Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.10.1963, Síða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 03.10.1963, Síða 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 3. OKTÓBER 1963 3 — Business and Professional Cards — ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAG ÍSLENDINGA í VESTURHEIMI Forseti: SÉRA PHILIP M. PÉTURSSON. 681 Banning Street, Winnipeg 10, Manitoba. Styrkið félagið með því að gerast meðlimir. Ársgjald $2.00 — Tímarit félagsins frilt Sendist til fjármálaritara: MR. GUDMANN LEVY. 185 Lindsay Street, Winnipeg 9, Manitoba Phone WHitehall 3-8072 Building Mechanic’s Ltd. Palntlng - Decoratlng - Construction Renovoting - Real Estate K. W. (BILL) JOHANNSON Manoger 384 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg 2 Minnist BETEL í erfðaskróm yðar A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Street Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarir. Allur útbúnaður sá bezti. Stofnað 1894 SPruce 4-7474 G. F. Jonasson, Pres. and Man. Dir. KEYSTONE FISHERIES LIMITED Wholesole Distributors of FRESH AND FROZEN FISH 16 Martho St. WHiteholl 2-0021 field drilling equipment was brought into use in 1958. The new drilling rig is capable of drilling wells down to a depth of 7,500 feet. At present 22 wells have been completed with this rig. Their depth ranges from 2,000 down to 7,200 feet. The total flow of hot water available from all wells in the city is about 5,000 gallons per minute and most of this water has a tempera- ture of 275 degrees F. This is a substantial addition to the capacity of the Reykjavik Mu- nicipal Hot Water Supply Sys- tem. The system is now being enlarged in order to serve all 75,000 inhabitants of the city. This goal will probably be at- tained in 1965 or 1966. Drilling for hot water and natural steam has also been carried out in a number of other places in Iceland. Be- sides the system in Reykjavik there are now in operation 4 other district heating systems in small townships. These are the townships of Hveragerdi, Selfoss, Saudarkrokur and Ol- afsfjordur. A substantial green-house industry is also based on natu- ral heat. There is now in Ice- land a great number of green- houses with a total floor area of more than one million square feet. In these houses mainly tomatoes, cucumbers ICELANDIC ARTIST IN DEBUT RECITAL By S. Roy Maley Rognvaldur Sigurjonsson, 45-year-old eminent Icelandic pianist, presented a debut re- citál in the Playhouse The- atre Wednesday night. The Icelandic National League, in association w i t h Celebrity Concerts, sponsored this in- itial recital of the 1963-64 sea- son. Mr. Sigurjonsson proved to be an able and serious pianist. He went through his program of Schubert, Chopin, Liszt and two items by Danish and Ice- landic composers, with techni- cal finesse and honest musi- cianship. In the process, he displayed a flair for a virtuoso approach to the keyboard, which reached its highest lev- el in Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz. OPENING DISAPPOINTING The opening Schubert Wan- derer Fantasy was disappoint- ing in many respects. It was imbued with considerable vi- tality, but its own lack of struetural cohesion was not minimized in Mr. Sigurjons- son’s performance. His read- ing of certain lyric passages (particularly the I^ flat sec- tion before the fugue) was nicely considered and care- fully phrased. But a fast-moving passage and flowers are grown. This is of great importance, as these vegetables cannot be grown in the open air in Ice- land. A total of about 50 swim- ming pools are now heated with natural hot water. These pools are of vital importance to sporting activities in a Country where swimming in the open air is hardly possible for a great part of the year. THE FUEL IS SAVED Interest is now concentra- ted upon the utilization of natural steam for the genera- tion of electric power. Drill- ing for natural steam has been carried out in a few locations, mainly in the thermal area near to Hvergerdi, which is a part of the Hengill thermal area. Altogether 8 wells have now been drilled in this area and these yield a total of about 300 tons per hour of steam at a pressure of some 100 pounds per square inch gauge. Plans are now being worked out to erect a 15,000 kw power plant in this area. The total amount of fuel which is now being saved in Iceland by the utilization of natural heat amounts to about 65,000 tons per year. In 1970 it is expected that the figure will be more than 160,000 tons per year.—Iceland Review. was inevitably reduced by Mr. Sigurjonsson to its sim- plest components — clear ar- ticulation at the fastest pace possible. The essential charm of the music, its inner warmth and distinction was thus hard- ly emphasized. Mr. Sigurjonsson seemed to warm to his task with the en- suing Sonata No. 3 by Niels Bentzon, the Danish compos- er. Tone color became more varied, with lyric melodies in the opening Allegro alternat- ing with darker, richer tone and dynamic accents. Ardor and intensity were displayed which made the work highly communicative. WORLD PREMIERE A 10-minute Sonatina by Leifur Thorarinsson was giv- en its world premiere. The opening Allegro offered a wide variety of rhythmic con- trasts, with sharp jagged stac- co accerits. There was a cer- tain lyric charm in the Adagio section, but the work as a whole conveyed little or abid- ing interest. In three of four Chopin pieces Mr. Sigurjonsson was both explicit and graceful, of- fering color and unsentimen- talized pathos — imaginative and yet undistorted playing. With simplicity of approach Mr. Sigurjonsson interpreted the Nocturne in E Minor, in Whieh the fine choice of tem- pi, the avoidance of a trace of sentimeritality and the control of tone all did their share in a perfect realization of the nature of this much abused favorite. The Ballade in G Minor re- ceived a fierce, poetic reading, in which lyric episodes were invested with marked beauty of singing tone and enhanced by imaginative shadings and nuances of sound. In the Etude in A flat major, which has been likened in eífect to the melodious rippling of an Aeolian harp vibrating in the wind, Mr. Sigurjonsson’s tone was too heavy, lacking requi- site refinement and delicacy. Superb technical qualities were disclosed in Liszt’s Me- phisto Waltz. Mr. Sigurjons- son has the dead-sure digital mechanism demanded for an accurate negotiation of the many technical intricacies in which Liszt’s fantastic compo- sition abounds. The frenzied climaxes were prepared with sufficient power and develop- ment to m'ake them stirring and inevitable. —Winnipeg Tribune, Sept. 19, 1963. Off. SP 2-9509—SP 2-9500 Res. SP 4-6753 OPPOSITE MATERNITY HOSPITAL Nell’s Flower Shop 700 NOTRE DAME Wedding Bouquets - Cut Flowers Funerol Designs - Corsoges Bedding Plants S. L. Stefanson—J U 6-7229 Mrs. Albert J. Johnson ICELANDIC SPOKEN Lennett Motor Service Operated by MICKEY LENNETT IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Horgrove & Bannofyne WINNIPEG 2, MAN. PHONE WHiteholl 3-8157 Crown Trust Company Executors and Trustees since 1897 offering a full range of personal and corporate trust services to Clients. We invite you to call or write us today. No obligation. 364 Main Strcet WH 3-3556 C. R. VINCENT, J. A. WAKE, Manager. Estates Monoger. Mundy’s Barber Shop 1116 Portage Avenue G. J. JOHNSON, Monoger 4 BARBERS Bezta og vinsælasta rakara- stofan í Winnipeg ASGEIRSON Painfs & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 SARGENT AVE. Builders' Hordwore, Points, Vornishes, Wollpapers SU 3-5967—Phonet—SU 3-4322 Benjaminson Construction Co. Ltd. 911 Corydon Avenue GR 5-0498 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Residentiol ond Commerciol E. BENJAMINSON, Monoger Goodman And Kojima Electric ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 384 McDermot Ave., Winnipeg 2 WH 2-7759 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA SP 2-5561 LE 3-4633 Evenings ond Holldays HAGB0RG FUEL LTD. Ph. SP 4-3431 Coal—Wood—Stoker—Cool Furnoce Fuel Oil Distributors for Berwind Charcool Brlquets Serving Winnipeg Since 1891 Capital Lumber Co., Ltd. 92 Higgins Avenue Evorything in Lumber, Plywood, Wall Boord, Ceiling Tile, Finishing Materials, Insulation and Hordwore J. REIMER, Monoger WH 3-1455 Phone WH 3-1455 Canadian Rsh Producers Ltd. J. H. PAGE, Managing Diroctor Wholesole Distributors of Fresh ond Frozen Fish 311 CHAMBERS STREET Offlco: Bus.: SPruce 5-0481 SPruca 2-3917 Virtuoso Approach by Pianist



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