Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.03.2002, Page 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.03.2002, Page 5
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 1 Mars 2002 • page 5 FRÉTTIR • NEWS Canada Brian Edits Bogi Brian Bjamason of Surrey, BC has edited the writings of his father, Bogi Bjamason. Bogi Bjamason was bom and schooled in Mountain, ND. The farm he grew up on, which was home- steaded by B j a r n i Bjamason in 1889, is still in the family. Lynn, son of Tryggvi Bjarnason, now farms it. A f t e r Bogi died in 1977 and his mother moved into a smaller place, Brian found himself in possession of many heavy cardboard boxes, which contained his father's papers. After he himself retired after spending thirty-eight years flying for Air Canada, he started going through the papers. There he discovered a book. Brian notes that his father Bogi Bjarnason, edited by Brian Bjarnason was fluently bilingual, that he wrote in both Icelandic and English, and that "He was fussy about the English lan- guage and how it was used." At first Brian put together the edi- torials, short stories, poems, both narrative and quatrains and correspondence, for mem- bers of the family. The response he received made him realize that this was a book for a broader audience. Bogi came to Canada around 1910, and was the edi- tor of the Wynyard Advance during World War I. Later he edited the Westem Review at Foam Lake. Then, in the late 1920s he was the publisher of both the Lögberg and Heimskringla. In 1929 he moved to Trehearne, MB where he took over the Trehearne Times. When he arrived, he dragged out all the old subscription lists and sent a notice to everyone on the list, offering to accept payment in kind, given the hard times. As a result, the circulation shot up, the advertising shot up, and the paper flourished right through the 1930s. Bogi himself was successful as a result, driving an Essex throughout the Depression, and flying his own airplane, which he purchased in 1931. Bogi did not take out Canadian citizenship until 1935. Duming the First World War he was called up by the US Army, and went down irt 1918. His brother took over the Wynyard Advance in his absence, and Bogi sent letters from the front, his experiences both in training and in the trenches. In 1943 he retired and moved to the west coast. Because working conditions were so different there, he never worked at a newspaper again. The legacy of his work is now available in the book Bogi Bjarnason — His Words, published by Granville Press in Vancouver. It is available for purchaSfe online at: <www.creativeconnections publishing.com>. In Manitoba it is currently available at Tergesen's in Gimli. Gimli Chapter Generosity The Gimli Chapter of the INL/NA made the follow- ing donations during the year 2001: $700 to the INL for a bookcase for the office, $150 to the INL in memory of deceased members, $100 to the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba, $100 to the International Visits Program, $1,000 to the Community Health Centre and $900 to the Lögberg- Heimskringlci. The Raffle Committee, chaired by Benna Martin, offers some great prizes. The raffle is.the main fundraiser for donations to the Lögberg Heimskringla. The Club also offers an. annual scholarship of $500 for a graduate of the Gimli High School who is registering in a course in the Icelandic Studies Department at the University of Manitoba. For more infor- mation, contact Susan Wallis or Loren Gudbjartsson. The Gimli Chapter execu- tive this year is Claude Thorsteinson, President, Loren Gudbjartsson, Vice President, Laura Sigmundson, Past President, Susan Wallis, Secretary and Helga Malis, Treasurer. Gimli Chapter INL Newsletter, Winter 2002 Hraðast fer sá sem einsamall fer He travels the fastest who travels alone Icelandic Language Gimli Club Mandate Don Martin Gimli, MB Icelandic Classes have once again begun in Gimli. This is the fourth consecutive year for the classes. The first class was held on Tuesday, January 22nd and wiii be for ten weeks. This year we are very pleased and fortunate to have Elva Simundsson as our teacher. As was the case last year, we are again meeting at 7 pm every Tuesday in the Council cham- bers of the old Gimli Public School. The first two years the classes were organized by Don Martin, and for the first time last year, the Gimli Chapter of the INL agreed to sponsor the classes and to make the preser- vation of the Icelandic lan- guage a definite part of their mandate. So far this year there are twenty-three people enrolled. Members of the Icelandic class committee are Kristjana Stefansson, Sigga Nielsen and Don Martin. Claude Thorsteinson, the pres- ident of the Gimli Chapter was instrumental in securing Elva Simundsson as the teacher this year and is also an enthusiastic student. Marno I. Olafson, B. A. Financial Advisor Tel: 204.925.2058 Cell: 204.793.5000 Fax: 204.956.1296 Toll Free: 800.848.0580 E-mail: marno@wellwest.ca WELLINGTON WEST Financial Services Inc. Are you ready? The state of the economy and the resulting effect on tlie financial markets lias presented some great one time opportcmities... Let's take advantage of these opportunities, but first let’s start fresh with a financial tmie-up. s DRUG MART “Everything you want in a Drug Store” #546 HmsH |R E u I*n g-m (Ron Corrigal Pharmacy Ltd.) 377 Main Street Selkirk, Manitoba R1A1T7 Phone: 482-5600 Monday - Friday 9 AM - 12 midnight Saturday 9 AM - 8 PM Sunday and most holidays 12 noon - 6 PM Bankers & Traders INSURANCF BRQKERS INC. Jeff Kristjanson Private Insurance Broker HOME • AUTO • COMMERCIAL 10203-139 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 3W2 Telephone (780) 451-5755 Fax (780) 451-5110 ■ www.bankersandtraders.com Loren H. Gudbjartsson ^ MEng PEng KRAFTUR ENGINEERING Phone: 1-800-665-8326 E-rnail: Kraftur@mb.sympatico.ca BARDAL^#* FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORIUM Winnipeg’soriginal Bardal Funcral Homesince 1894. 843 Sherbrook Street in Winnipeg Telephone 774-7474 / <11? n unk* Riitt im Mtr 'ne'HkiBt m n rtrwr ntiY'rifitrN « nm t rin whitinMt



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