Lögberg - 02.10.1947, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg - 02.10.1947, Blaðsíða 3
L.ÓGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 2. OKTÓBER, 1947 3 Newsletter on the lcelanders In Northern Colifornia A News-Letter in Lieu of a Personal Visit THE MENU as listed in the post-script of our August Letter has woi'ried many of our friends, mostly because they missed out on the good eats! A few have worried lest Mrs. Thorlaksson was put to all the work of pre- paring these delicacies. Yes, she knows how to make them all and more, but being in a wheel- chair exempts her from such heavy work for the time being. The listed items were in the lunches of our various guests, laid out on a garden table and shared by all. We only furnished the cofíee and the place. * * * LEIF ERIKSSON CELEBRA- TION—This has been an annual event in the Bay Area for some time, but only recently have other Scandinavians realized that there was a sizeable Ice- landic group that also should participate in this National event. The State of California, by an act of Legislature recog- nizes October 9th as LEIF ERIKSSON DAY. We really want to make this occasion a time for the Icelanders of the Bay Area to rally. Let us show our fellow Scandinavians that we too have an heritage to com- memorate. The celebration this year is to be held at Ebell HaH, 1440 Harrison St., Oakland on Saturday evening, October llth at 8 p’clock. On the program will appear: Margrethe Thorlaksson, soprano; S. O. Thorlaksson Jr., violinist; and S. O. Thorlaksson Sr., speaker. Iceland’s repre- sentative as a flag bearer will be Mrs. Sveinn Olafsson of Berke- ley. Other special features are: a trio, Jenny Lind Chorus, and Norwegian folk dances. This is to be followed by refreshments and dancing during which time Hoiser’s Band will provide the music. Tickets are now available at 75 cents, but at the door of the hall the cost will be $1.00. Drop me a card or telephone, and I shall be happy to reserve tickets for you. * * * How often in life joy and sorrov/ come together! We have just learned that on July 26th a precious son, John Charles, was born to Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Fricke of San Francisco. Congratula- tions! On August llth Mrs. Olive Reinder (Mrs. Fricke’s sister) passed away after a long and lingering illness at Rich- mond, Calif., leaving a husband and daughter. The body was taken to Milton, N.D., and in- terred near the old family home. Our sympathies go out to the bereaved ones. * * * Sigurpon Olafss. is holding his own, still at the St. Francis Hos- pital. He expects to be at his daughter’s home in Palo Alto by the end of this month. He is able to raise himself on the left side and his power of speech is gradually returning. * * * Cousins vie with one another to enlarge the Family Tree! On August 31, born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Stoneson, a daughter, Linda Gaye. On September 1, born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. House (Eloise Stoneson) a son, William Mar- shall. Congratulations to both these (cousin) parents and also to the Grandparents! * * * • On September 3rd, sailing on the luxury liner, Queen Eliza- beth, Mr. Ellis Stoneson, builder and contractor of S.F. left New York to Europe on a business trip. What countries besides England, France and Sweden are on his itinerary, we don’t know, but he will tell us when he re- turns early in October. He did not expect to take in Iceland this time, reserving that country for a later pleasure trip! * * * On September 5th, at the home Við hvað, sem er, ber samvinnan beztan árangur. Þér gerið yðar hluta sím-afgreiðslunnar, er þér •GÆTIÐ SÍMÁHALDANNA. •HAFIÐ SAMTÖL YÐAR STUTT. •NOTIÐ FIRÐSÍMANN ÞEGAR MINST ER ANNRÍKIÐ. Kaldrifjuð og kostnaðarsöm ráðsmennska Lauslega þýtt úr The Evening Citizen, Ottawa af Jónbirni Gíslasyni Það verður með hverjum ill- spáandi augljósara, hverja þýð- ingú tilkynning Trumanns for- seta snemma á þessu ári, um stjórnmálastríð á hendur Rúss- landi, hefir fyrir Bandaríkin í heild. Bráðlegar afleiðingar gætu vel orðið hernaðarleg afskifti af innanlandsmálum Grikkja, jafn skjótt og Bretar draga her sinn j til baka. Vopnabyrgðir hafa nú þegar verið sendar frá vopna- búrum við Miðjarðarhafið. Ný stjórn var sett á stofn í Grikk- landi og var hún valin svo fjar- læg frjálslyndu flokkum þjóð- arinnar að skoðunum sem mögu legt var. Vopnahlé hefir skæru- herjunu mverið boðið með þeim skilyrðum að þeir leggi niður vopn innan mánaðar. Það vill svo til að þeir eru ekki aðeins á norðurlandamærunum, heldur og hvar um alt landið. Þar sem ólíklegt er talið að þeir taki þessu boði, mun vafa- samt hvort gríski herinn, sem þó er búinn amerískum vopn- um, er þess umkominn að þvinga þá til hlýðni; næsta spor- ið yrði því innflutningur her- liðs frá Bandaríkjunum. — Til samanburðar er athyglisvert að muna, að Bandaríkjafréttir telja rússneska innrás í Grikklandv yfirvofandi. Næst á eftir Grikklandi kem- ur ítalía. Washington segir að ítalskir kommúnistar, sem vinni eftir rússnesku klukkunni “hafi að lokum hafið baráttu sína fyr- ir ítalíu” hvað sem það kann að meina. Hið mes áberandi átriði í í- : talskri pólitík, er als ekki kom- múnista hætta, heldur styrjöld um völdin milli hinna frjáls- lyndu flokka þjóðanna og páfa- valdsins. Samanber samning Trumans forseta og páfans ný- lega. Þegar ítalíumálin eru af- greidd, bíða allar tegundir við- fangsefna alstaðar, alt frá Balk- anskaganum til Persíu og frá Persíu til Kína, og sökudólkur- inn sagður vera Rússland og kommúnisminn. Það lítur svo út sem þeir spá- menn Bandaríkjanna hafi haft rétt fyrir sér, sem töldu að nið- urstaðan af “tough polici” gegn Rússlandi, mundi leíöa af sér vanþakkaða ábyrgð, aukna hern aðarlega aðstoð víðsvegar og þungar fjárgreiðslur. J. G. of Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Plummer, the Icelandic Students Society farewelled Johann and Winston Hannesson and their daughter Winston. They flew to Iceland from here via New York on September 7th. Johann is the last of the “old guard” having come to Berkeley in 1940. Together with his Ph.D. in English Literature, he returns with an American family to the land of his fathers to a profes- sorship at the National Univer- sity in Reykjavik. * * * On September 5th, Mr. Krist Gudnason entered the Merritt Hospital of Oakland for a double operation. All went so well that he was home after 10 days and is beginning to feel like a new man. He affirms that he has nov/ another very good reason for offering his gratitude to the Almighty for all His Goodness. Krist is young with happiness in His Lord. • * * * On September 7th, Mrs. Thora Geston arrived from Gardar, N.D., to spend the winter months with her California daughters and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thor Blondal had a Garden Party with a few friends to welcome Mother Geston on the day of her ar- rival, also to welcome home Miss Joan Geston who had spent her holidays in the Pembina Valley. Helga’s “Kjæva” and “Pönu- kökur” with coffee, of course, were enjoyed by all. * * * On September 9th, Mrs. B. M. Hermann (Esther) betook her- self home to the folks in Gardar, N.D., for a short visit. She too is of the Geston tribe. * * * On September 14th, Steinthor Gudmunds of Berkeley, became 50 years of age. True to a good old Icelandic custom, this event had to be celebrated. This the Icelandic Students Society did at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sveinn Olafsson. Telegrams of congratulations came even from Iceland to remind him of the years that have piled up on him. We’re here to tell you that they don’t come any better than Stein- thor at 50! Congratulations! * * * On September 17th and 18th we attended the annual conven- tion at San Jose, Calif., of the Norjthern Conference of the California Synod of the ULCA. It was an inspirational fellow- ship, and it was indeed a privi- lege to share in the Visions and Work Done and of Projected Plans for Kingdom Advance-. ment in this area. We took this occasion to look up Icelanders who live in San Jose. Prof. and Mrs. Wm. Erlendson are well established there. He is a teacher of music at S. J. State College, also choir master at St. John’s Episcopal Church. He is a nephew of Rev. K. K. Olafsson, whose daughter, Aurora, has recently come to live and work in San Jose. We also visited Mrs. Sigrid Shaw (Nellie), formerly an Eriksson of Winnipeg. Her daughter and grand daughter are in the throes of packing, prior to leaving for Japan where Mr. Cooper is chief of a radio station ín Tokyo. * * * Did you all know that it was Edgar Knight’s birthday on the 18th? He won’t tell us how old he is, but we remember that we baptized his youngest son on this date last year. It is “K” who is the secret of his youth! * * * We read one day in Lögberg that Mrs. Flora Benson of the Columbia Press Staff and her daughter were enroute to Cali- fornia. A couple of days later we learned that she was already in San Francisco gathering news for Lögberg. The next day we were told she had already left for greener fields up north! We are sorry we missed her. We might have furnished her with some news items. We are afraid she was frightened by the extent of this area! Please come again and give us a chance to show you the beauty and grandeur of our panoramics, etc. Berkeley, Oakland and San Francisco are all a 3-in-l-City of the Bay Area. * * * On October 5th, Sunday at 12.30 noon, there will be a double Baptism Service at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 1135 O’Farrell St., San Francisco. The two boys, whose arrival was an- nounced in the June letter will be presented by their parents at the Font at that time. They are the latest addition to the Chris- topherson Tribe. * * * You are welcome to come and picnic with us in our Garden on Sunday, September 28th. If you can’t come then, remember your next chance is on Sunday, October 26th. Very sincerely yours, Rev. and Mrs. S. O. Thorlaksson. Business and Professional Cards H. J. STEFANSSON Life, Accident and Health Jnsurance Representing % THE GREAT-WEST L.1FE ASSURANCE COMTANY Winnioeg, Man Phone 96)144 DR. A. V. JOHNSON Dentist 506 SOMERSET BUII.DINO Telephone 97 932 Home Telephone 202 398 Talsími 95 826 Heimilis 53 893 DR. K. J. AUSTMANN Sérfrœðinpur í augna, eyrna, nef og kverka sjúkdómum. 215 Medical Arts Bidg. Stofutfmi: 2.00 til 5.00 e. h. DR. ROBERT BLACK Sérfrœðingur í aupna, eyrna, vef og hdlssjúkdómum. 401 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG Graham and Kennedy St. Skrifstofuaími 93 851 Heimasími 403 794 7 EYOLFSON’S DRUG PARK RIVER, N. DAK. íslcnzkur lyfsali Fólk getur panta(5 ’meðul og annaC með pósti. Fljót afgreiðsla. Dr. S. J. Jóhannesson SUITE 7 VINBORG APTS. 594 Agnes St. Viðtalstfmi 3—5 eftir hádegi DR. E. JOHNSON 304 EVELINE STREET Selkirk, Man. Office hrs. 2.30—6 p.m. Phones: Office 26 — Res. 230 Otfice Phone Res Phone 94 762 72 409 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 526 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Offlce Hours: 4 p.m.—6 p.m. and by appolntment Drs. H. R. and H. W. TWEED Tannlœknar 406 TORONTO GEN. TRUSTS BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smlth St. PHONE 96 952 WINNIPEG Dr. Charles R. Oke Tannlœknir Fnr Appointments Phone 94 908 Office Hours 9—6 404 TORONTO GEN. TRUSTS BUILDING 283 PORTAGE AVE. Winnipeg, Man. A. S. B A R D A L 848 SHERBROOK STREET Selur líkkistur og annast um Qt- farir. Aliur útbúnaður sá bezti. Ennfremur selur hann allskonar mínnisvarða og legsteina. Skrifstofu talslmi 27 324 Keimilis talslmi 26 444 Geo. R. Waldren, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Cavalier, N. D. Office Phone 95. House 108. PRINCEJT MESSENGER SERVICE Við flytjum kistur og töskur, húsgögn úr smærri Ibúðum, og húsmuni af öllu tæi. 58 ALBERT ST. — WINNIFEG Slmi 25 888 C. A. Johnson, Mgr TELEPHONE 94 358 H. J. PALMASON and Company Chartered Accountants 1101 McARTHUR BUILDING Winnipeg, Canada Phone 49 469 Radlo Serviie Speciallsts ELECTRONIC LABS H. THORKEl.SON. Prop. AThe most up-to-date Sound Epuipment System. 130 OSBORNE ST., WINNIPEO G. F. Jonasson, Pres. & Man. Dlr Keystone Fisheries Limited 494 SCOTT BLOCK SIMI 95 227 Wholesale Distributors of FRESH AND FROZEN FISH Manitoba Fisheries WINNIPEG, MAN. T. Bercóvitch, framkv.st) Verzia I helldsölu með nýjan oc frosinn flsk. 303 OWENA STREET Skrffst.Hlmi 25 365 Helina 56 462 SARGENT TAXI PHONE 34 555 For Quick Reliahle Service J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 308 AVENUE BLDG WPG Fasteignasalar. Leigja hús. Ct- vega peningalftn og eldsábyrgð. bifreiðaábyrgð, o. s. frv. PHONE 97 538 Andrews, Andrews, Thorvaldson and Eggertson Lögfrœöingar 209BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BG Portage og Garry St. Simi 98 291 GUNDRY PYMORE Limited British Qualitu Eú>h Netting 60 VICTORIA ST., WINNIPEG Phone 98 211 Manager T. R. THORVALDSON Vour patronage will be appreciated C A N A D I A N FISH PRODUCERS, LTD. J H. PAQE, Managing Director Wholesale Distributors of Frjsh and Frozen Fish. 311 CHAMBERS STREET Office Ph. 26 328 Rea. Ph. 73 917



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