Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1999, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1999, Blaðsíða 2
2 » Lögberg-Heimskringla » Friday 26 March 1999 Experiences in Iceland We asked our readers to give us their responses to the following questions: 1. What was your best experience in lceland? 2. What was the worst? 3. What was the most unusual expe- rience or biggest surprise? Here are the responses we received. 1. Best experi- ence: swimming in Grjóta Gjá (near Mývatn, before it became too hot and no longer open to the pub- lic). 2. Worst experi- ence: trying to keep up to the language, while trying to translate for my kids at the same time! 3. Biggest sur- prise: the wonder of the midnight sun and the beauty of the dark- ness at Christmas; __________ must mention the fire- works on New Year’s Eve—they were indescribable. Lorna Tergesen Winnipeg, MB 1. Best experience: meeting fami- ly (and friends) who seem to appear out of nowhere and start parties. 2. Worst experience: renting a Russian car to tavel around in. It had a mind of its own—tried to get even with us for being descended from the kings of Russia—Rurik of Jutland (our fore- father). 3. Biggest surprise: I expected Iceland to be somehow “diflferent” all aound. I found the cities to be very much like other Eurpoean ones, but the countryside is unique. Most beautiful place—Vestmanna- eyjar. Most barren place—the interior. Best food tried—hákarl; lamb in peanut butter sauce; lamb sandwiches at 3 am from a street vendor. Tom Einarson Toronto, ON /' ' /■■ ' , v ,, * Jökulsárlón 1. Best experience: the friendliness of the people in accepting me as I was. 2. Worst experience: trying to drink an Icelander under the table... 3. Biggest surprise: the wind. Álthough I knew it was windy, I was still taken aback, literally. Thomas C. Wilson, Ph.D. Ottawa, ON Nine members of the Gudmundur Adalstein Magnusson family of Milton, ND had the please of touring Iceland for fifteen days during the summer of 1994. We spent nine days on the “Ring Tour” and the remainder of the time in Reykjavík. My response to your three ques- tions are as follows: 1. Best experience: meeting broth- ers Gunnar Thor and Paul Magnusson in Reykjavík where they féted our fam- ily with food worthy of any holiday. They and about fifty other cousins attended the gathering and enjoyed the treats. 2. Worst experience: there really wasn’t any since everything went oflf without a hitch and the native Icelanders were very gracious in their hospitality. 3. Biggest sur- prise: probably when one of our rel- atives spent hours driving from Blönduós to Akureyri and then tracked us to another relative’s home to share information on his ancestors and to establish how we were related. Since it was late June, the _________________ visit lasted into the late hours of the evening, and we were able to take pictures outdoors even though it was around midnight. Lola Magnea Mollner Colorado Springs, CO From a visit in 1977: 1. Best experience: seeing the beau- tiful country of my forefathers— unique! 2. Worst experience: none 3. Biggest surprise: a) seing the butchering of a whale b) being kissed goodbye by the hotel stafif at Hotel Borg in Reykjavík! Pauline Strand Portland, MD Letters to the Editor I was surprised to see the negative response to the article about Ragnar H. Ragnars by one of the readers of L-H. It made me realize what a problem you have catering to the various age groups of your readers. I want you to know the article was very important to me. Many people in Winnipeg remember Ragnar as I do and I think it is essential that his accomplishments should be kept for the record. I heard little about Ragnar after he left Winnipeg. I knew he’d moved to the north of Iceland. We always figured he was a confirmed batchelor so it was good to know he had been happily married. I can still see him in my mind’s eye striding down the wooden sidewalk on Hawthome Avenue to our home in North Kildonan, his mop of curly hair flying in the wind. He came out by streetcar and had to walk the almost one mile stretch from the end of the streetcar line which was located near where the Curtis Hotel now stands. Ragnar was our piano teacher. My mother, I know, considered him a musical genius. He was held in very high regard by both of my parents. I was surprised and pleased to hear President Grímsson speak so highly of Ragnar at íslendingadagurinn in 1997. Ragnar was a rare and special charac- ter and a man to remember. In my opinion, selecting that article for Lögberg-Heimskringla was very nec- essary and I want to thank you for your good judgement. You have a tough job and much as you may try, I’m sure you know you can’t please everyone. My best wishes, Agnes Bardal Comack Published every Friday by: Lögberg-Heimskringla Incorporated 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3M 2C3 Ph: (204) 284-5686 Fax: (204) 284-3870 E-mail: logberg@escape.ca OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 12:30 am MANAGING EDITOR: Gunnur Isfeld COPY EDITING: Harpa Isfeld BUSINESS MANAGER: Harpa Isfeld ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Sandra Duma LAYOUT, COPY EDITING: David Jón Fuller PRINTING: The Daily Graphic SUBSCRIPTITON: 44 issues/year: Canada: $35 Canadian -Manitoba, add GST & PST: $39.90 -other provinces, addGST: $37.50 U.S.: $44 US lceland: $44 US -PAYABLE IN ADVANCE- Must be remitted in Canadian or US Dollars. PRESIDENT: Kevin Johnson VICE PRESIDENT: Harley Jonasson SECRETARY: Julianna Bjornsson BOARD MEMBERS: Neil Bardal, Elva Jonasson.Shirley McCreedy, Paul Westdal, Kirsten Wolf, Melissa Kjartanson MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Jon Sig Gudmundson, Kentucky . \ll donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax-deductible under Canadian laws. ■W:W FUNERAL SERVICE LTD. at Stonewall, Teulon Service WithDignity DIRECTORS Serving the Interlake Area ROSS MacKENZIE DEANCROWE , Member-— Manltoba FuneraJ Sennoe Associatkin STONEWALL or call 1-800-467-0024 LUNDAR PHARMACY Keith and Davilyn Eyolfson Prescriptions, Drugs, Cosmetics, Giftwares, Stationery, Confectionery PHONE 204/762-5431 - LUNDAR, MANITOBA



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