Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1982, Qupperneq 20

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.01.1982, Qupperneq 20
20 SK.RÁ UM DOKTORSRITGERÐIR ÍSLENDINGA Ágrip af aðalhlutum ritg. hafa birzt á prcnti: Studies on the storage of herring in refrigerated brine. Proceedings ofthe Inslitute of Food Technologists, 1945, 91.—114. bls.— Comparison og various chemical tests for the quality of fish. Analylical Chemistry. Vol. 19, 1947, 892.-902. bls. Guðmundur E[rnir] Sigvaldason (1932-) Mineralogische Untersuchungen iiber Gesteinszersetzung durch postvulkanische Aktivitát in Island. . . . Göttingen 1959. Sonderdruck aus Beitráge zur Mineralogie und Petrographie. Bd. 6, 1959,405.-426. bls. 27/2 1959 Gcorg-August-Univcrsitát zu Göttingcn. Guðmundur Vigfússon (1949-) The averagcd Grecn function with applications to quasi-static plasma equilibrium. Án útgst. Feb. 1978. v, 198 bls. 8vo. Ljóspr. 23/1 1978 Ncw York University. Guðmundur Þorgeirsson (1946-) Effects of platelets on human vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cclls in vitro. [Clcveland] 1978. xiii, 199 bls., myndir, töflur, línurit. 8vo. 31/5 1978 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Oliio. Guðni Ágúst Alfreðsson (1942-) Use ofthe isomers oftartaricacid in the biotyping ofSalmonella typhimurium. Ópr. /2 1972 University of Dundee. Útdrættir hafa birzt á prenti í eftirt. tímaritum: Journal of'Hygiene. Vol. 70, 1972, 651.-666. bls. - Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica.Section 15. Vol. 81, 1973, 1.-9. bls. - Journal of Medical Microbiology. Vol. 8, 1975, 149. — 166. bls. Guðni Harðarson (1950-) Investigations into thc white clover lihiiobium symbiosis. Ópr. 3/8 1978 University of VVales, Aberystwyth. Útdrættir: Meðhöf. D. G. Jones. The inoculation of white clovcr (Triofolium repens L.) with Rhizobium trifolii in lceland. íslenzkar landbúnaðarrannsóknir, árg. 9(2), 1977, 39.-46 bls. — Meðhöf. D. G. Jones. Elfect of temperatureon competition amongst strains ofRhizobium trifolii for nodulation of two white clover varieties. Annals of Applied Biology, Vol. 92, 1979, 229.-236. bls. - Meðhöf. D. G. Jones. The inheritance of prefercnce for strains of Rhizobium trifolii by white elover. Biology. Vol. 92, 1979, 329.-333. bls. - Meðhöf. D. G. Joncs. I he inoculation ofLupinus noolkatensis Donn. with Rhizobium lupini in Iceland. Islenzkar landbúnað- arrannsóknir, árg. 11 (1—2), 1979, 49.-54. bls. — Meðhöf. D. G. Joncs. Variation within and between whitc clover varieties in thcir preference for strains of Rhizobium trifolii. Annals of Applied Biology, vol. 92, 1979, 221.-228. bls. Guðni Jónsson (1901-1974) Bólstaðir og búendur í Stokkseyrarhreppi. . . . Reykjavík, Stokkseyringafélagið, 1952. viii, 462, (1) bls., myndir, 1 mbl., 1 uppdr. 8vo. 12/12 1953 Háskóli íslands, Reykjavík.
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