Tölvumál - 01.03.1982, Síða 1

Tölvumál - 01.03.1982, Síða 1
Útgefandi: Skýrslutæknifélag (slands Pósthólf 681, 121 Reykjavík Höfundum efnis áskilin öll réttindi Ritnefnd: óttar Kjartansson, ábm. 2. tölublað, 7. árgangur Grétar Snær Hjartarson Sigurjón Pétursson Mars 1982 FÉLAGSFUNDUR Skýrslutæknifélagið boðar til félagsfundar í Hátióarsal Háskóla Islands, fimmtudaginn 11. mars 1982, kl. 13.30. Á fundinum mun Philip H. Dorn, hinn kunni bandariski tölvusérfræðingur, dálkahöfundur og fyrirlesari, flytja erindi er hann nefnir: An EDP Manager's Guide to Survival. Sjálfur segir Philip H. Dorn um þetta erindi sitt: "A discussion aimed at the EDP Manager in this era of growing decentralization and dispersion of the "power" of the EDP Manager as end users increasingly buy their own hardware, install own micro-computers, buy programs, eíc. I have outlined an interesting "don't fight but join them" approach. EDP Managers seem to enjoy being told the truth." Óþarft er aó kynna Philip H. Dorn fyrir þeim, sem lesa erlend gagnavinnslutímarit og blöð, svo sem Datamation frá Bandarikjunum eóa norræna blaðið Data-Nytt, þar sem hann er fastur dálkahöfundur. Hér fer á eftir stutt yfir- lit starfsferil hans og viðfangsefni, birt á ensku, þar sem hætt er vió að efnið skili sér miður vel í þýóingu: "Dorn has been in data processing for 23 years. He has worked for System Development Corporation, Union Carbide Corporation, General Motors Research Laboratories and the Equitable Life Assurance Society. For the past years he has operated his own consulting firm specializing in evalu- ation projects, analysis of industry trends, acquisition studies and a wide variety of consulting services. During his data processing career, Mr. Dorn has dealt with a wide variety of technical projects including military command and control systems, graphical data processing, timesharing, machine room management and language and compiler design. Mr. Dorn's professional activities have include a term each as President and Vice-President of SHARE Inc., Chairmanship of the Metropolitan Detroit Chapter of ACM, membership in



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