Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.04.2004, Blaðsíða 13
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 9. apríl 2004 • 13
Mark and Dana Myrowich of West St. Paul, MB, are proud
to announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Evelyn
Myrowich, on March 27, 2004.
Brown-haired Amanda weighed in at 7 lbs, 10 oz, and was 21
It must be spring!
Susan Stephenson
Montreal, QC
Ki'istinn and Fiona Gilsdorf announce the birth, in Reykjavík,
of their first child. His name is Kieran Alexsander Gilsdorf and
he arrived weighing over 10 lbs.
The grandparents are Ásdis and Warren Gilsdorf, of Bel-
grade, Bosnia. Ásdis was a board member of the ICC-Q when
they resided in Montreal, and all are well remembered by the club
for their friendship, generosity and hospitality. The ICC-Q sends
its heartfelt congratulations to Kriss, Fiona and to Kieran’s amma
and afi.
Oddsons honoured for
a lifetime of contribution
At the February 21, 2004
þorrablót, June and Art Odds-
son were presented with a Life-
time Membership for their con-
tribution towards Icelandic
culture and to the Icelandic
Canadian Club of B.C.
Arthur Stefan Oddsson
was born in Winnipeg, Manito-
ba in 1929. His parents were
Sigurgeir (Geiri) and Valdina
(Val) Oddsson. His paternal
grandparents were Sigursteinn
and Ágústína (Eyjólfsdóttir)
Oddsson who emigrated from
-Iceland in 1883, residing first
in Winnipeg before taking up a
homestead in the vicinity of
Lundar in 1888. His father, the
youngest of 5, was born there
in 1903. Arthur’s maternal
grandparents were Jon and
Sæunn (Jónsdóttir) Stefánsson
who came from Iceland to the
Gimli settlement in 1883.
Some years later, they pio-
neered the shores of Lake
Manitoba near present day
Steep Rock. His mother, the Elin and David Horton, and
youngest of eight, was born in - Emily (2000) and Erik (2002),
Gimli in 1910. the children of Paul and Wilma
Arthur came to British Oddsson. The family was
Columbia in 1937. A sister, deeply saddened by the sudden
Carole, was born in 1939. death of Warren in August,
Arthur was fortunate to take his 2001.
confirmation classes with the June Evelyn Mathiason
highly regarded Reverend was born at New Westminster
Runolfur Marteinsson. The in 1933 of Norwegian parent-
family was later joined by age. Her maternal great grand-
amma Sæunn, who spent her parents, Hans and Ingeborg
final years with them. Every- Iverson, emigrated to Lacrosse,
one spoke Icelandic in her Wisconsin in 1863 from
presence, resulting in Arthur’s Trondheim. Hans later moved
ability to speak and understand to the West Coast, seltling
the language passably before along the Fraser River. Another
she died in 1950. pair of maternal great grand-
Arthur spent most of his parents, Ole and Mary (Lee)
career working in the primary Nelson, of Hitra, came to
industries of the province, join- Canada in 1889, settling at
ing Nelson Bros. Fisheries fol- Whonnock. Her maternal
lowing graduation from grandparents were Axel and
Fairview School of Commerce. Hilda (Iverson) Nelson of
After five years, he transferred North Delta. Her mother, Ruth,
to the Tahsis Company Limited born in 1912, married Jorgen
in 1952 as a trainee. In 1956, (Ronningen) Mathiason, who
Arthur and his young family came to Canada from Lille-
moved to the logging and hammer in 1927. Later a
sawmill operations of the Tah- widow, Ruth married Ray Ped-
sis Company, situated at Gold ersen of Tromso. After living
River and Tahsis on Vancouver in North Delta and New West-
Island. He returned to the Head minster for years, Ruth recent-
Office in 1960 when his field ly moved to Langley. June has
tour was completed. After 34 a sister, Sonia Brager, and a
years, Arthur took early retire- brother, Paul Pedersen.
ment from Tahsis in 1985. In Along with raising and car-
the following year he obtained ing for a family, June spent
a realtor’s licence. many years teaching school in
Arthur married June Eve- Delta, Gold River and Burna-
lyn Mathiason in 1953. A by. She continued studying at
daughter, Ruth Elin, was born U.B.C., earning a Master of
in 1954; a son, Arthur Warren, Education degree. June retired
in 1958; and a second son, Paul from teaching in 1996.
Geiri, in 1960. Their grandchil- Arthur and June became
dren are Alex (1988) and members of Strondin in the
Alaina (1992), the children of mid-sixties. Arthur was elected
a Director, serving as Treasurer
and Vice-President. He becarne
the first President of the suc-
cessor organization, Icelandic
Canadian Club of BC for 1968-
69. He has since served period-
ically as a Director. At present,
June and Arthur both serve on
the ICCBC Scholarship Com-
mittee. They have set up a new
scholarship in memory of their
beloved son, Warren.
Over the years, Arthur and
June have assisted with and
participated in numerous club
events and activities. Arthur’s
sister, Carole Robertson, has
also served as a Director and
Secretary of the Club. Their
daughter, Elin, has also been
involved in club activities.
After living in Burnaby for
many years, Arthur and June
moved to Langley in 2003.
Reprinted courtesy of
Courtesy of the lcelandic
Canadian Club of British
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