Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.04.2004, Blaðsíða 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.04.2004, Blaðsíða 15
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 9. apríl 2004 • Calendar of Ezsents Sunday 4 April Winnipeg, MB: Linda Lundstrom Fashion Show Brunch, 11-2 pm. Fairmont Hotel, Two Lombard. Featuring Linda Lundstrom in per- son. Benefit for Habitat for Humanity in cooperation with Boutique La Femme. Call Boutique La Femme 489-1663 for tickets ($40.00 - $20.00 receipt for income tax pur- pose). April 15 through June Winnipeg, MB: Martha Brooks at The Toad on Main. With local jazz artists Glenn Buhr, Michelle Gré- goire, Steve Hamilton, Rob Siwik, and more. Thursdays, April 15 through June. First set 8:30. Great food. Great jazz. Great pub atmos- phere. Friday 16 April Winnipeg, MB: Stories from the Sacred Earth. Earthstory - Kay Stone, Jane Cahill, Mary Louise Chown. Music by Sand, David Quanbury, guitar, Phoebe Mann, drums. Unitarian Church, Wellington Crescent. $8 advance, $10 door. Tickets: Prairie Sky Books. For info Mary Louise 489-6994 or Kay 489- 5226. Saturday 17 April Minnesota: lcelandic Hekla Club announces the 79th annual Sam- koma dinner, An Evening with Bill Holm. Minneapolis Woman’s Club. Sunday 18 April Edmonton, AB: Sumardagurinn Fyrsti where there will be an auction selling all new items to raise money for the Snorri Program. Calgary, AB: Sumardagurinn Fyrsti will be hosted by the Leif Eiriksson lcelandic Club from 5 to 9 p.m. It will be held at the Calgary Scandinavian Centre with. a potluck supper, com- plete with Tombola Raffle and other surprises. Cost is one “twoonie” per person. The evening will be complet- ed with a special presentation by Louise Krogh on her "Life as a Greenlander." For more information on this event, please contact Linda at (403) 241-0778. Middle Musquodoboit, NS: lce- landic Memorial Society of Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting at the Natural Resources Education Centre, 2-4 p.m. Guest speaker will be archeologist Brigitta Ferguson. Her presentation will be “L’Anse aux Meadows and Vinland: the First lce- landers in North America.” Everyone welcome. Lunch will be served. Wednesday 21 April Winnipeg, MB: The music of Harold Areln with vocalist Martha Brooks and trumpeter Dean McNeill, 8 p.m. at the Pantages Playhouse. Tickets $20, $12 for students, avalable at Ticketmaster. 23 April - 12 September 2004 Washinton, DC: “Nordic Cool: Hot Women Designers” will be presented at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Icelandic designers will be féatured. For more information, visit www.nmwa.org. 23 - 25 April 2004 Hecla Island, MB: INL of NA Con- vention 2004. Rooms can be booked directly through Gull Harbour Resort and Conference Centre at 1-800- 267-6700 under the lcelandic Nation- al League. Convention Convener Maxine Ingalls — jingalls @ mts.net or 204-482-9822. Saturday 24 April Winnipeg, MB: The First Lutheran Church Women invite you to their Spring Garden Tea from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at 580 Victor Street. Sales of home baking, meat pies, handicrafts, white elephant and touch and take tables, plus books, videos, and tapes. Handicap access. Sunday 25 April Winnipeg, MB: The "Past Time" Singers from Reykjavík, lceland, will present a short recital at St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church, Kingsway and Oak Streets, on at 12 noon. The Singers will feature lce- landic Songs, with English transla- tions. Be sure not to miss this out- standing group. More information can be obtained from Helga Ander- son (204) 453-7348, or the church office (204) 488-1130. Wednesday 28 April Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads True Confessions of a Heartless Girl by Martha Brooks, 7 p.m. Thursday 29 April Toronto, ON: lcelandic movie with English subtitles: Devil’s Island, by Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, at National Film Board, 150 John Street, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Join us before for a drink or a meal at Montana across the street. Call Carolyn for more info or to book, (905) 469-4917 Saturday 15 May Markerville, AB: Auction and giant garage sale, starting at 1 p.m., Creamery and Fensala. Saturday 29 May Markerville, AB: Viking Cup Golf Tournament, Gleniffer Lake. Thursday 27 May Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads Falcons Goldby Kathy Arnason. 6:30 p.m., in the lcelandic Collection Board Room, University of Manitoba. Thursday 27 May Toronto, ON: lcelandic movie with English subtitles: Seagull’s Laughter, by Águst Guðmundsson, at National Film Board, 150 John Street, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. A sneak preview of this film which will be released in Canada in the fall. Join us before for a drink or a meal at Montana across the street. Call Carolyn for more info or to book, (905) 469-4917. ICELANDIC CLASSES Montreal, QC: lcelandic Canadian Club of Quebec. Icelandic Lessons with Anna. Each Thurs. 7 - 8:30 p.m., Greene Avenue Center, 1290 Greene Avenue, $8.50+ $1 (room rental). annalu75@hot mail.com. Arborg, MB: Conversational lce- landic Classes started Wed. 22 Octo- ber at Arborg Collegiate. 7:30-9 p.m. Contact Einar and Rosalind Vig- fusson. (204) 376-2769. Winnipeg, MB: lcelandic language classes every Thurs. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Scandinavian Centre, 764 Erin Street. Introductory and interme- diate 1evel classes. Call Gunnvör for details, evenings at(204) 256-2143. Foam Lake, SK: lcelandic language lessons, Sunday evening, 7:30, Elfros Library, winter session now beginning. One-time payment of $5 to cover photocopying, then $2 each time you attend. Gunni Goodman instructing. For more information, call Stella, (306) 328-2077. Please note that entries to the Calendar of Events must be typed out as they are to appear. Send by e-mail: log- berg@mts.net, fax 204-284-3870, or mail, include date, place, time and other particulars. Deadline: Tuesday of the previous week (a week and a half before appearance). For more listings, visit our website at www.logberg.com ARGYLE Transfer Ltd. Specializing in livestock transportation Wally & Linda Finnbogason Stonewall, MB Wally 467-8822 Mobile 981-1666 Daryl 322-5743 Mobile 981-5460 NOTICE Lögberg-Heimskringla, Inc. Annual General Meeting Everyone welcome All subscribers are members of the L-H and eligible to vote on all matters, including election of Board niembers • Tuesday, April 13, 2004 7:00 PM Betelstaður 1061 Sargent at Erin, Winnipeg PHOTO: KENT LÁRUS BJÖRNSSON President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and his wife Dorrit Moussaieff at Internationai Days in Reykjavík. President up for re-elecíion Iceland’s President, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, has announced that he is running for re-election. He has held the position since 1996. Two other candidates have said they want to enter the race, but according to a recent poll, their support is barely measureable. The Prime Minister’s Office has announced that the election this summer will take place Saturday, June 26. —Daily News Forseti Islands sækist eftir endurkjöri Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, forseti íslands, hefur ákveðið að sækjast eftir endurkjöri, en hann hefur gegnt embættinu síðan 1996. Tveir aðrir men hafa lýst yfir áhuga á að bjóða sig fram til forseta en samkvæmt fréttavef Iceland Review reyndist fylgi þeirra í nýlegri skoðanakönnun varla mælanlegt. Forsætisráðuneytið hefur auglýst kjördag vegna forse- takosninga í sumar lau- gardaginn 26. júní. LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA n \ i? H" .. ......... .......'•■■■■.....II||'"!I!MBIW.. IJigherg stofnai) N.janúar IS8S ■ > • Heimskringla stofnad 9, september I88& Sameinuð 20, úgúst 1959 Visit us at www.logberg.com Subscribe Now! The perfect investment in your Icelandic heritage Your Icelandic Newpaper — 24 issues a year! Want to see what we are all about? Subscrihe for one quarter at 1/4 of the cost! mi Ífc-T- □ New □ Manitoba $51.30 (incl. 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