Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1962, Blaðsíða 31
Preyer, ]V. nnd Zirkel, F. 1862. Reise nach Island. Anhang B. Systematisches
Verzeichniss der Gefásspflanzen Islands. Leipzig.
Rasmussen, R. 1952. Föroya Flora. 2. útgáva. Tórshavn.
Steindórsson, Steindór. 1961. Ný burknategund. Náttúrufr. 31: 39—40. Reykja-
Vahl, ]. 1840. Liste des plantes que l’on suppose exister en Islande. Voyage en
Islande et au Groenland, exécuté pendant les années 1835 et 1836 etc.
Publié par ordre du Roi sous la direction de M. Paul Gaimard. Minéra-
logie et Géologie par M. Eugéne Robert. 2tf partie. Paris.
Asplenium trichomanes L. found in Iceiand
Eythor Einarsson
Museum oj Natural History, Reykjavih
Asplenium tnchomanes L. was first recorded from Iceland, without any
locality, by Hornemann (1837), and, most likely, the record was based on
information given to him, or specimens collected there, by the brvologist
Axel Mörch, who stayed in Iceland during the summer of 1821. Babington
(1871) records it as íound in Budahraun in Snæfellsnes, West-Iceland, by
Mörch. Grönlund (1874) also records it from Budahraun, and says that
specimens from there are found in Mörch’s herbarium in Copenhagen.
Twenty five years later, however, no Icelandic specimens of this spicies are
in evidence in museums (Jónsson, 1899), and since it has been searched for
in vain in Budahraun by many botanists. Therefore it was thought safe to
exclude it from the Icelandic flora (Gröntved, 1942).
July lOth 1961, the present author collected Asplenium trichomanes L. at
Skaftafell in Öræfi, Southeast-Iceland, where it had been found, but not deter-
mined, by Mr. Halfdan Björnsson from Kvisker in Öræfi.
At Skaftafell Asplenium trichomanes L. is growing in rock crevices at the
altitude of ca. 100 m, where it was doing well and richly fructifying. Tlie
specimens collected are 8—26 crn high, on the average ca. 15 cm higli. Thus
Asplenium trichomanes L. really belongs to the Icelandic flora.