Lögberg - 15.06.1939, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg - 15.06.1939, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERGr, FIMTUDAGINN 15. JÚNÍ 1939 3 s eVk' ^a“Pa f — this rare old rye, for real rye enjoyment! ■ jfánzýn Z/a//erií- OLD RYE WHISKY PRODUCT OF HIRAM WALKER & SONS, CANADA DISTILLERS OF HIRAM WALKER’S LONDON DRY GIN No. 302—12 oz. $1.00 No. 301—25 oz. $2.15 No. 300—40 oz. $3.25 This advertisement is notinsertedby the GovernmentLiquorControlCommission.The Commiseion is not responsible for statements made as to quality of products advertised. \ annu besöker jorden! Unga sjunga rned de gamla sig församla jordens böner kring den störste av dess söner. Sálm þennan er a8 finna í ís- lenzku sálmabákinni, nr. 62, í þýðingu Helgaj rektors Hálfdan- arsonar. Sjaldan eÖa aldrei höfurni við verið við hátíðlegri guðsþjón- ustu. Allir sungu með eða höfðu að rninsta kosti sálmabækur, ann- að þekkist ekki í SvíþjóS. Það hvilir yfirnáttúrleg lyfting yfir jólaóttunni sænsku, og enginn, sem er staddur í Svíþjóð á jól- unum má gleyma því að vera viðstaddur jólaóttuna. (Framhald) Y.P.A. MEETING CLOSED JUNE 4th Eleven Different Conmmnities Are Represented at Amntal Event The annual convention of the Voung People’s \Association, which w,as sponsored by the societies of the Vidalin and Mountain churches, came to a close Sunday, June 4. The closing meeting was held in the Mountain church. Devotional exercises conducted hy Rev. H. Sigmar, Mountain, fornrally opened the association’s program in the Akra hall Friday evening. Eldon Hillman, presi- dent .of the Vidalin association, welcomed the guests and dele- gates to the convention and in- troduced the acting chairman Thos. Oleson, Glenboro, Man. Kev. S. O. Thorlakson, our missionary to Japan, was the Uiain speaker of the evening. He choose as his subject, “Our Ueritage.” Rev. E. Fafnis of ölenboro, Man., who is a di- rector of the association also uddressed the group and re Áðshments were served at the close of the program. Business meetings ere conduct- ed Saturday in the Vidalin 1 ch»rch in the forenoon and in the ' Mountain church in the after- Uoon. Thomas Oleson, vice- president of the association, acted as chairman in the ab- sence of Miss Vera Johannson, Winnipeg, who is president. Delegates and guests repre- sented eleven .associations. They 'vere: Gimli, Man.; Arborg, Man.; Cypire^s River, Man.; Glenboro, Man.; Baldur, Man.; Upham, N.D.; Bellingham, Wash.; Vidalins and Mountain, N-. D. A chicken dinner was served Saturday evening in the Moun- tain H.all and several short talks were given. Harold Sigmar acted as toastmaster. Dancing closed the evening program. Services were oonducted in all seven churches of Rev. Sigmar’s parish. Speakers were Rev. Fafnis at Gardar; Miss Olafson at Eyford; Norton Anderson at Mountain; Eggert Erlendson, at Hallson; Gissur Eliason at Svold; Victor Sturlaugson at! ever, this is the spirit of our for the success of the Club, I had Mr. Stevens, who had just had only to ask any of them and returned from a tour of Europe the wish was granted. In this and Iceland. In January we connection I must also mention listened to a very fine address, the loyal co-operation of the past illustrated by lantern slides, presidents: given by Dr. Warren of the Uni- Mr. J. J. Swanson, Mr. J. G. versity of Manitoba; my only Johannson, Dr. Thorlakson, Mr. regret was that we had not a Fred Bjarnason, Dr. A. Blondal, large attendance, but that was Mr. Th. E,- Thorsteinson, Mr. S. the loss of those absent. In Melsted. February we had with us our And last, but not least, our good friend and brother “Connie” promising immediate past presi- Johannesson who gave us an dent, Mr. Norman Bergman. illustrated address on Aero- Mention might also be made nautics. of our good brother Tryggvi | We have enjoyed some very Bjerring who has been a pillar fine addresses in this club, ana of strength and it is in large' many of our past presidents measure that we owe to him the have made their retirement the good financial condition of the occasion for delivering fine ad- Club, as he has done our print- dresses. It is unfortunate that mg gratis, but then, this is these addresses have not been nothing in his “young life” as he is always doing something for somebody, and I often wonder when he finds time to work for his living. This brings to mind a thought that sometimes comes to me when I meditate on our church activi- ties. We have among us so many men and women who are quietly, faithfully and unosten- tatiously carrying on thé work of the church, in social welfare, in Sunday School and in various Club activities, and yet when the trumpeting and cheéring takes place retire from the lime- light. We are too prone to take these people for granted. How BLANDAST VEl preserved, and I would recom- mend to future executive com- mittees that they obtain when possible typewritten copies of all addresses and events relating to the Club, for the records. Respectfully submitted, E. S. FELDSTED, President. Business and Professional Cards Fjalla and Rev. Vidalins church. H. Sigmar at organization which was founded on the words of our Lord and At the closing meeting of the Savious “I give unto ye a new convention the following ex- J commandment, that ye love one ecutive committiee and officers . another, even as I have loved were elected: Eggert Erlendson, J ye.-> Tonight we celebrate the president; Miss Ethel Kristjan- ioth anniversary of this Club. son, vice-president; Mrs. J Jarry ^ During its life there have been Johnson, secretary; Harold Sig- rnany suggestions and attempts mar, vice-secretary; Hal. Si- +0 make it a money-raislng and mundson, treasurer. Otlier mem- crusading organization. This was bers of the^ executive comimittee nol the intention of its founders. are John Stevens, John Snidal, -phere are two kinds of forces, one, the power of the storm, the Florence Johannson, Gertie Sveinson. Those who were conveners on different committees for the con-' lightning and the “the militant force.” earthquake The other is the gentle power of th'e sun- vention were Thora Bjornson, ghine and rain which make the Dons Bjornson, Sylvm Arason,' world bloom It is this power Marvin Hannesson, Mrs. Harry that we aim to put to work Jolmson, Katliry n Arason, Joe arr)0ng our members — the spirit H allgrimson. Erick Thorlakson, of brotherly love and good fel- Eggert Erlendson, Harold Sig- lowship. As an organization, we should mar, Hal. Simundson, Eric Sig- mar. Harold Sigmar ,and Lily Stef- guard against attempts to make it a lever for extracting money anson were chosen as delegates . „ .. „ , . . , f from íts members, but aim to to the annual Convention of tlie Icelandic Lutheran Synod which was held at Big Island, Man. —Cavalier Chronicle. President’s Retiring Address MEN’S CLUB, FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH (May 29, 1939) Dear friends: DR. B, H.OLSON Phones: 3 5 »74 906 047 Consultation by Appointment Orily Heimili: 5 ST. JAMES PLACK Winnipeg, Manitoba Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson 2 06 Medica! Arts Bldg Cor. Graham og Kennedy ats Phone 22 886 Rea. 114 GRENFELL BLVD. Phone 6 2 2 00 DRS. H. R. & H. W. TWEED Tannlœknar 4 06 TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith 8t. PHONE 26 546 WINNIPMSQ DR. A. V. I0HNS0N Dentist 506 SOMERSET BLDG. Telephone 88 124 Home Telephone 36 888 DR. K. J. AUSTMANN 410 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Stundar eingöngu, Augna-, Eyrna-, Nef- og Háls- sjúkdöma Viðtalstími 10—12 fyrir hádegi 3—5 eftir hádegi Skrifstofusími 80 887 Heimíllssími 48 551 create a spirit within its walls that will make each one a lever for good outside its walls. I am justly proud of the tradi- tion that has been developed in the Club and feel that it is established on a sound founda- tion. It has furnished a forum for the discussion of subjects of importan^e to the well-being of our country and local community. j During this term now drawing It was with reluctance that I to a close we have held sii: meet- again took on the office of Presi- j ings at which we have listened dent of the Club, but now that to several speakers, each dis- my term is drawing to a close, J tinguished in his own sphere. I am happy that I did so, as it i At the September meeting we has given me another opportunity had Rev. S. O. Thorlakson, deal- for close fellowship with the ing with some phases of the many fine fellow members. I Oriental situation, and also the feel that we have enjoyed a good Hon. Jonas Jonsson who was year in the Club. Much credit visiting Canada on a goodwill for this is due to your splendid tour. At our October meeting executive committee, who were ^ we celebrated the Golden Jubilee ever keen and willing to work of our church. In November we J. T. THORSON, K.C. íslenzkur lögfrœölngur 800 GHEAT WEST PERM. BEL' Phon© 9 4 88 8 J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 308 AVENUE BLDG., WPEG. f-asteignaaalar. Leigja hús. Ot vega peningalán og eldsáhyrgð ai öllu tægi. PHONE 26 821 ST. REGIS HOTEL 285 SMITH ST„ WINNIPBO pœgilegur og rólegur bústaOvr i miSbiki borgarinnar. Herbergi 32.00 og þar yfir; m*8 baðklefa J3.00 og þar yfir. Agætar máltlðir 40c—60c Free Parking for Oueiti DR. B. J. BRANDSON 216-220 Medjcal Arts Bldg. Cor Graham og Kennedy Sts. Phone 21 834—Office tímar 3-4.3Ó Heimili: 214 WAVERLEY ST. Phone 403 288 Winnipeg, Manitoba DR. ROBERT BLACK Sérfrœðingur 1 eyrna, augna, nef og háissjúkdómum. 216-2 20 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham A Kennedy Viðtalstlmi — 11 tll 1 og 2 tll 8 Skrifstofustmi — 22 2(1 Heimili — 401 9»1 Dr. S. J. Johannesson 272 HOME ST. STE. 4 THELMA APTS. á fyrsta gðlfi Talsími 30 877 Viðtalsttmi 3—5 e. h. H. A. BERGMAN, K.C. íslenzkur lögfrœOingur Skrifstofa: Room 811 McArthur Bullding, Portage Ave. P.O. Box 1666 PHONES 95 052 og 39 043 LINDAL, BUHR & STEFÁNSSON Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. W. J. Lindal, K.C., A. Buhi Björn Stefánsson Telephone 97 631 Offices: 325 MAIN STREET Thorvaldson & Eggertson lslenzkir lögfrœðingar a. S. THORVALDSON, B.A., LL.B. A. O. EOOERTSON, K.C., LL.B. Skrifstofur: 705-706 Oonfederatíon Liíe Blg. SÍMl 97 024 „ A.S. BARDAL 84 8 SHERBROOKE ST. Selui llkkistur og annast um út- farir Allur útbúnaður sá bezti. Ennfremur selur hann allskonai minnisvarða og legstelna. Skrifstofu talstmi: 86 607 Heimilis talslmi: 501 662



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