Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.04.2004, Blaðsíða 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday 9 April 2004_
Don’t worry,
the publication date. It is
encouraging because it shows
that the readers anxiously wait
for their paper. It provides them
with something they can’t get
elsewhere. It is a sign that the
paper is on the right track,
despite the fact that it is annoy-
ing not getting what you expect
Steinþór Guðbjartsson at the time y°u exPect il
Managing Editor 1118 mteresting. to note that
people do not complain that
It is encouraging to hear their þorrablót is not held until
from people who complain March or even April. They
about not getting Lögberg- know that due to the weather it
Heimskringla at the right time, may be wiser to celebrate the
that is, within a week or so from feast in the spring rather than
be happy
during the hard winter months.
They also know that they will
get their þorrablót, although it is
not necessarily held during the
month of þorri — the old month
of þorri spans part of January
and part of February.
One might assume that
these examples of different
reactions of consumers to a
delay show that some of their
basic needs have changed. A
closer look leads to another
result. There is enough food
around and if you do not get
your þorramatur during þoni
you know that it will be avail-
able at other tinres. In the mean-
time you can rely on other types
of food. There is, however, only
one Lögberg-Heimskringla, and
nothing can replace it. That is
the reason that subscribers
worry when they do not get
their paper on time.
In conclusion, there is no
need to worry. Though the delay
is annoying — and should not
be accepted — the subscribers
do eventually get their Lögberg-
Heimskringla, and their
þorrablót. That is a reason
enough to be glad.
Happy Easter.
Letters to the Editor • Bréf til ritstjóra
Dear Editor:
Dear Mr. Gerrard —
please... lighten up!
Susan Yost
Long Beach, California
* * *
Dear Editor:
Does a letter qualify as a
“submission”? The language of-
the internet continues to per-
plex (and sometimes irritate)
me as does its “shorthand”
which often neglects history
and sensibilities. I felt a jolt as I
“keyboarded” in the address:
“logberg,” which has less reso-
nance for me than “heim-
skringla.” Perhaps old loyalties
and ethnicities don’t fit very
well with the technologies of
the day, and that, quite simply,
is that.” Það er nú það.
Now, to my real reason for
“writing”: In the L-H issue
dated Föstudagur, 16. mars
1990, I came upon a poem,
attributed to Elma Helgason,
which is very heart-warming in
the spirit of Sumardagurinn
fyrsti. I’d like to be in touch
with Elrna, if such is possible,
to get permission to reproduce
it. At this time of year, birds
and versifying go together as
we look forward to the coming
season when we can chirp,
“Gleðilegt sumar!”
Best wishes,
Thordis Gutnick
via e-mail
* * *
Dear Editor:
I am personally excited
about some of the events that
are planned here in Iceland in
August. People have been ask-
ing and discussing such pro-
grams or events for many years.
Snorri is a program that
started for young people. It
gives youth a chance to come to
Iceland to experience the land
of their ancestors, meet some of
their relatives and meet new
Snorri began in 1999 and
has given many young people
the chance to travel abroad,
both to Iceland and also for Ice-
landers to travel to North
America. Snorri Plus was
launched last year for people
who did not qualify for the
youth program. There were 8
people that took part in the
inaugural program. It was a
resounding success — both
hosts and participants were
very pleased. Snorri Plus will
continue this year.
In the Snorri Plus Program
everything is arranged for the
traveller. Activities, accommo-
dations and transportation are
all included in the participant
fee. This year, participants get
the extra benefit of taking part
in the Homecoming 2004 Pro-
Homecoming 2004 is a
program aimed at establishing,
or reestablishing, links between
North Americans of Icelandic
decent and Icelanders. The Ice-
landic National League of Ice-
land, the Snorri Program, The
Emigration Centre at Hofsós
and the Government of Iceland
are all co-operating to organize
the event.
The main core of the event
is a two-day conference held at
the Cultural House in Reyk-
There will be various pre-
sentations on Icelandic culture,
nature and society, as well as
genealogical workshops. For
spouses and children, separate
events are an option.
It is a great opportunity for
business and organizaíions
from both North America and
Iceland to promote themselves.
I know I am going to use the
opportunity to promote Nordic
Trails, and I look forward to
seeing what other business peo-
ple have to offer.
The Homecoming Program
organizers are arranging some
trips but the options are end-
less. Even acconmiodation is
optional; maybe you want to
stay with family, rent a room at
a nice hotel or tent — you
choose. If there is something
that is somewhat negative, it is
the price. Yes, Iceland can be
very expensive, especially in
the summer months. The more
people that participate, the bet-
ter the pricewill be and the bet-
ter the conference program will
Homecoming 2004 has
been in the works for many
years. It was officially
announced at the Icelandic
National League Convention in
Minneapolis in April 2002. I
believe it actually began around
the time of the Year 2000
events, in particular the cele-
bration of the lOOOth anniver-
sary of the Vikings’ discovery
of North America. I think there
was a real shift in attitude from
people in both North America
and Iceland.
In particular, governments
have changed their attitudes
and spending to strengthen ties
between North America and
Iceland. Embassies have been
established and a push for
tourism launched. Without
going into much more detail,
the events and activities held
and still planned across North
America were awe-inspiring.
Now it is North America’s
turn to show some interest.
Some feel that Homecoming is
a one-time event; I don't agree.
I think it is the start of some-
thing that will grow.
It would be wonderful to
have a similar event organized
for Icelanders to attend in
North America. Icelanders are
very interested in what is goiog
on in North America.
Whether you prefer the
Snorri Plus Program or the
Homecoming 2004 choice, Ice-
land is waiting to host you!
See you soon.
Kent Lárus Björnsson
Reykjavík, Iceland
* * *
Dear Editor:
The Winnipeg Falcons now
have their own website, which I
created to make it easier for
people to find and remember
where the Falcons are on the
web. I would like to gather as
much information as possible
and have it available in this one
place for everyone to enjoy,
especially the younger genera-
tions who have yet to learn
about the Falcons.
We all know that many his-
torical treasures which should
be available for public viewing
are stuffed away in drawers,
envelopes or boxes somewhere,
eventually to be lost forever. I
would like to ask all L-H read-
ers who may have any Falcons’
memorabilia such as letters,
articles, pictures, etc. to think
about sharing them with the
rest of the world through this
If you are one of those peo-
ple, please e-rnail or write to
me so that we can discuss the
possibilities of showing your
treasures on the website. Credit
to the owners will always be
The Falcons are now at
My email is: bjohannes-
son @ winnipegfalcons.com
Thank you.
Brian Johannesson
Kitchener, ON
Published Fridays, 24 times
a year by: Lögberg-Heimskringla
206-900 St. James Street
Winnipeg, MB R3G 3J7
Ph: 204-284-5686
Toll free: 1-866-LOGBERG
Fax: 204-284-3870
Website: www.logberg.com
Office Hours: 1-5 pm. Mon-Fri.
Steinþór Guöbjartsson
David Jón Fuller
Catherine Lambertsen McConnell
Audrey Juve Kwasnica .
PRINTING: The Daily Graphic
SUBSCRIPTION: 24 issues/year:
Canada: $45 CAD
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lceland: $60 USDor$81 CAD
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All donations to
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tax-deductible under Canadian laws
Charitable Reg. # 10337 3635 RR001
Business # 10337 3635 RT 0001
• ALBERTA: Erla L. C. Anderson
Thomas J. Martin
• SASKATCHEWAN: Joan Eyolfson
• TORONTO: Betty Jane Wylie
PRESIDENT: Julianna Bjornson
VICE-PRESIDENT: Grant Stefanson
SECRETARY: Elva Jónasson and
Evelyn Thorvaldson
TREASURER: Bill Perlmutter
son, Ernest Stefanson, J.S. Laxdal,
Kris Stefanson, Walter Sopher, Rag-
nar Bergman, Vi Bjarnason Hilton
Jon Sig. Gudmundson, Kentucky
• BC: Norma Guttormsson
• CALGARY: Linda Bjarnason
• EDMONTON: Walter Sopher
The L-H gratefully acknowledges
the generous support of the Gov-
ernment of Canada through Cana-
dian Heritage's PAP program
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