Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.10.1992, Side 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.10.1992, Side 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla Föstudagur 9. október 1992 • 7 OCTOBER 26: THE CONSTITUTIONAL REFERENDUM COMINGTO YOUR MAILBOX SOON THE COKSTtTUTtOHftl AGftEÍMÍHT YOUR GUIDE TO CANADA'S PROPOSED CONSTITUnONAL CHANGES :ih \ Get all the facts! Many Canadions say they want more information before answering the referendum question on October 26. Between October 9-12, households throughout the country will receive an 8-page summary pamphlet that contains another publication - the entire unedited Constitutional Agreement, reached in Charlottetown, August 28. Please look for this information in your mail and take the time to read it so that you can make a truly informed decision on the upcoming referendum. If you haven't received this publication by October 13, coll the toll-free number below and a copy will be sent to your home. 1-800-561-1188 Deaf or hearing impaired: 1-800465-7735 (TTY/TDD) Canada



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