framkvæmdarnefndar pilta og stúlkna íélaga í Canada í sveitum hinna einstöku fylkja.— Sextíu og fjórir verÖlauna v>nnendur, valdir úr drengja og stúlkna sveitaklúbbum í Canada, er til samans telja 37,000 með- nfri, heimsóttu nýveriÖ hina kon- nnglegu vetrarsýningu í Toronto ; var þeim veittur kostur á þessari ferö fyrir röggsamlegar athafnir a sviði búnaÖarins, svo sem fyrir ^úpeningsrœkt, svína og alifugla- rækt, kartöflurækt og ræktun mismunandi korntegunda. Undirbúning skemtiskrár hafði með höndum W. J. Elliot, for- seti fyrgreindra ungmennafélaga í samráði við búnaðarráðuneyti Alberta-fylkis og aðalskrifara sambandsins, A. C. MacLaurin í Ottawa. Flestum úr ferða- mannahópnum mun hafa komið saman um það, að heimsóknin til International Harvester verk- smiðjunnar í Hamilton hlyti að verða þeiimi einna minnisstæðust, þar sem vara-forsetinn, F. M. Morton tók á móti gestum og skýrði fyrir þeim hina marghátt- uðu framleiðslu frá hinu smæsta til þess stærsta, þar á meðal aðal búnaðaráhalda verksmiðjuna hátt og lágt, sem og þá deildina, er býr til bindaratvinna. í lokaveizlu, sem haldin var í verksmiðjunni, þakkaði Elliot fararstjóri International Har- vester félaginu höfðinglegar við- tökur og árnaði því framtíðar- heilla. 23rd ANNIIAL REPORT — JON SlGURDSON CHAPTER I.O.D.E. The following is a condensed summary of the annual report Presented at the meeting of Feb. 7. The Chapter has held nine •Peetings during the year. The Membership stands at 26 of whom B are life members. The aver- a6e attendance at meetings has ^een 13. During the year the *-hapter has lost a friend in the Passing of a one-time Honorary ^ce-Regent, Mrs. F. Bergman. It has welcomed one new member aPd has played host to some 20 v>sitors, always a pleasant fea- ture of the meetings. Cash receipts during the year have amounted to $258.51 and dis- hursements $256.74.N The cash as been raised by various means, chief among them being the sale °f Memorial Books, a bridge, a concert, and the annual tea. This nioney has been largely used for educational and charitable pur- Poses. Apart from actual cash ^he Chapter has provided vast ÚUantities of clothing and other necessaries for needy families. for the patients. This is supple- mented by small sums when necessary. The sum of $5 was spent for special gifts at Christ- mas and members took part in the annual Christmas visit to the Sanatorium. Welfare Miss V. Jonasson, Convener. Perhaps the most important of the Chapter’s work throughout the past year has been it’s wel- fare service. Calls have continu- ously come from distant points seeking aid, and these have never been refused. Twelve bundles of clothing have been sent to coun- try points, assistance was given in procuring glasses for an elderly lady. A gift of $2 made to an- other lady in need, $10 was sent to a bereaved mother and $17.50 was spent on hampers at Christ- mas. The approximate total value of welfare donations is estimated at $185.50. Knitting Mrs. P. J. Sivertson, Convener. Thirty useful articles have been forwarded to the municipal con- vener. These include seven sweaters, five scarves, 11 pairs of mittens, caps, boys’ suit, stock- ings, socks, etc., all designed to serve many urgent needs. Entertainment The Chapter held it’s annual March birthday bridge in the Federated church parlors, which netted $34. A birthday cake was donated by the Regent, tea and coffee by the Blue Ribbon com- pany, prizes by the T. Eaton Co., and Hudson’s Bay Co. A concert, also in the Federated church par- lors, under the direction of the secretary, brought in $35.82. The proceeds of the annual tea in the T. Eaton assembly hall was $62.78. Empire Study Mrs. B. S. Benson, Convener During the past year papers have been read and slides shown covering a number of topics. These have been presented in a most able and interesting man- ner. Slides of Norway, with par- ticular reference to the industrial progress of that country, were shown by courtesy of the Nor- wegian-American Line. Slides of Iceland, shown by Mr. A. S. Bar- dal, and slides supplied by the Manitoba Department of Educa- tion with explanatory comments by Mr. W. Kristjanson, a former I.O.D.E. scholarship student. A story written by Carol Hjalmar- son was read and a talk on ro- mantic Winnipeg was given by Gertrude Walker. Mrs. L. E. Summers gave a paper on The International Peace Gardens, and Mrs. A. Blondal on the Forest Lawn Memorial Park. A paper on (Framh. á bls. 10) reiáli þetta BORGARA FRAMTAK ORKUVER Educational Mrs. G. F. Jonasson, Secretary The major part of the educa- honal work has been concerned w*th scholarships. Fifty dollars Was set aside for the Jon Sigurd- Son Chapter, I.O.D.E, music Scholarship, and this was again W.°n ^y Miss Agnes Sigurdson. *ve dollars was donated towards e Coronation scholarships and 5 to a fund to assist a university student with his studies. Calen- t,ars’ hooks and magazines were Sent to Various school districts 9nd clubs. Hospital Visiting Under the capable leadership of Mrs. Thorpe and Mrs. Nicholson this work continues to be very ably dispatched. The St. Boni- *®ce Sanatorium and Deer Lodge Hospital are visited regularly and the sum of $2 is allowed each tnonth for the buying of treats AÐ UFAN: / Hinar nýju orkustöðvar City Hydro’s við Slave Palls I Winnipegf-ánni. AÐ NEÐAN: Aflgjafar orkustöðvarinnar. ciTy cyccc WINNIPEG’S OWN ELECTRIC UTILITY Fjórði viðaukinn við Slave Falls orkuverið, er nú kominn í gang, og verður orkutnagnið þar með 48,000 hestöfl. Þegar öllum orkuein- ingunum hefir verið komið fyrir, nemur orku- magnið 96,000 hestöflum. Þetta nýtízktt prkuver er táknræn mynd djarf- mannlegs borgara framtaks Winnipegbúa, er stofnuðu sitt eigið orkufélag, er á viðgang sinn að þakka hollustu þeirra við stofnunina. Meðal þessara stuðningsmanna telur City Hydro sér það til metnaðar að eiga fjölda Islendinga.



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