Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.06.2005, Blaðsíða 1
Itdgbrrg stafnað 14. jnmtar 1888
Heimtkringia ítofmð 9. scpttmber 1886
ScmwinHÓ 20. ágúu 1959
Friday 17 June 2005 • Number 12 / Númer 12 • Föstudagur 17. júní 2
Publication Mail Agreement No. 40012014, PAP Registration # 8000 119th year /119. Árgangur
ISSN 0047-4967
In This Issue
The official launch of the
Future Fund Capital Cam-
paign to raise $1.5 million for
Lögberg-Heimskringla takes
place June 17 in Winnipeg. It
is a three-year campaign.
the future
Dr. Ken Thorlakson has
spent most of his free time
spearheading the Future Fund
Capital Campaign, meant to
provide L-H with a stable fu-
ture / page 2
L-H’s biggest
Gordon Reykdal of Ed-
monton, AB, has donated of-
fice space to Lögberg-Heim-
skringla for the next five years
— and has also made substan-
tial contributions to the Future
Fund / pages 8,9
Raising $1.5
million for L-H
A fundraising campaign to provide for the future of Lögberg-Heimskringla is being launched today. See pages 2 to 11.
L-H editor to receive top award
Steinþór Guðbjartsson, the
Managing Editor of Lögberg-
Heimskringla, will be awarded
for excellence in ethnic print
by the Canadian Ethnic Jour-
nalists’ and Writers’ Club
(CEJWC) in Toronto June 24.
Each spring the CEJWC
presents juried awards to jour-
nalists for excellence in ethnic
print (best news story or fea-
ture, and secondly, for the best
opinion piece or investigative
reporting), radio, TV and Inter-
net. In addition, the Sierhey Kh-
mara Ziniak Award in honour of
the founder of CEJWC, goes to
a single person based on a body
of work celebrating Canada’s
Steinþór Guðbjartsson
is being awarded for the best
feature ethnic writing for “an
enlightening series on Edmon-
ton’s Icelandic community” in
Lögberg-Heimskringla. He is
the first Icelandic joumalist to
be awarded in this manner in
Canada and this is the first time
that Lögberg-Heimskringla has
gotten such national recogni-
Recent past winners in the
best feature category are Ashoke
Dasgupta, Winnipeg Free Press
(2004); Margaret Bonikowska,
Gazeta (Polish) (2003); Judy
Stoffman, Toronto Star (2002);
and Mrs. Mampreet Grewal,
Vancouver Sun (2001).
The CEJWC and its awards
program were founded in 1978
through the initiative of the late
Sierhey Khmara Ziniak, editor
and publisher of Byelorussian
Voice who felt the ethnic jour-
nalism community needed an
inclusive association of joumal-
ists and writers in addition to an
existing association which ad-
mitted only publishers of print
media. From its beginning CE-
JWC included editors, reporters
and freelance writers from print,
radio and television as well as
writers of fiction and poetry.
Links on the lake / |Bl* Gimli,Manitoba : Friday, July 29,2005
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