Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.10.1990, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.10.1990, Blaðsíða 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 26. október 1990 lcelandic language classes ícelandic language classes have resumed in full force at the Scandinavian Centre in Winnipeg. As in previous years, the group of students is divided into beginners, intermediate and advanced classes. Svava Engilbertsdóttir, Árný Hjaltadóttir and Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir, all native speakers of Icelandic, will be the instructors this year. The students take the courses for a number of reasons. Some in the advanced group spoke Icelandic as children and now wish to be able to converse in Ice- landic with visiting rela- tives from Iceland or when they themselves visit the land of their forebears; still others want to learn as well as socialize with new and old friends. There are also some university students, taking Icelandic at the U of M, who would like to Nationa/ embiem rejected Plans to attach Iceland’s national emblem to the balcony ofAlthingHouse — home of parliament — in the old Reykjavík city centre have been shelved, following the National Committee of Architectural Heritage’s decision to turn down a request by parliament’s speakers to that effect. Althing House has been protected by law since 1973, with the committee resolving that changes to it could not be made except under extraordinary circumstances, and then only if required for the building to maintain its proper function. The national emblem does not meet these condi- tions, according to the committee, and its design would not serve to enhance the stone building’s exterior appear- ance. The committee maintained that there is no tradition for attaching the Althing House, prominently featuring King Christian IX of Denmark’s royal insignia at centre. Iceland’s guardian spirits can be seen above the first- floor windows. national emblem to official buildings, although Iceland’s past national em- blems — displaying a cod until 1904 and a falcon in the fourteen years that followed—had been affixed to Althing House from its construction in 1881 to 1918. Now to be found a place in the chambers within the building’s walls, Iceland’s present national emblem consists of a shield and the nation’s four guardian spirits — a giant, bird, bull, and dragon — and dates back to the founding of the Republic in 1944. While the national emblem will thus not adorn Althing House in future, the same can notbe said of King Christian IX of Denmark’s royal insignia, which was prominently — and permanently — placed on the building’s roof when Althing House was constructed. Sym- bolizing an age when Iceland bowed to Danish authority, the insignia is natu- rally protected along with the rest of the building. Courtesy ofNews from Iceland supplement their studies in speaking and comprehension. This interest in learning Icelan- dic is present throughout the west. People in Vancouver, Calgary, Gimli and other areas are also learning how to speak, read and write Icelandic. Lögberg- Heimskringla is interested in re- ceiving articles about their activi- ties and progress. The Frón classes at the Scandinavian Centre are charac- terized by an easy-going, friendly yet fun-filled atmosphere, a setting universally recognized by modern language teachers as being condu- cive to language learning. This was demonstrated in the advanced class’ fírst meeting. The two hour lesson was conducted in Icelandic alone; the students played a game which is called Frúin í Hamborg (the lady in Hamburg), the rules of which state that participants can- not say já, nei, svart nor hvítt (yes, no, black nor white). Needless to say, everyone had a lot of fun and uncontrollable bursts of laughter could be heard from their class- room. Even duringbreak, the group continued speaking Icelandic and one student got so caught up that she was about to fill out her course payment cheque with the Icelandic þrjátíu instead of the English thirty. Those who do not want to miss out on the fun should register as soon as possible by simply coming down to the Centre on a Thursday night at 7 p.m. or by contacting Frón members who are in charge of the classes. H.K.D. I I . . . the gift that lasts alí year i A subscription to Lögberg-Heimskringla is the perfect gift for those special | ní Innlnnriin rlnnnnnF nnrl fbnc Q Int-QnQPkorl ir» fho IO QIO n rl I r> hQnifonQ I people of lcelandic descent and those interested in the lcelandic heritage. | Subscription rate: □ Canada and USA $30. I Name:___________________;____________________ Code: I Address: __________________________ I City: _____________________________ 11^| Makecheques Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. payable to: Room 40 - 339 Strathmillan Road Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3J 2V6 ^ Phone (204) 83!-8952^ □ lceland $40. | _________________ I _________________ I _ I I I I Lögberg-Heimskringla Published every Friday by LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED Rm. 40 - 339 Strathmillan Road, Winnipeg, Man. R3J 2V6 Telephone: 831-8952 New Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1Q a.m. - 4 p.m. PRESIDENT: Robert V. Óleson VICE PRESIDENT: Gordon Thorvaldson EDITOR: Hulda Karen Dam'elsdóttir TREASURER: Bill Perlmutter SECRETARY: Valdine Scrymgeour BOARD MEMBEKS: Neil Bardal, Lloyd Chriatianson, Linda Cdlette, Tom Oleson, Bill Perlmutter, Sigurlin Roéd, Valdiiie Scrymgeour, Barbara Sigurdson REPRESENTATIVES: Dawn Rathwell, Rose Clyde, Uic Nordman, Helga Sigurdson, Baldur Schaldemose REPRESENTATIVE IN ICELAND: Magnús Sigurjónsson Umboðsmaður blaðsins áíslandi Skólagerði 69K6pavogi, Sími40455 Pósthólf 1457 Reykjavík Graphic Design: Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: Keystono Graphics • Printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $30.00 per year - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - $35.00 in Iceland - Second class mailing regÍBtration number 1667 - All donations to Lögberg-IIeimskringla Inc. are tax deductible under Canadian Laws.



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