
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Qupperneq 23

Bókasafnið - 01.04.1994, Qupperneq 23
Geymslusöfn Akjósanlegasta lausn geymsluvandamála bókasafna er sameiginlegt geymslusafn sem þjónar söfnunum með milli- safnalánum. HEIMILDIR: Gardner, Richard K. 1981. Library collections : their origin, selection and development. N.Y. : McGraw-Hill. Pors, Niels Ole. 1990. Dode boger og tomme hylder. Kobenhavn : Dan- marks biblioteksforenings forlag. Spiller, David: 1986. Book selection : an introduction to principles and practice. 4th ed. London : Clive Bingley. Wortman, William A. 1989. Collection management : background and principles. Chicago : ALA. SUMMARY Weeding and maintenance of library holdings Composed as guidelines, where the situation of public and secondary school libraries is mainly considered. The authors discuss the importance of continuous collection review. The term weeding is defined and two stages of weeding are described. The problems with weeding are listed and why librarians resist weeding, e.g. because size is considered to be synonymous with quality, lack of staff, expenses and because weeding is practically the selection process in reverse. Weeding procedures are ex- plained and the criteria used are noted and discussed. Weeding in public and school libraries is dealt with and the special problems rising in each type are discussed. Finally the authors point out that the most feasible solution of the storage problems of libraries is to operate a common deposit library which serves the libraries on interlibrary loans basis. Blindrabókasafn íslands Til sölu vegna flutninga, keöjudrifnir felliskápar af gerðinni Electrolux. Vel meö farnir. Nánari upplýsingar í síma 686922 hagtöluárbók Hagstofunnar í þessu riti er að finna yfirlitstöflur um land og þjóð, atvinnuvegi, utanríkisverslun, laun og tekjur, orkumál, verslun, samgöngur, verðlag og neyslu, fjármál hins opinbera, banka- og peningamál, þjóðhagsreikninga, heilbrigðis-, félags- og menntamál auk kosninga. LEOdlslhliigÍir 1993 nýtast fólki í viðskiptum, opinberri stjórnsýslu, við rannsóknir, skólafólki og öllum almenningi. Lsmdshsigiir 1993 fást einnig á disklingum í Excel fyrir PC og Excel fyrir Macintosh. Verð 2.100 kr. Hagstofa íslands, Skuggasundi 3,150 Reykjavík. Sími 91- 60 98 60 eða 60 98 66, bréfasími 91- 62 33 12 Bókasafnið 18. drg. 1994 23
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