Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1999, Side 10

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.03.1999, Side 10
10 » Lögberg-Heimskringla » Friday 26 March 1999 3celaniic ííntionnl IGcagnc ©rganiicö 1918 ilncnrporatcö 193 U 80th Annual National Convention Friday April 30 to Sunday May 2 The Bond Palace Hotel 65 Dundas Street East, Toronto HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE 1999 CONVENTION FRIDAY Optional trip to Kinmount Opening Ceremonies SATURDAY Topics and/or Speakers: Iceland visits Canada a Millennium Ago—L’anse aux MeadowS Presenter: Darrell Markewitz Report from Canada 125 Millennium Commission Presenter: David Gislason Increased Icelandic presence in Canada—Why? Presenter: Svavar Gestsson Millennium of Christianity Presenter : Julius Hastein Thorrablot: Host Gail Einarsson-McCleery Linda Lundstrom Fashion Show SUNDAY Annual General Meeting Business Portion Ad Hoc Committee Meetings Other important topics will be discussed. Please reserve as soon as possible for the convention (cost $85.00) and for your hotel accomodation. Hotel Reservations Direct 1-800-268-9390. Reserve before March 29, Quote #176. Please try to leave time Sunday aftemoon for additional discussions. For further information please contact: INL Secretary Helga Malis 204-642-5897 fax 204-642-7451 Convention Director Kristine Sigurdson 204-642-9020 fax 204-642-9030 10 7WOTORS ^RBORG P0NTIAC • BUICK • CHEV 0L0S • G M C Bruce Ball Sharl Ball Ron Rogowsky Mandy Huck Lance Frldflnnson Alvln Johnson Vanessa Fridfinnson Kím Masiak John Martens Allan Martin Kevin Johnson Mlles Gislason Dwayne Bardarson Boyd Benson Kevin Peterson Mark Sigurdson Bryan Gislason Steve Cecchetto Brodle Ball Tyson Ball Phone 376-2342 SVEIINSON ICONSTKUCTIONI Phonc Ciimli 64-2-8488 Winnipcg - Direct 757-2242 ■ COTTAGES ■ ADDITIONS ■ HOMES ■ DECKS Desígn Sekvíces Clif'f Sveinson STEVENSON’S FOODS • GROCERIES • FRESH MEATS • PRODUCE • • IN-STORE BAKERY • LOTTERY CENTRE • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 56 MAIN STREET OFOODFÚRE (204) 762-5714 LUNDAR, MANITOBA Meat Department 762-LEAN From Iceland to the New World—today Continued from page 5 When Asgeir (Óskar) Sigurðsson visit- ed Iceland the last time in the summer of 1996, he promised to receive me when I came on this pilgrimmage of mine. But he died suddenly in March last year. He lived up to his promise although it was not in the way we had discussed, when I planned this trip with him on the phone in February last year. But wherever I went and stayed on this trip, I sensed his nearness, yet nowhere as clearly as at his farm at Elfros. There I met relatives, descendants of Jón Sigurðsson, Ingveldur’s eldest son. I also saw the farms where my relatives had farmed, or lived. Clearly that these people have been very diligent and had good forsight. They chose good and beautiful land. I stayed in Elfros for just over a week. There my great-grandmother lived in her last years with her youngest son, Sigurður, and there she is buried beside her son, Haraldur. The end of my trip was at her grave. When I had reached this place I felt as if I had lived up to some duty I had been tmsted with. I had taken messages between those distant places. Now I only had to retum to Iceland. Hughe is a very energetic and tidy farmer. In winter he lives in Saskatoon, but does the farming at Elfros in sum- mer. It is noticeable how he keeps the same tidiness at the farm as his father did. Machinery and equipment all in order. The flats around the buildings all mowed and trimmed. Everyting the way his father did it. The feeling I had being among the descendants of the Icelanders who moved to Canada was very good. The strong likeness to the forefathers was unmistakable and the lovely demeanour of the people made me feel good among them and and gave me the feeling that I was welcome. The journey back went well in every way as planned and I arrived in Iceland on Monday July 14. In the summer of 1991 I travelled to Calgary. At that time I travelled to Vancouver, across the Rocky Mountains. I also stopped in Elfros. As a result I have travelled right across Canada, from east to west. The country is very beautiful with many contrasts. All the way from tall, steep mountains, lakes, prairie, and woods. Everywhere this blessed growth and a feeling of freedom which the wideness offers.



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